Well the rain is back a pouring here down south,I am beginning to think somewhere someone has either hidden the sun or forgot to flick the seasons switch!!!!LOL.
I then log into your diary and realise it is you !!!!you stole the sun and by the sounds of it are taking full advantage and from here in the gloomy south it is fine by me!!!!!
Well done you those posts are enough to warm the cockles of any mans heart.
So what we got 5 days till 90!!!
I know for sure how Blondie wont be a celebrating!!!
Keep making that choice fantastic.
Duncs stepping forward never back.
day 85 .. 5 days to my target of 90.
Wow what a killer of a day that was, busy busy busy.. Decided today Im activly looking for another job my boss is really doing my nut in, I cant and dont need to be micro managed I have one of the best performing teams so my results speak for themselves (im not blowing my own trumpet by the way ) and I cant stand him coming in and trying to fix something that isnt broke, Had a word with my old boss and put the word out so see what happens. I work in a very male dominated enviroment and sometimes its jobs for the boys, but im lucky that I work for a global company so lots of choice , but i wouldnt move abroad yet my little girl is to young and I wouldnt move her away from her dad it would be so unfair. So rant over. Pheww.. and relax 🙂
Paris is off for this weekend, by the time we got round to trying to book the euro-tunnell early sunday morning there was only daft oclock times left 4am saturday morning, or 1pm which would be to late , we wouldnt have had any time to do any sightseeing because you have to be on the route, you know on that on road the champs de whatever I am to tired to gongle it lol any ways you have to be there really early to get a place to have any chance of seeing anything and the riders dont come in till about 4 so its all day standing fighting frenchmen to keep your place , so we decided that it would be silly to try and rush things and to stressfull rather than enjoyable, but never mind theres always next year and it was the right decision so im happy with it.
5 days to my 90 day target, I get to run with scissors and have hot drinks without the cup holder things then... Ill be all grown up lol. No urges, no thoughts, no nothing..
Its my mums birthday on Thursday and my dads the 31st of this month so things are a bit emotional at the moment, my mum and dad was always away for there birthdays over the past 10 years, Not sure what to do for my mum, ive got her some nice flowers and chocolates to be delivered to her house and will take her out for something to eat maybe.
Tired tonight so a few posts on here and then bed for me, might start my terry pratchatt book.
Thank you everyone for your posts.
Blondie xxx
Hi Blondie, sorry you can't make Paris but they'll always be another time. I'm glad you won the competition, the better woman won in my opinion and you deserved it. I enjoyed my jog, I really did, only 20 minutes mind but it was beautiful. My body handled the strain too, leg working fine, apart from the blotches. People must have thought the singing detective had escaped from hospital. Did cross country full of mud and puddles, jumped in every one, socks are ruined.
I know a few people that can get rid of your boss Blondie if you want, just give me the nod and he'll be givin petty orders at the bottom of the Irish sea wearing concrete slippers.
Sorry it's coming up to your loved one's birthdays. It's always an emotional time. Hope it isn't too hurtful for you.
Better go, sleep and rest are important, ta ta
Hiya Blondie...
Understand the frustration of micrro managing although I am spared a lot of it being on the road ...its insulting your intelligence really as your there in an entrusted role..and you should be allowed to get on with it until such time a problem arises...
My female boss goes to both me total autonomy followed by micro managed.its not good for confidence as its like being out on your driving test all day..pulled up on every cough and spit and watched.
Don't blame you for actively looking at something else for work Blondie as you haven't anything to loose..also its a good time to look right now I think as a of shuffling going on creating new roles in business.
Am sorry your not going to see the race but better to do it with a plan than a rush job..besides .our Brit is wowing the french I believe ...and flying the flag for us.
Am off today so as you can see its raining again....thinking less about Kate Bushes last album 50 words for snow like the eskimo's and now thinking we need 50 words for
Agree with concrete feet idea for your Boss...
take care hun
Rach and Doo xx
Hi Blondie,
Don't bloody work get in the way of a peaceful life sometimes.....Lost count of the times iv'e thought of leaving my job.....17 years later...still
Anyways.......waved to your wee un whilst trawling the Blackpool strip...swear I got one back!!
Love Sue xxx
day 86
So the concrete boots are on order for my boss, and ive ordered a sheeps head to leave on his pillow a few days before the boots arrive, No point in doing things by half.
Another killer of a day, dont know if im coming or going at the moment, but im not gambling, not tempted and still not thinking about it.. Its not an option and its certainly not the answer.
