Morning Blondie,
Just popping in to say i will be thinking of you today
Hopefully your day will be filled with lots of happy memories and not too much sadness, i said before i sure your Dad will be so proud of you in all your achieving and how you help others.
Take Care Blondie
Lucy xxxxx
Hi ya,
I too will be thinking about you today.
And agree with Duncs and Boston, he would be proud of the strength and determination you have put in to turn your life around 360. What better gift could a parent want ?
Take care sweety , I will be thinking about you all day.
Dusty xxxx
Hi Blondie,
I will be thinking of u 2day xx
Ur dad would be sooo proud of u 🙂
Stay strong xx
Blondie your dad will be so proud of you hope ur ok
Day 55 this one is for you dad. My dad learnt me lots of things as a child and an adult, he learnt me to have good manners , please and thank you cost nothing he used to say, he showed commitment and responsibility to his family , he instilled in me a good work ethic, and a real sense of fun for life, I inherited his wicked sense of humour his strength and his loving nature to always think about people less fortunate than me, he set an example of am honest man leading a happy life and appreciated the simple things in life. Gambling took away most of these values and slowly I am getting me back, so just for today I choose to keep finding myself again and regaining the person I an. Thank you dad I was blessed to have you and for that I am thankful . Happy farthers day I love you and miss you every day xxxxxx
You really said it all there this morning. I won't waffle for a change just stay strong today. Always take the positives and if you are struggling at any point re-read your post 🙂
Your dad did a great job with you buddy!
Big hugs to you xxx
Your Dad will be so proud of you.
That's all from me today.
That's a lovely post Blondie, beautiful. Your dad will be so proud with those words, who wouldn't? He'd also be so proud of you.
I never slept last night, couldn't. Kept thinking about Freddie 'snip slice snip' Kruger, had to sleep in the washing machine (havent done that since I was a kid). Worst of all though, this morning my hair had gone grey. Thanks for that. You know I'm on pills for me nerves!
Take care Blondie, keep strong, don't lose that smile, Steve, going through his second rinse cycle as he types.
Hi Blondie,
Wot a lovely post, u said it all so perfectly 🙂
I hope u r ok and keeping strong 2day xx
Hi Blondie, what a wonderful post to your dad, he'll be up there grinning from ear to ear, saying "thats my girl".
I spoke today on mine about how proud I am of my son, and without a shadow of a doubt, your dad will feel exactly the same.
You are a credit to your parents, and a shining example of how to get parenting spot on.
Thinking of you,
Day 56,
Yesterday was a mixed bag of emotions for me and it seems to have zapped the life out of me a little today, or maybe thats the 210 mile drive i did this morning, I am down south or is it up i never know on business today and tomorrow.
It was so emotional at some points yesterday I knew it would be, but i tried to fill it with some fun things like going to the top of quite a large hill with the doggie my boyfriend and daughters yes even the petulant 22 year old came lol and once we got to the top, rolling down the other side which was hysterical, and then crying like a baby on the way home because a song came on that reminded me of my dad.
I had a couple of urges last night but i was never going to act on them and i put that down to the highs and lows i felt. I really dislike mondays as i have to say goodbye to my boyfirend and im also away from home which although i do quite often with work im not particually fond of, im a bit of a home bird.
Overal today im pretty miserable but i know it will pass, 56 days ago i made a decision to stop gambling and to keep me focused im playing this song on repeat .
Thank you to everyone who posted on my diary I will be winging my way to yours very soon.
Blondie day 56.. Step by step xx
Hi Blondie, how u doin lovey ? I sincerely hope that yesterday wasn't too painful for you and that you didn't get too down. There are so many 'firsts' when we lose a parent and they are soooo hard to get over, but the old saying that 'time is a great healer' is one of the truest sayings there is. I lost my dad the day before my 28th birthday, he was found dead at work, 1 week before xmas, so I can relate to your loss.
Celebrate your dads life lovey and keep him alive in your heart, no matter how old you get.
I have calmed down from my bout of anger earlier, dunno if you use this phrase down south, but as we say up her "I was fit to be tied". Im not the kind of person who normally gets angry, I avoid confrontation, and prefer to say nothing rather than get involved , I find it such a waste of energy. Don't get me wrong, if I believe Im right I will argue my corner, but it takes a helluva lot to get me to that point, Im more a "whatever" kind of person- 🙂
Anyway buddy, I hope this post finds you well, keep strong, and remember, your dad would so proud of you - just as all your friends on here are.
Take care
Thank you so much Blondie for your welcoming post on my diary, I have actually been reading yours and you are shining in your recovery.
We can all beat this together.
Sue xx
Hi Blondie,
Love the hill story... sounds like you had a lot of fun!
I know yesterday would have been hard for you, but it looks like you came through it with flying colours, so a big well done to you!
Keep your chin up mate.. you've had a lot to deal with over the last couple of days and it's bound to get you down, but at least you didn't gamble so there's something to feel cheerful about!
Love that Whitney track...!
Take care mate and keep racking up them days!
Lmm xxxx
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