Hi Blondie
So pleased ur still goin strong and doin great , just wanted to say thank u for all ur support in my time of need it was greatly appreciated
Hope your having a great weekend blondie and enjoyed your cooked brealfast yesterday haha.
I know iv said it to you a few times but i think your recovery and effort you put into it is amazing a day at a time.
Your diary is a great example to new comers what can be achieved with hard work and humility.
Thanks 4 your support
take care
Day 77 and all is well no urges or thoughts not even when I come on here I see this diary as my outlet my support structure and a place I feel safe to get it all out, and each time I do its letting go of the past and stepping forward to the present. Gambling for me made me almost child like I think it stunted my maturity in certain areas, its so nice to feel that I am finally growing up and taking control of my life. Off to mums in a bit to watch the tennis and sunday dinner, laser quest was such great fun its funny to see how some people take it so serious , I am learning again to not take things to heart or to serious , life is for living and I am doing just fine at the moment. I know I wont gamble today. Why would I ? Blondie xx
Hi Blondie...Claudia....
Lovely post from you today.
Must admit tho.......I'm that nasty lady at laser quest that goes chasing the little kids to Zapp 'em......Hanging head in shame now!
Sue xx
hiya Blondie...
Well the rain has a lot to answer for...I made it down Matlock way but sent and hour driving a quarter of a mile in floods....shocking!
Glad you ok hun and not too distressed about your cancelled weekend....also really great to read about your GA meeting and share some of the wisdom...
I used to often come back from 12 step and write away on my diary profound moments as i didnt want to forget the impact and humane- ness..
Also looking for a camper van ,..for real...but for UK trips now Ive got Dot...
Guess what?...its raining !! aaarrgghhhhh...just not funny anymore.
Well lovely...time for a cuppa.
Speaky soon
Rach and Doo xx
Yo ,
Wanted to write this so you got it in the morning.
Do Monday again 🙁
What's the treat this week ??
Hmmmmm, never got to answer your question last week,
Not McDreamy , and not McSteamy .,,,...
Denny stole my heart , it was the dimple in the chin and those eyes ............
I see you as a Mcdreamy girl myself . , question is are my powers of deduction still as sharp as they used to be ......... So which one is it then ?
Shiny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Lazer Quest! How lucky are you! I would've took that serious, life or death. I would've been takin people out like I was in the SAS. Have a relaxing, stress free week in work Blondie and do as shiny says, treat yourself. I bought myself some insulation tape and a spoon/knife/fork pen knife and it made me whistle with happiness and salsa out of the shop (99p shop). Steve
Day 78,
All is still fine and dandy, lovely weekend spent with the family, loved the tennis even though murry lost i think people beleive that he could actually win now, by BF was calling him a big P**f for crying at the end but i suppose if thats your dream and you lose it... then its painfull.
I know I wont gamble today, I know that most mornings but i always say it to myself anyways.
No monday morning blues, Treat tuesday tomorrow, Nails done 🙂 and i have a holiday to look forward to in August. 🙂
Busy week for me I am covering for my boss who increasingly grates on my nerves every day i deal with him... Im going to have to address that soon, I love my job, I love the team I have and who i work with, I liked my old boss, My new one is just different i suppose and I have to be patient.
The offer that my mum received for her house looks like it has fell through, so its back on the market, If its ment to be, it will be...... Until then we wont stress about it. I see her every day/evening, she makes my Tea lol....
I still look at her with such admiration every day, what a women if anyone should be negative and depressed and have no motivation its her, yet she fights through every day refusing to see just negatives in things.....
So spring in step, im off to raid the canteen.... Im famished...
Have a great gamble free day... Onwards and upwards.
Just in case your having a bad day !!!!
Blondie xxx
Hi Blondie,
I'm glad to hear that you had a good weekend with your family. Your stress reliever link made me smile! Fortunately I don't need that today but I might use it another time if I'm having a bad day! LOL!
Sorry to hear about your boss. May I suggest a dart board with his face on!!!
Sorry to hear about your mum's house. It can be such a stressful time trying to sell your house. I have been well and truly stung in that department before but it all worked out for the best in the end. Maybe it is not meant to be. Lets hope that something even better is just around the corner. 🙂
I hope that you enjoy the rest of your day.
Take care
Dave X
HIya lovely lady with ...grrrowwwwlllll.....lovely nails...
Thanks for popping by.....Matlock is cool isn't it...and yes..can imagine the pony and riding being fab...did a wee stint on the back of horses but am actually quite scared of them to be honest...lol..give them carrots though when i see them.
