Happy 57th Blondie, hope you're feeling better, Tuesdays are not as good as Fridays but at least they're better than Mondays. Managed to get myself out of the Washing machine after 36 hours. Rolling down ***? Sounds brilliant, must try that one soon. Take care, drive safely, Steve.
Hi Blondie,
What an amazing day you had even if tinged with sadness, you did just great girl , be proud 😉
Hope you start to feel a little more settled today and friday now only a few days away till you can get back to your fairytale!
Thank you for all your support when you were having a tough time, your very special
Hope you have a great day
Keep Strong
I am trully glad to read you had a good no great day on sunday and am sure that you will in the future be rewarded for the endevour you put into your recovery, the weekends will come round with greater pace and I soo know you wont waste a minute!!!! Well done you.
Duncs stepping forward never back.
Hi Blondie, thanks for your posts lately, and you were right... just taking a deep breath and regaining my sight for the future, otherwise I am fine.
Glad to see you still strengthening and I did toast on Sunday and thought about you, glad to see you made it through the day with style.
thanks again
Hi Blondie,
Just wanted to offer words of encouragement for you....You have done bloody brilliantly, pat yourself on the back girl you soooo deserve it!
I hope to do as well as you in the future.
No actually I don't hope I will!!!
Sue xx
Hi Blondie, how you doing lovey ?
You are such a busy bee on this forum , you are one of our true inspirers, always there to pick us up, offer support, and say the right things at the right time, and for that I just wanna say - thank you !!
Simple as that 🙂
Take care
Howz that puppy blondie? Would love to see a piccy! Sending hugs incase you need them. x
day 57 i think....
Wow a busy 2 days long hours and lots of miles, and its only Tuesday.... Feel absolutly knackered, back to back meetings for 2 days sure takes it out of you. Just got home after picking woody up from doggie day care lol and youngest up from her dads... Can chill for a few hours and post on here. Not had a minuete really to think about how im doing, no councelling this week i seem to be putting it on the back burner and work is taking over, but i think im more aware nowdays that i need to not do that and take some time out a stressed blondie is not a recovering blondie.
I am much more motivated and focused in work since i stopped gambling and moral is good and results are visible im really pleased about that another positive to being gamble free.
I seem to be able to think about the bigger picture now without my head falling off, i know i cant go back to gambling to hide and i have to rely on myself and the strength i seem to be gaining day by day.
Lots of positives to take from the last few days even though its worn me out.
Onwards and upwards.... Thank you everyone as alwasys for your lovely messages and support it means so much to me and i dont think there isnt one post where i havent taken something from it to add to my armour to continue the fight. So for that i thank you all.
Blondie day 57 xx
Hi Blondie, Shazbott! Classic, I forgot about that. Really glad that you're in a good place mentally and emotionally. Don't get too overworked or treat yourself when you get back and settled (not more shoes). Still can't get over the hill rolling, I'd love to do it but all the kings horses and all the kings men wouldn't put Stevie together again, not with my back anyway. Better pass on that then. Hope Woody's ok (lovely name by the way). Glad my posts lift the mood, they're all true too, my life's a comic mess. Still it's good to laugh and smiling gets you through the day and keeps you strong. Take care Blondie and isn't it great not gambling, I'm loving' it. Steve.
Hi Blondie, geezo, your one busy busy bee , Im knackered just reading of your days !!lol
You sound in a wonderful place right now, your energy and zest for life is like a breath of fresh air 🙂
Thanks for your post on mine, once again, you get it spot on, and your words do so much to inspire me, thank you.
I love reading the banter between you and Steve, you'd make a great double act !! (now theres a challenge if ever I heard one ) hahaha.
Have a great day, take care,
Good morning to you , my fellow spy
Just read You can not remember how many days.
Me neither, or how many weeks, months , though I know it's not years.
I hit a point when the number of days became less important than the day it self. Like no longer clawing my day through to add on. More just choosing not gamble that day. Felt a bit lighter after that, like I was in control of the addiction rather than the addiction controlling me. But what works for one does not nessesarily work for another. Just wanted to share my thoughts with you, and hope you do not mind.Does this make any sense?
If not this message will self distruck, ..........
Have a wonderful day,
Dusty xxxxxxxxxxx
hay blondie...
Also going to pick up a certain doggy from day care this week and cant wait...
Its just a wee post as I am trying to catch up on all the diaries...aswell as reading your own diary I like to read it when we post on other peoples diaries so I look out for people I know there too...
Will leave it there for now until I can type without a clock ticking ...
Am now wondering if I have to work out the secret of another black magic box 007 type like our undercover fairy,...lol
take care lovely
Rach and nearly Doo xx
Blondie.. you do make me larf! (I like that spelling)!
Feel free to put as much useless information on my thread as you like..! I've just been reading some of your posts this morning.. you are hilarious! Soooo glad you are retaining your sense of humour on this up and down journey.. I lost my way for a bit but am starting to find mine again!
Your mum's right.. most important things first.. the smoking issue can wait!
Have a great day mate xxxx
now then now then... Day 58, ive decided im stopping counting at 60.. My next target is 90 i will count down to that maybe.... For me now the days dont seem important its how there spent that counts.
Im in an upbeat mood today the sun is shining inside and out and i might actually get some washing dry today, the pennines are beautiful but they have a lot to answer for in terms of the rain.... My boyfriend being a southerner is growing gills and webbed feet and sort of getting used to it.
I was thinking quite a lot on the way home motorway driving has got to be one of the most mind numbing things ever, I was thinking about when and why my addiction started im not sure if it was productive to go back but being an engineer by trade its in my nature to try and understand how things work.
I cant honestly remember the first time it GOT me, it creeped up on me and i never acknowledged it or accepted that i had a problem, I had a period of about 2 years where i didnt gamble compulsivly i stil gambled but it wasnt all consuming.
Before my dad died i had started gambling again, I missed my boyfriend, i was bored, i was lonely the usual rubbish reasons i used to gamble then when my dad died it was like a nuclear reactor had gone off, I know if i hadnt of stopped when i did i was heading for the cliff at an astonishing speed.
Ive said it before but its funny this recovery lark because today even though I feel calm i still feel i need to remind myself of why i stopped, I have no urges as such but its the mind games my addiction can sometimes play which i find a challange to deal with.
But im up for a challange now and a fight if needs be, so do your worst, today I will not gamble, Today is a great day it will be gamble free.
Blondie xx
Thanks for the post , yep not a truer word spoken in jest. Rain fall tomorrow rumour has it, so think I will do no more work I'm on strike. Just do not tell . ( remember the secret hand shake, ), i will sit in the sunshine, read and post .
Count downs sound like fun, Nt is really inspiring , but as i cheer him on I am seeing my life disappearing before my very eyes.
It's good to reflect on the past , but then file it away.
Today we are both happy , both playing naughty school girl bunking off, and thoroughly enjoying the weather,today both of us a cruising along that road of recovery, hod down , playing greatest hits from 76 .
Today is all that really matters.
Dusty xxxxxxxx
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