Yo miss b
Always wondered when I got to the check out , when did I had put, Oil of Olay for the older women in my basket.
Or was it the slimfast cause I never put that in . Lol
Thank you for your kind words yesterday, along with your last post. It was really nice to share your memories with you. And my dads sort of ok. Think we are going to have to have some tests on his thyroid .
Anyways, have a good day, working from home ?
We all know what that means wink wink nudge nudge.
Shiny xxxxxxxxxxxx
Morning Blondie,
It is great to hear that you are in such a good place at the moment. Thank you for sharing with us all about your dad. I am sure that he will be watching on and be incredibly proud at how you are turning your life around.
Blondie you are doing so well and continue to be a real inspiration to myself and I am sure many others on this site.
Take care and keep that radiant smile!
Dave X
Hi Blondie
hope you have a wonderful day, thanks for being a rock here,
Day 75 and counting 🙂
What is with this weather o*g!!! Summer.... Yeah right !!!!
So the party down south is cancelled due to the weather it was an outside event and the band have said they cant play in this and people were camping in back gardens (first id heard of that... i dont camp lol ) so no trip down south, my poor BF driving in this later, friday night traffic is a joke at the best of times.
Went to my G.A meeting last night, What a powerfull meeting it was (I cried twice), 3 newcomers and one returning member. One of the newcomers was literally on his knees, a broken man, it broke my heart to see someone in such pain and also to visibaly see what this illness can do to people.
Its easy to think "Oh im not that bad" but actually its the "Not yet syndrome", if you carry on gambling this illness will without question strip you of everything you have... Litrally!!!!
Someone shared back to him "That feeling you have now, bottle it and everytime you get an urge to gamble take the lid off and remember what it feels like".
I think for me its not about living in this illness 24/7 but its so so important that we remember that feeling especially in the early days when the urges come.
It was powerfull emotional stuff and i left the meeting feeling very humble and thankful that "today i will not bet".
We are all battling our own demons hence the diary name but i take hope from the fact that we are resiliant people and I wish that man and everyone on here hope,strength and spirit to win the battle.
I feel like ive been deaf and blind for 15 years and im coming out of the dead zone, the lights are switching on and Im hearing things for the first time.... Thats the utter madness of this illness... The silent killer !!!!
So today I know i will not gamble why would I, you wont be dragging me back into your claws today or anytime soon.
Have a great weekend everyone, thank you for your posts as always it means a lot to me to hear your thoughts and recieve your support.
Blondie xxx
Hi Blondie....thanks for your support on my diary over the past couple of days, I haven't managed to read your entire diary yet but am amazed that you have come through house repossession and a marriage breakdown and are still so positive 🙂 you are a true inspiration!!!! And congratuations on your 75 days! I hope to be up to that in the very near future!!!
Shame about your party being cancelled and you are so right about the rain - how can this possibly July!!! It better be sunny from now until Christmas just to make up for it!
Anyway, I'm sure being gamble free this weekend will make up for the bad weather for me! It will be nice to be able to concentrate on spending some quality time with my family rather than trying to sneak off at every available opportunity for a gamble.
Lots of Love
Shorty xx
Morning Blondie, TFI Friday. Sorry about your party, the weather is really atrocious though. Sounded like an emotional meeting last night but it serves as a reminder why none of us must go back to gambling. Hope you have a lovely weekend with bf and family. Congrats on the quarter century btw. Take care, Steve.
Hey good lady,
Just checking in and saying hi! Sorry to hear about the party bitter sweet I guess as I seem to remember you were not over keen on going! Im sure you will make the most of your weekend regardless of this quite frankly dire weather!
GA meeting sounds intense last night funny really as in 12 weeks of attending last night was the first one I didn't enjoy had a few crossed words with another member about my whole councillor incident this week! However, by the end it was still quite uplifting one of the older members was giving advice to a new member and he talked about how he had gone back to gambling 3 times in the past and virtually lost everything! He is now I think 8 years bet free! Quite an uplifting story really!
Anyways as always I digress and ramble! Wishing you a pleasant weekend and further on that road to 90 days!
Morning Blondie,
I hope that you are okay and that you have a great weekend.
Take care
Dave X
blondie. Glad to read that you wont be needing your paddle now! I asked shiny to turn the tap off enough now! Lol. Ga for me doses up a portion of weekly medicine that reminds me that nothing changes in the world of gambling, it is us who change and ga has been along with this forum a massive help in my recovery. I hope you continue to attend i know it will help you as you yourself are putting your all into your recovery. To end this will help others in recovery too as i believe as a collective we grow even stronger in our resolve to abstain. Hope you have a great weekend, hovis dont like the rain lol he is climbing the walls! Thats when he is not sneaking slippers to chew! Duncs stepping forward never back.
Morning Blondie,
Great last post from you , very thought provoking
Can really relate to being deaf, blind while in the thick of it, now it's hard cause all the feelings that were dead are surfacing and sometimes become a bit overwhelming as you forgot how to deal with them for so long.
But continuing to face them while remaining bet free can only enhance our existence and led us to the life we so want to have.
Thanks for making me take a step back and look at the bigger picture
Thanks for your support as always , helps to clear the clouds away!
Keep Strong
Smiling Lucy xx
Day 76 and the rain has stopped for how long who knows. Cooked breakies is on the cards , its weekend so why not.? Looking forward to the tennis and the tour de france tomorrow, next year I would like to get a camper van and follow them round for the alps stages now theses something to aim for. Off out with woody now he has his legs crossed bless him. No thoughts. No urges, nothing deep and meaning full to say today. Just for today I will not gamble. Blondie xx
Good morning Blondie,
Just popping in to say hello and well done on your continuing progress. Like you, nothing deep and meaningful to say today.
Just, have a good weekend, a good walk, and a good fry up breakfast... feeling a little peckish myself.. sure I have got some bacon in the fridge.
Hi Blondie,
Just popping in 2 say I hope u have a gr8 day 🙂
Enjoy ur breakfast, I hope it's not beans on toast lol and ur walk with Woody!
Stay strong xxxxxxx
No thoughts. No urges, nothing deep and meaning full to say today. Just for today I will not gamble.
Sound pretty good to me. Looks like you were right yesterday, washing folded and put way nicely.
Take care, a relaxing weekend seems to be on the cards fir you my friend. Could not think of someone who deserves it more !
Shiny xxxxxx
Sometimes the simplest posts are the best really! Embrace those urge free days, enjoy those great weekends, cooked breakfast and cooked for you life of luxury!!
On a side note I saw you were off to Laser Quest!!! All i'm going to say is don't let that Charlie's Angels talk earlier this week take over. Can imagine you mixing it up firing the odd shot and then delivering a nice roundhouse to the lippy teenager tearing round the place, you then saying sorry I thought you were Vito Ballbuster the infamous mob boss!
On that note, enjoy your day, enjoy your weekend and thanks for your post this morning always appreciated!
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