Oh Blondie, blondie, blondie...
What a freekin fantastic post you made today...Just look back at your first few posts to that one. You are where I wanna be...And I will.
Great big Well Done to ya!
Sue xxx
Thankyou for your post on my diary, which is much appreciated.
Congrats on 60 days and let me tell you how much I enjoyed reading your post today. It was an amazing read. You are an advert for someone who comes to the site and wants to work at turning their life around. You listed the many benefits you see in all departments of your life and if you are anything like me you probably thought at the beginning that you would be waiting for months or even years to experience these benefits. The truth is happiness is right around the corner for all of us. We just have to want it and be able to work at it honestly.
You have shown tremendous commitment to your diary and are an important member of the site.
Keep up the excellent work and enjoy the journey because believe me it just gets better and better.
Hiya Blondie .....
So glad your bobbins days are becoming a distant memory (manc..bobbins of cotton..rotten) ....
Giving you a big hug and wave from down the road ..coooo eeee..xx
You are so right....the power is within you ....you are in the driving seat,focussed and kick out anything that compromises that...
Whens this rain gonna stop?????
big hugs hun
Rach and doo xx
Day not counting but 30 days to my next target. The rain has finally stopted, was contemplateing arm bands and a life raft. I have been on this site 60 days and could never express what it has meant to my recovery but today I think about the people who have left, I cant find camerons diary so I assume he has gone, if your reading this pal, I wish you would come back I really do but its not my journey mate its yours so its wrong of me to say that, what I can say is I wish you well, I hope it doesn't affect your recovery and stay strong thank you for all your support. Xx
Hay hon,
You have a good weekend toooooo.
Absent friends hay.
Dusty xxxxx
Thanks for your post on mine Blondie....You always have something nice and encouraging to add.....It's people like you who make this site.
Sue...Day 8 xx
Hi Blondie
Hope you're having a great weekend and celebrating your 60+ days in style!
I'm sure even the weather can't dampen your spirit!
Have a good one mate,
Lmm xxx
Hi Blondie,
Just a quick pop in to say i hope your having a fab weekend !
Keep Strong blondie
Smiling Lucy xxxx
29 days from my next target .never for one minute thought I would make 1 day never mind 62 . My boyfriend is home I love weekends so much , long doggie walks with him and my little princess, cooking , dvd nights and lots of laughter . Gambling am could not be further from my mind at the moment, long may that continue. Thank you everyone for your posts I will catch up tomorrow with everyone. Blondie just for today I will not gamble xx
Wow! 62 days! Brilliant!
Your new weekends just shows you what life is like without this gambling demon attacking us.
So why gamble?!
Keep going!
Hi Blondie, just to say thanks for your concern in your posts on my diary, I can't express how much they are really appreciated, but they have helped me a lot.
Thank you. x
It is good to see that you are full of the joys of (a)spring, (b)winter, (c)summer,
(d)authumn: (delete as appropriate to the current weather)
Have a good week too.
Hi Blondie,
I'm glad u r having a gr8 wknd.... I hope uv bought some more shoes lol 🙂
Stay strong xxxxxxxx
Great to see the weekend was a pleasant one! I too find myself increasingly content at weekends! The only pain is the weekdays can be more challenging but if we always have a great weekend to look forward to we can certainly get through those challenging days!
That 90 day target draws ever nearer for both of us and I know you will make it 🙂
I know Monday's are generally your down day but hold on to the memory of a lovely weekend and look to the next one which gets closer by the minute!
Morning honey,
Battle ship grey, why do companies always do that.
But it's fine money spent on new work computer instead of paint , suits me down to the ground.
You seem to be a happy bunny today, bloody marvellous is all I can say to that.
Have a great day,
Dusty xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Blondie,
Thanks for your post. You're doing brilliantly. I will take inspiration from you to carry on fighting my gambling demons. I hope that you are having a good day.
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