Passed that 200 days mark, such a great feeling knowing how far I’ve come from this time last year when I was really struggling.
Haven’t wrote on here for a while, 234 days still going strong. Literally can’t wait to get to a year and celebrate with a nice holiday.
Haven’t wrote on here for so long, still going strong. Nearly 300 days I can’t belive how far I’ve come.
300 days today feel like such a massive achievement. To those people still making the effort to stop. It is achievable when in the right mindset. Use the excellent services available to help.
Haven’t been on here for a while, but the other week I passsed my year mark of being gamble free for a whole year. Such a great feeling to have completely turned my life around and be enjoying life. For a good few years gambling destroyed me inside and really had a hold on my life. Now the tables have turned and I’m beating gambling day by day and it feels amazing.
Massive congratulations Thompson on passing your year marker , I know from experience just how that feels and just how much that feeling will continue to drive you forward in your recovery .
Your now winning for real my friend and reaping the benefit's as you go :)).
Wishing you continued success and sending my best wishes :))
503 days, WOW!!! So proud of myself for getting to the point I am now.
Hi Thompson9,
huge congratulations on reaching 503 days, it sounds like your recovery is solid and that you still keep working away at it.
Keep going and all the very best,
Forum Admin
Thank you very much for the message Forum admin. I have been thinking a lot recently about going to the gamblers anonymous meetings and giving something back. I want to take the positives from my experiences and help those who are struggling to remain positive and believe there is light at the end of the tunnel. I messaged my old councillor the other day and receiving messages of how proud she is how I’ve turned my life around makes me so proud.
550 days today, my future is looking bright. A new house and savings in my account. 550 days ago I would never thought I would be in this position. Stay strong people, the first 6 months a battle but you will get there.
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