Got to stop this time

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Been here for the last 6 years been gambling 20 years and I am 36. I've been flicking though posts for the last six months but I've been on a massive gambling bindge so not posted anything myself.

Recap...massive roulette addict,bookies,online, casino any form that will my addiction. But after a massive £5000 loss the last month it's time to give giving up another go. I am 35G in debt in a payment plan and yet still gamble!! when will we learn?????? i ve tried all the blocks the triangle and even moved abroad to a none gambling country for a year but yet I m back.i know why though I m frightened though of the thought of never having a gamble again!!!stupid really when all it's done is bought debt and misery to my life but the occasional big hit keeps the adrenaline pumping!!!!so here is to attempt number whatever...... this time I'll beat this sh/ been watching YouTube videos from a guy called rock n rolla winning sh/t loads of cash on roulette and slots does not help but again my fault.

Posted : 14th January 2017 9:18 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Mark ,

Very good you are writing now ! There is no such thing as a big win ; only more losses are in it for us when we gamble . It's tough to admit when it is out of control , but when you do you have a chance to better your life.

Best wishes to you and everyone on the forum.

Posted : 15th January 2017 5:16 am
Posts: 0

Hey mark

I sort of agree with I wanna do better I don't think we ever had a win we simply borrow it for a week or two then have to at it back with interest or that was the case with me! All I can advise is to keep chipping away at it an get those gamble free days adding up. Be proud everyday you don't gamble . I reward myself every month just something daft but it marks another month not been tied to bloody machine drip feeding it 10ers . I too watch videos on YouTube stop and step but he shows the losses just as much dunno if I should be keeping away but for me it's sort of helping at the minute it's like I get the buzz from watching him but I've not lost anything. Anyway stay strong you CAN do this but it takes time sadly there's no easy fix

Chrissy x

Posted : 15th January 2017 1:03 pm
Posts: 0
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Cheers both for the comments and advice. I ve decided this time I want to stop which I not sure on other occasions that s been true.Really can't let this dirty habit totally ruin my life anymore it's done a pretty good job so far!!! Wife nearly left me on several occasions l,parents gave me thousands and lied for me, and I've even pawned most of my belongings to fund the habit. Work suffers i m always not interested because I ve always got gambling on my mind normally the sickening feeling of another big loss.

Posted : 15th January 2017 6:07 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Mark ,

How is is it going ?

Cheers for your desciscion to stop gambling , it is worth the struggle ! Understand that this sickness is progressive and get all the support you can to keep your guard up to this all consuming monster. It's okay when you get help to get this right .

All best wishes to you and the people on the forum.

Posted : 25th January 2017 11:47 pm

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