I was wondering, what treat you could give yourself, to make Monday's just little bit better.
Obviously it would not make up for the BF going back, or having to go to work and talk about the exciting world of quantum physics.
But is there something. Say if you loved fish and chips you could have it for dinner every Monday.
Or saved up watching you fave programme and only allowed yourself to watch it on Monday's.
Do you sort of get my drift here.
Also siting in my grey office, at the stage of shall I start this piece of work or shall I log on and have some chit chat with my gamcare buds .
Obviously gamcare won, but right now back toooooo it, very serious disaplinary to conduct tomorrow, no more putting the work off. Lol
Dusty xxxxxx
Wow, I live practically at the start of the M62 so you live at the bottom of our road. Just goes to show that you never really know who your neighbours are.
You lying on the floor in Blackpool intoxicated made me laugh, we've all done that one time or another especially in Blackpool.
Hope you're feeling happier Blondie, in fact I know you are. Good advice from Dusty, imagining all those in the meeting were wearing waders. It's funny but when I'm bored going fishing I imagine all those around me are wearing suits.
Off fishing now, take care, you northern lass, be careful on dem moors. Steve
I'm going to take one wild stab in the dark here and suggest we don't go to the same GA meeting! My theory is built on the fact my GA meeting has only one lady attendee and she is 60+ I've decided you are not 60+ and also you are not In Birmingham!
I like your post today in that you almost seem to have the ability to brush off the cr** days! The positive Blondie still surfaces, the humour still makes an appearance, it's as if you are saying yep there will be rubbish days but I'm above those now and I won't let them beat me! In the past infact as you said for 20 years they would have beat you but not anymore!
I'm not sure if the site has always been this way but there certainly seems to be some real friendship developing at the moment between a few members! It's really lovely to see and I'm very pleasd to be a small part of it! I think there are a few members who are really incredible people and I would certainly put you in that list!
Make sure you make that meeting 🙂
Hi Blondie, thank u as always 4 ur kind words and continued support 🙂
I hope ur meeting goes well 2nite!
I hope u r feeling a bit more upbeat now, and I hope u enjoyed ur book yesterday.
I really enjoy hearing ur stories about Woody, and i'm glad he's distracted u this wk 🙂
I think u deserve a treat, maybe a new pair of shoes lol 🙂
Stay strong and keep going xxxxxxxxxx
hiya Blonide ...
loving your contribution there to the fun Blondie despite your tough days ...Dusty started the thread ....leading the little sis on....tsk!!!..it will end in tears.
so glad you are on this site too as from a comraderie point i often thought i was the only northern lass...M6 meets M 62 and your only down the road...
Sending big hugs (((((((B))))))) and some mashed or brewed tea!
Tucked up with Dot and thinking of you with Woody...
I think your doing fab Blondie and deserve that pat on your back that you don't feel you can give yourself....im giving it to you right now....////////
ps...good to see Steg at the end of the 62 too....my best pals live near the home of the diddy men ..xx
night nigh hun
Rach and Doo x xxx
Was kinda being nosey as I saw your post on Rach's diary! Glad you made your meeting sounds like you got that little shot you needed from it! I think I need to make it my aim to join in with the madness lol!
As Rach said don't hesitate to pat yourself on the back! Oh and we have something in common, we both made a great choice joining this forum!
Take Care
...just a quickie before bed...
Think our posts crossed there Blondie...also glad you made your meeting and no way was work ever going to stop you!!!
really glad you put you at the top of the list....you deserve it....
A mere 800 miles this week but tomorrow local...only 140 miles round trip....Prestonia way. xx
sleep tight Blondie.....have you got that torch under the duvet reading that book??..lol xx'
Morning Blondie,
Great to see you staying so strong girl!
Having woody seems to really help you, just to get out , clear the mind and stay calm , feels good.
Hope the meeting went well last night.
Is the book '50 shades' lol , i read it a few months before the hype lol and i want a Mr.Grey even if he is '50 shades' lol lol sounds just my type lol lol enough said , glad the men have'nt read it!
