Gambling Man.

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So another few days have passed  and it’s been a Week since I have last gambled 

there have been no urges to carry on which is quite common for me these days in the early stages of not gambling. It would take at times a few months before I would be back to old tricks again splurging money, gaining it back then loosing it again. 

I no I am only a few steps away from becoming that reckless person of going over old ground again with my best friend and falling out with it in a instant. I need to breakup with it and I am feeling good that I am leaving it behind 

I need to keep focused and take things positive as they come  

so the latest step this week was exercise.

I have been out playing basketball each day since Thursday and I really enjoyed the difference and time out which seems to be clearing my mind brilliantly.

The next change is to look into my triggers which I am starting to become more aware of and implement other steps to keep me moving in the right direction 

it is now my time to beat this and i will not gamble tomorrow 


Posted : 21st July 2019 12:33 am
Forum admin
Posts: 6165

Hi @lordlucan ,

well done. Exercise and sport can really help to take the focus away from gambling so keep it up.

It's good to know that you feel like you're leaving the gambling behind. Please remember we are still here to support you and you can contact us on the netine or the helpline 0808 802 0133 from 8am - midnight.

In the meantime, please keep up the positive thinking.

all the very best

Forum Admin

Posted : 21st July 2019 9:36 am
Posts: 107
Topic starter

Good morning 

so today I am up early ready to start the working day.

its been a decent few days and I am getting stronger and stronger as each day goes  by moving away from the past nightmare that I brought upon myself 

so I have a couple of new steps lined up this week one which is already implemented.

The step that is in progress is the value of money.

the last time I gambled I was out with friends  socialising  and should of being enjoying this time not looking at ways of escape, 

i would say that the last 5 friend meetings for a decent night or day out with company has made me go back to my gambling ways with there definitely being a pattern to my actions of a compulsive gambler  

I have being asking myself why this has being happening?

the answer... definitely part greed, the opportunity to do what I want.  To  find the buzz and to  escape and slide into  a path of destruction. 

There are many reasons why I do this act but there is not really one I can pinpoint to myself as they all relate to me 

So I am looking at the first point mentioned which is my greedy nature

I find myself in the  current situation being very bad with money management.

i run my own business which is part to blame however it’s time I find a better balance in how I do things going forward 

before I was all about where do I see things months years ahead so I am now setting smaller targets daily for me  and weekly for the business 

my personal daily target is for each day I do not gamble I transfer money into savings account daily from anyway between £1 and £5

over time I will use this money wisely for times when I go out or want to do something 

this hopefully will give me better  value for what I have done and keep me focused and grounded and most importantly a sense of accomplishment of not letting this awful addiction get the better of me 

the second step is also something that has been stalled for many years

this Friday I have a meeting with a councillor which feels quite scary however it’s time to talk and open up about my past which has been held inside me too long 

Things are taking time to heel but it’s how I go about my day to day life that will be the making of me kicking this compulsive behaviour  

I wish everyone a fantastic day today. The weather is unreal enjoy the record temperatures in the UK 


Posted : 25th July 2019 8:14 am
Posts: 107
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Good afternoon

just a quick post to check in on another few more days of no gambling 

since my last post my daily allowance has been maintained where each day I am transferring small amounts in a savings account  to keep me focused on staying away from the awful addiction 

I have  had my first intro counselling session on Friday so this is definitely positive steps

my general mood has been mainly positive and focused with the occasional signs of unhappiness however things are definitely starting to level out again

I  just need to find that happy medium going forward and keep taking things one day at at time.

getting ready to head out and exercise shortly so that will help the sleeping 

i wish everyone reading a lovely day. Keep fighting the fight 






This post was modified 6 years ago 4 times by Lordlucan
Posted : 29th July 2019 4:21 pm
Posts: 107
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Hi everyone 

well today is officially the start of the English football season 

before I would in the bookies placing small bets to generate accumulators For ‘fun’ purposes however end up loosing hundreds on roulette for the sake of a few pound to generate a accumulator bet that would never win anyway.

i am getting close to a month not gambling and things are slowly getting better 

keeping fit has dropped off this week so I need to get focused back on that

counseling sessions are  underway

The daily savings account of moving small money as a reward for not gambling is at £40  in my savings account for not gambling for over 20 plus days 

positive signs = a positive mind 

lots still to work on but again I am on the road to recovery 



Posted : 3rd August 2019 11:13 am
Posts: 107
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Just a quick post 


The last few days have been mixed emotions with gambling it’s been difficult but there have been no personal urges  to carry out any despicable acts to gamble


i have however being thinking more about the consequences of what this horrible addiction can bring


the lying

the hiding 

the borrowing 

the emotions this illness can bring to hurt the support network around you that you choose to forget

taking advantage of other people

manipulating others

escaping what the real problem is about that has hurt you in the past and decide to gamble 

the hurt and the pain when you are gambling at the height of your addiction you provide to yourself when loosing 

the worry

not being open

not been honest

been a recluse 

and the hardest part admitting you have a problem but do not take the correct action and measures to help and support your recovery   


Today i I will not gamble 

Posted : 9th August 2019 3:01 pm
Posts: 107
Topic starter

Day 30 

Hi diary 

i have made it to 30 days not gambling 

its been a rollercoaster without doubt with its highs and lows but I have been a winner during this period and I can say that with pride today

each day I keep away from this awful addiction it certainly slowly heels some of the pain of my past actions 

So to summarise the last 30 days this is  what I have learned.

living day by day is easier than thinking about months years away 

exercise helps and breaking life’s Borden does support

setting smaller achievements is more realistic than long term harder goals to achieve

asking for help and getting support does help from the services out there 

posting on this forum expressing my feelings really gets things off my mind and i am  able to see  my thoughts clearer  to see what could help in my very good  future 

i have kept rewarding myself each day with  small money for doing well and maintained this 

i have learned from reading people’s story's and took great strength from people on this board  

and from a forum poster I have learned that Gerry Cinnamon canter is awesome

hears to the next 30 days  



This post was modified 6 years ago 2 times by Lordlucan
Posted : 11th August 2019 5:38 pm
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