Also similar fate with Boss...mines a woman who has come in during last 18 months..shes very corporate which is kind of needed in my industry but there is a fine line....my industry has is roots in 60's hippy freedom thinking with the lentil/sandal mob who were always anti establishment...so she has some challenges.
I can see both sides but has to be played slowly slowly...catchee monkey.
Well my lovely....with the footy and the tennis over ..we now have .......The Olympics?..YAY!......did that sound convincing??...YAY!....need some cyberviagra to keep that one going methinks...
anyhoooooooo....out for now and speaky soon hun
Rach and Doo xx
Hiya Blondie,
Laughed at your b/f and Murray.....think it's bit of insecurity lol
Us women like to see bit of emotion!
Had bloody hard weekend....You need to read my diary to understand...but I will get there!
Thank you for your uncondiotional support!
Hugs Sue xxxxxxxxxx
Day 79 11 days from my next target of 90 days...... I can run with scissors then lol.
Not got much to say really, Life is calm and my head is worringly quite which im not thinking about to deeply lol.... This rain is seriously starting to be a bit of a joke now.... Enough with the rain. !!!!
So the kids finish next week my youngest is off to blackpool on a school trip, I only had to pay 5.00 because she earnt the rest with good behaviour points.. (no idea where she gets that from), She has done so well this year I was so worried about her first year in high school and she has flown through it, got a 6C in her maths which is the target for next year i think and above average in all other subjects except art (now i know where she gets that from lol ).
It will be my 3rd pay day on friday gamble free, o*g its never been known i dont think, cant quite beleive it sometimes what i have acheived so far, its been a bumpy road along the way but then such is life, s**t happens its how we shovel it that matters, and since ive stopped gambling Im becoming a bit of a dab hand at it.... lol.
I know i wont gamble today, Why the hell would I ? , the thought has become less and less attractive as each day has passed, in the beginning i felt like id lost a friend, now i know i have defeated an enemy.
Just for today I will not gamble.
Blondie day 79.... the big 80 tomorrow 😀 X
Morning Blondie, hope you're ok, and you haven't flattened your new boss. Not yet anyway. Shame about Murray but in reality the only way he was ever going to win would be if I placed a bet on Federer and I wasn't going to do that, not way hosé. Got myself arrested the other day ambling through Tesco's like a gorilla, they put me in a cell with nothing but a tyre hanging from the ceiling and threw bananas at me, I was disgusted at this treatment so I threw my faeces back at them, cheek! No respect.
Enjoy getting your nails done, I might trim my toenails today, they're starting to look like quavers again, now where are those sheers? I also need to file off about two inches of skin from my bunions. That's an all day job in itself. Yet that's the price you pay for spending half your life walking around in six inch, size 11 stillettoes. (not true I hasten to add). Anyway, take care, keep smiling, Steve
Hiya hun
Volunteered you for Chef duties in the galley due to your ravenous appetite....don't say i don't think of ya now your nearer the fridge...
Still holding the rope til our shiny pal can see dry land....
Hope your ok hun...you sound good and sailing on the HMS Calm Waters...
Am ok too...usual rain rain rain...but hey..not going to let it worry me today as already packed in a lot of pottering on my day off and bought a new jacket in the sale at stockton heath....
Can take some of our spiked cake to your Boss..tee hee....I put some extra laxatives in his bit....
Put wacky baccy in ours!! LOL....only kidding...
(to the moderators.....ONLY KIDDING!!)
Right hun....offski to resume pottering....
Over and out for now
Rach and Doo xxx ...woody and doo ...ships dogs xx
blondie. Or should i say chef! Lol. I take alot from your last post, mirrors recovery of so many. I do now understand the reasoning behind the 90days will change your life because for me the penny really did drop, somebody turned on all the lights, i knew gambling had me licked, it beat me and from that i know i can actually win, i do have a choice and like you just for today i will not bet. Great line "i thought i lost a friend now i know i beat an enemy" you keep that stored for the days when that demon appears to try and open that door and i know you will simply slam it shut. As it is treats tuesday hovis has had his nails done today! Lol although i dont think he enjoyed it as much as you will, we thought he was going to bite the man in the salon lol. Still he got a cows ear as a treat and we are curled up on the couch waiting for mum to finish school ! Keep making that choice blondie keep enjoying recovery you earn it more each day. Duncs stepping forward never back.
Affected by gambling?
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