Take Care Blondie and have a fab bet free day
Smiling Lucy xxx
24 days to my next target 90 days 🙂
So the day whatevers seem to have passed which is good, I got to my G.A meeting last night and im so glad i made the effort, weaving through accidents and nissan micra drivers on the motorway shouting "Get out of my way you fools" seems to have got me home in time. 🙂
My day started quite nice yesterday I went to fill up in the garage and was walking to pay when some random man said " You look lovely this morning and that colour really suits you" I was wearing a pink dress (office attire), which sort of made me bounce a bit into the office, it made me think what an impact what we say and how we say things can have on people and also i thought "Yeah ive still got it" lol.
Its nice to be nice to people, everyone is fighting there own individual battles with life every day and you have no idea what they are so a kind word goes a long way which is why i love this forum so much and also im learning to be so much more patient with people and actually listen to what there saying.
If im honest when i first went to my G.A meeting my first thought (and someone once told me your not responsible for your first thought but you are your second) anyway my first thought was, "These lot are a bunch of nutters" My second thought was "Actually these people are individuals who are fighting there own demons, in there own way, they are kind and compasionate, they are wise and funny and like fingerprints no 2 are the same.
Im becoming more open and humble and accepting of that fact and i find it opens a whole new avenue of thought for me.
I love G.A and i love what it stands for unity in a battle to fight a disease that brings people to there knees.
Ive taken my medicine and im ready to pick up the baton again and carry on with the help support and giggles from all you rabble on here.. So thank you as i said on someones diary last night... Joining this site is the single best thing i ever did for my recovry.
Happy friday everyone....... Have a fantabulous weekend.
Blondie xxx
Hiya glad to hear things are going well. Not long now to that 90 day mark.
Thanks for your post, not sure I'm up to a GA meeting but I think I'll try the online version sooner rather than later. Plenty to read and listen to on there site for the time being.
Thanks again and keep fighting the good fight.
had to have a wee chuckle at you post re: GA meetings, having only been to a few, my first thought was much like yours," what I am doing with this bunch!!" now I can see the individuals and the stories that these people have to tell, and much like mine we have all caused so much pain and hurt. It costs us nothing to be nice, but can have such a major effect on other people.
Just for today I will exercise my soul in three ways: I will do somebody a good turn, and not get found out; if anybody knows of it, it will not count; ........
who would honestly have given a monkeys about anyone else while gambling!, certainly not me.
Stay strong
Hi BB, sorry I lost my concentration there for a second, my mind wandered. Oh yeah thanks for the post, I remember reading about the US Saratoga, 2500 went in but only a handful came out alive. Those that did took weeks just to get the smiles off their faces.
50 shades of grey, I haven't read it yet but i believe it's good. Don't know what it's about but I know it's a best seller, I've ordered it off amazon for me mams birthday. Hope there's no swearing in it, she likes stuff that's easy to read, like Catherine Cookson etc.
So BB, sorry my mind wandered then again, where was I oh yes glad you're well, you'll soon be bouncing, erm I mean running up and down those dales with Woody n'all. Anyway take care, keep smiling.
P.s. I was only kidding about the book and me mam, I starred in the film version of it a few years back when I was working in B&Q, great fun. Take care BB, ohh where was I, better get that cold shower. Steve
Hi Blondie,
Thanks for your message. I am planning to keep ticking off those days. My next target is 20 days. You are doing great. I hope that you are having a good day and that you have a great weekend.
Take care
Dave 🙂
Hi Blondie,
Thanks for your supporting post..means a lot!
Firstly stergordon (?) post made me wet myself...lol
As for random person giving you a compliment.....Sometimes other people see what you dont girl....Me thinks blondie bit of a model now!
Oh and congrats on the meetings...love your description of the night...food for thought!
Well done blondie!
Sue xx
Great post blondie as scotter once said its nice to be important but its more important to be nice haha.
Ur rite what you said on my diary about you posting on other peoples diaries helps you, we have to give it away to receive it
Have a great weekend with the bf
stay strong
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