I have gone 3 pay days now without wasting one single penny on gambling, My finances have never looked so healthy, settled another debt this month im taking great pleasure from getting reduced settlement figures from them saving some money and paying it off.
My littlest princess breaks up tomorrow for summer holidays that's her first year in high school done, Blink and its gone ! Just proves to me even more how time flies and why would i possibly want to waste something so precious on something so destructive.
Onwards and upwards 4 days to next target..
Take care all thank you for the posts
Blondie xxx
good on you Blondie .....keep on keeping on and so right have a big and expansive life to be lived.
Work will naturally reach a head and you will know when enough is enough ...
Rach and doo xx
Good Morning Blondie,
Hope the works starts improving soon for you, been there too and it's a B*****r but as you said no thoughts of a bet as that would only send us into a downward spiral again!
Sooo good to see you continuing to stay so strong and you know what i totally agree that time flies, my son is 21 next month and all the years i gambled are such a haze it seems impossible his about to reach that age.
Being gamble free we can enjoy each day for what it's worth , even the bad ones don't seem so bad now as we continue to turn our lives arounbd for the better!
Not long till the weekend and even though you won't be at the Champs Elysee to see the final stage you can watch it with the bf and please enjoy it for all it's worth cause you sure deserve it!
Keep Strong Blondie
Smiling Lucy 😉 xxxx
Hi Blondie,
I hope that you are okay and that you are having a good gamble free day.
Take care
Dave X
First of all thank you for that beautiful message yesterday 🙂 a very special ode written just for me! Actually I do say that with quite a deal of sincerity I felt pretty special yesterday having so many messages!
Sounds like you are having a tough week so far! You reckon you will make meeting tomo? Great to see you striding toward that day 90 and it's even better to see a few of us really flying the flag and showing new members it is possible to stop gambling and turn our lives around! You look around the diaries and there's a few sort of around the 80-130 day mark I think that must be a boost for anybody starting out! I guess the downside is much like GA is the amount of people starting the journey and not really making it very far!
Anyway, as always I go off on a tangent you prob used to it by know! Much like the Steg I also have a few contacts in the underworld of the boss becomes a massive issue or alternatively you could watch that absolutely dire movie Horrible Bosses and get some tips!
Until then, try to keep smiling and let's count you down to 90 days 🙂
day 87
Wow my life is a bit hectic at the moment, left the office really late yesterday after a full days review meeting, My new boss did most of the talking and at times it was cringeworthy !! I did 2 slots about various bits. He just doesnt seem to listen, the whole idea of the meeting is to review the first half of the year and he included stuff that just wasnt relevent to anyone, anyway i have encouraged him this morning to send out an annoymous poll to get some feedback of what people thought, so see what comes of that.
Had a few words with the BF last night, its really tough having a long distance relationship sometimes its been like this for 2.5 years and sometimes i feel it wont ever end.
Its my mums birthday tomorrow so not sure i will make my meeting will see if she wants to go out somewhere for something to eat.
The carpet man is supposed to be coming tomorrow and if he doesnt im going to blow, im sick of stepping on these gripper rods all over the place and doing a stupid dance whilst shouting obsenities all the time lol.
Anyways rant over, Will i gamble today ? Not on your nelly! Why ? Because its a mugs game and im not a mug anymore.
Today i will deal with what is thrown at me the best i can.
Today I will not let life get on top of me
Today I will be as positive as i can.
Today I will not gamble.
Today I will be thankfull for the things I have.
Today I will learn something new that i didnt know yesterday.
Onwards and forever upwards.
Blondie x
Today I will be at your side just in case you need me !
Shiny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(:)(:)(:)
Ps (:) = cuddles. My daughter says they are boobs but to me there cuddles.
Does that count as learning something new ????
Today I will drop by blondies place to thank her for her continued support and tell her how fab I think she's doing. 🙂
Ouch at the gripper rod though! 😮
Hi Blondie,
Thanks for posting on mine....You always give me a smile!
Sounds like you are getting into "normal life" ups and downs and all that.
EEEK carpet grippers.....But I don't feel sorry for you.....why......Cos you have......SHOES....lots of them!!!!
Still waiting on the story of how you met the b/f ?
Sue xx
Hi Blondie, thank u 4 ur post on my diary 🙂
Sue's post about the shoes was gr8, I was gonna suggest one of ur many pairs to avoid the carpet grippers lol 🙂
U r doing gr8 🙂
Stay strong and keep going xx
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