Hiya Blondie...
See you are getting those priorities right and setting boundries about what is and isnt your stuff...literally...
Your support always is appreciated and also give me a real laugh...
I haven't started that book either but its on my to do list....will need an afternoon of rain and being housebound to begin it....lol
Loved those film titles and still chuckling...
Have a super weekend hun...15 of us are doggy walking this weekend down the beach xx
Rach and dotty xx
23 days to my next target (90 days).
Lazy morning in bed, BF gone to get his ears lowered , and bringing back junk food for a cooked breakfast.
Had a few tears this morning thinking about my dad (greys anatomy it gets me everytime) , I miss my dad and like most things it comes in waves, I wish sometimes i had a grave to go and sit by but he would of hated that, he always said when i go you can put me in a walkers crisp box lol.
Child free tonight, so the pictures or a nice meal out is on the cards , youngest is at her friends for a sleepover and eldest it as the stone roses concert, wish i had got tickets for that now.
I feel a calm today not much churning round in the old grey matter long may it continue.
Hope everyone has a nice weekend, thanks for all your posts.
Sounds good Blondie... may fry myself up something nasty but tasty in a bit.... demand all the trimmings!
And something to look forward to tonight. Make the most of it... doesn't happen often when you have two of "them" that they both plan something on the same night.
I will take this opportunity to thank you aswell. As I wrote on Rach's diary, I feel I now have 2 outlets on here, a serious one and an " everything else" one. You have and are still helping me on that path. For that I say "thanks" and long live the BB's... although I am not sure Rach has quite figured it out yet.... think she is thinking of implants cos she doesn't want to feel left out ;O)
Afternoon my lovely,
Greys anatomy , oh my god have to multi buy the tissues. My fav programme, my idea of heaven.
3 days away , in a country hotel , on my own watching greys back to back. Wispa in hand , plus addictional packets of choc biscuits under the bed.
Forget the Bahamas, forget Sandles give me Greys every time.
Kids gone , place to yourself, best be lying in bed speed reading that book hoping there's a rather long cue in the barbers , if you ask me, no wasting those golden opportunities Miss BB.
Won't be thinking of you for once, think you know why. Lol
Dusty xxxxxxx
Cant remember how many days but its another gamble free one and thats all that matters . Having such a lovely weekend off to doggie fun day at the rescue centre we got woody from bags of bones and waterproof clothing in hand. No thoughts of gambling and ruining the hard work I have put in thus far. I am aware that I cant get down about tomorrow and I am just enjoying each moment as it comes. Tomorrow will take care of itself . Enjoy your sunday everyone take care . Blondie xx
Thanks Blondie for the heads up....
to be honest...am heaping a lot on to this today and have high expectations but i know at the end of the day it is down to me to come away and do the work and its not a quick fix...i took a day off work because i don't know hhow im going to feel afterwards....
like you said ...i could come out feeling mashed ....
i have the quack this afternoon which i dread as i avoid the docs at all costs...
wonering if you get broody for another Woody after your event ??.....I know i have to whizz past rescue centres for fear of stopping and collecting more animals....lol xx
Will post later Blondie....rain again!!!!.....hugs and thinks to you...Rach and Dooo xxx
21 days to my next target (90 days).
Lovely weekend, lazy lazy saturday consisted of junk food and movies and bed and the occasional walk for woody, Fund raising day yesterday at the resuce centre were we got him from to show some support for them they do a good job and then sunday dinner at my mums yum yum.
Not one single thought about gambling but lots of thoughts about recovery and also telling my boyfriend about my addiction, He tells me lots about his A.A meetings and we talk often about the 12 steps but he has no idea that im a CG or have this diary, or that i attend G.A. G.A say that you should tell your partners, but im not sure that this is the way forward for me.
I remember when he told me he was a recovering alcoholic it was about 4 weeks after we met, I didnt bat an eye, I think deep down I knew when we was on holiday (thats where i met him), one of his friends said "Oh he doesnt drink he used to drink.... A LOT", It was like he was trying to put me off him.
I admire and have so much respect for what he has done we can talk about anything and we often do, I have never felt such a close bond and felt so loved, free and relexed in someones company in my entire life and I feel that this is now holding me back from being 100% honest with him.
Normally decisions like this would of instilled me with terror and I would turn them over and over without coming to any conclusion, Today im just going to say how i feel is out there (See above 😉 and for today if im still unsure of what to do, I wont make any quick rash decisions and think it through in my own time.
Today was treat monday (As suggested by the beautiful dusty) but its tomorrow instead, trip to the hairdressers.... Get this hair sorted out... the name kind of gives it away of the colour.... 5th session of councilling tomorrow so the treat will also counteract any negative fall out from that.... But eventually once ive mulled it over it becomes a postive at some point, or another step in getting to know me just that little bit better.
Take care all thank you as always for your support and posts.
Blondie xxx
Glad you had a great weekend, wee animals can be our best friends if we give them love and kindness.
I can totally understand you reluctance to speak to your BF about this illness, and am sure you will make the call that is best for you. Personnally made things much easier for me when I told my wife, mum and best friend, but like all things has had it's down side to, but that was to be expected given the way I had gone about things.
Enjoy your treat tommorow, you deserve all the great things life has to offer.
Stay Strong
Hi Blondie, coming clean and disclosing everything to your BF will always be a difficult step to take. Why upset the applecart? When things are going smoothly is one point of view some may take. Only you will know if and when to open up and put your vulnerability on the line, when that time comes you will instinctively know. One thing I am certain of is that he will understand totally. He'll know why you held back in the first place, how you've tried to keep this separate from your relationship and how courageous you've been in handling this so far. He'll know because he's been through a similar journey himself. Take care, Steve
I agree with The Steg. You will know the right time. I don't know whether over analysing it will help? You must do what you must do. Maybe talking to your councllor about it would give you the perspective to move in the direction best for you at this time.
Hope tomorrow goes well, and also the treat. I cannot imagine what your diary entry will be like tomorrow if the hairdresser fecks it up... "... like a womans scorn" springs to mind.. I am sure that saying was actually invented by some poor hairdresser who misinterpreted " I'd like a bob" as refering to his friend, who had very little on top.
Have a good day... stay strong and happy.
Hiya Hun,
Thanks for posting on mine....You sooo got me through the rough in the very begining!
Am getting in a bit of a swing now.....At the bitter stage now lol
Only you know when time is right to tell b/f....Just one thing that struck me was you were very quick to say that he told you bout AA.....Don't let his admission drive you to disclose what you are not ready to!
Hope all continues to go well Blondie!
Sue xxxxxx
Hi Blondie;.....
I'm a shoot from the hip kinda gal so I would say from the off BUT we are all different and for whatever reason you are holding back so you are not ready to do that which is fine.
I suppose in my romantic head I would imagine you guys having so much in common and your relationship getting deeper.
I am in the early stages with a close male friend who also has had a history of addictions and has recovery and that has made us closer as right from the start as we talk the same language.
(plus I can't keep a secret to save my life...I physically want to burst!.)
As Womble says...in your own time and don't let his admission make you feel rushed...we are all different and if it aint broke?
Still trying to get my head round the Nogg posts on Jons but will catch up soon and get with the programme...lol
Big hugs and wuffs
Did Blondie stay Blondie or did you have a new colour?
Rach and Doo xx
Nanny is a good witch... that was just plain evil...
Now I am following Dusty around... waiting for her to post :o()
I say, like " What's up Dusty" .. and she says, like, "You know very well"... and I say, like, "No... not sure" and she says, like, "I have read it"... and I say, like," Read what?".. and she says, like, " You know what." and I say, like "STEG MADE ME D0 IT!"
Bedtime approaches... cheers Blondie
PS Nanny Ogg ... was enthusiastically downing her third drink and, Granny thought sourly, was well along that path which would probably end up with her usual dancing on the table, showing her petticoats and singing "The Hedgehog Can Never be B*****ed at All".
Terry Pratchett ( Weird Sisters )
Life mimicking Fiction or the other way around ;O)
I admit and confess to everything, be gentle I bruise easily like a 5 day old pear. Enjoy your pampering tomorrow Blondie, you deserve it (grovel, grovel) because you're wonderful.
I retract the above confession Bosley leaned on me and made me take the rap
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