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a very happy birthday to you my dear friend.

May there be many more to enjoy,more so one's on your terms.

Raising that gamble free shake your way!!!

Duncs stepping forward never back

Posted : 23rd November 2014 10:35 pm
Posts: 0

Hello Shiny. A belated happy birthday wish to you. You share your birthday with my dear mother who was 82 yesterday. Likewise I hate the new forum. Finding it so difficult to navigate from my iPhone. Otherwise I would be back posting on every diary on here. You remain an inspiration to me and so many.

Take care sweetie.

Ian xx

Posted : 24th November 2014 2:36 am
Posts: 7071

Knock knock...

Time for some church time 🙂
Hell i can get very stubborn living my trues (mind you, they are usually wrong lol) and i guess i have to look at it on black and white. Life is quite interesting place don't you think? The way mind works and decisions we make is continues lesson. God, you would think i learned a thing or two so far lol...nope..i seem to go against the odds lol and it's like swimming upstream which just drowns me deeper. .

I agree with you dear Shiny. Today is the day what matters the most. Had a good think last night (DOH!! Lol..up till 5am working a plan in my head to see the day ahead and no further)..happy days at work tonight all i can say lol.
I will stick to the ant hill in a garden, might as well head there now and jump over it lol... brings me closer to the everest lol

Thank you for your kind thoughts. I guess you all good people know more about the recovery and this addiction. I am just like little child getting her fingers burnt for being too curious about the world. 🙂
Lesson learned once again.

Hope today is a good day, your worth it.

Take care

S x

Ps. Had to look up wot you meant about chewing on that cud lol lol..hell girl, that was one of the funniest things i heard. Mind you, my translator might mess with the words lol lol. (How could you say you like to chew on that rubber tyre :-D)

Posted : 24th November 2014 11:38 am
Posts: 7071

Haha Shiny 😀

I knew i will get you with that one lol. I did look it up and yea it was on the line with cows chewing lol.w*f? Cow? Are you calling me names now lol

Yup, i love to take advantage of my lack of English lol. But i do get used to all your jokes and expressions, progress i suppose lol.

thank you for your kind words girl, but you better believe me, you are one of the most inspiring people on here...and an angel to top it of!! Wow, i am in a right place then lol..no hell for the wicked lol lol

To sum it up:
"buk savimi ir visada sypsokis".

Chew on that lol 😉

S xxxx

Posted : 24th November 2014 12:01 pm
Posts: 7071

LOL LOL LOL.you are bonkers indeed :-))))
Aciu mano drauge 🙂

Now have a little read and laugh while i unfold this universe with a counsellor lol lol..ohhh happy days in soul searching 😀 bless her heart i have few questions to ask lol


Cows in a field
Two cows were out in a field eating grass. One cow turns to the other cow and says, "Moooooo!" "Hey", the other cow replies.... "I was just about to say the same thing!"
Cow Riddle
My cow refuses to give milk, and you know why, of course. She's been grazing in the field too long,... And now she thinks she's a horse.

Q: Why don't cows have any money?
A: Because farmers milk them dry

Q: What do you get if you cross an angry sheep and a moody cow?
A: An animal that's in a baaaaaaaad moooooood.

Q: Do you know why the cow jumped over the moon?
A: The farmer had cold hands.В 

S xxx

Posted : 24th November 2014 12:27 pm
Posts: 7071

Oh dear Shiny..
Hell you started this cow's revolution over here lol lol. ..god life can be sooo simple ..loving it 🙂
Time for work so just leave you with this:

So there were these twoВ cows, chatting over the fence between their fields.

The first cow said,"I tell you, this mad-cow-disease is really pretty scary. They say it is spreading fast; I heard it hit some cows down on the JohnsonВ Farm."

The other cow replies, "Hell, I ain't worried, it don't affect usВ ducks."

heh heh...

And this vid to top it off 😀

stay safe girl..day at a time indeeeeeddddddd 🙂

S x

Posted : 24th November 2014 5:04 pm
Posts: 7071


Well darlin, yes that made me smile so thank you 🙂
I guess i found a cow match in this poem below lol.

Down by the sliprails stands our cow
В В В В Chewing, chewing, chewing,
She does not care what folks out there
В В В В In the great, big world are doing.
She sees the small cloud-shadows pass
В В В В And green grass shining under.
If she does think, what does she think
В В В В About it all, I wonder?
She sees the swallows skimming by
В В В В Above the sweet young clover,
The light reeds swaying in the wind
В В В В And tall trees bending over.
Far down the track she hears the crack
В В В В of bullock-whips, and raving
Of angry men where, in the sun,
В В В В Her fellow-beasts are slaving.
Girls, we are told, can scratch and scold,
В В В В And boys will fight and wrangle,
And big, grown men, just now and then,
В В В В Fret o'er some fingle-fangle,
Vexing the earth with grief or mirth,
    Longing, rejoicing, rueing–
But by the sliprails stands our cow,
В В В В Chewing chewing chewing....

Ok then Shiny one, no bull-s***t to be taken in our little worlds and yes, little steps forward to reach the everest.
We will get there, just keep skipping along and jumping over few of them ant h ills on the way 🙂
Hope today is not mooooooody lol lol and you being kind to the person which matters the most here and now - YOU.

S xxx

Ps. Can't understand few of the words in the poem (DOH lol) so excuse me if there is something rude...but i guess it shouldn't be cause we are talking about "holly" cow :-)))) x

Posted : 25th November 2014 2:16 pm
Posts: 7071


Stay safe too girl

...and stop bloody thinking! ! Lol lol. Leave that with me and i promise you will be the first one to know if i found that golden grain to know the answer to the question i keep asking lol lol

Layer after layer i am determined to strip this addiction down - eureka moment will be here sooner or later haha..

I'm off my rocket, so signing off 😀

S xxxx

Posted : 25th November 2014 2:59 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Shiny,

Nice to hear from you on my diary.

Hope you are doing ok now after your relapse. Will catch up with your diary when I have a bit more time...

Little steps for me now, One day at a time and all that.

Keep strong hun

Ade xx

Posted : 26th November 2014 7:05 pm
Posts: 7071

Gooood morning Shiny !!!

For some reason always want to put "E" at the end of it lol...must be associating it with "everest" lol

So girl, hope work is not grinding you down too much and you keep afloat. Joining the forces this weekend and can't wait for Monday already lol..still haven't finished with catching up on that zzzzzz 🙂

A little list for you to follow today:
• wake up smiling
• get to work safely and share that beamy smile with the others
• have "can do" attitude all day (this is reminder for myself at work lol)
• be kind to yourself and have a nice meal to keep the ticker ticking in safe manner 🙂
• come back home and relax
• tell yourself "I'm the winner for another day"
• drift off to zzz land and dream of nice and peaceful things
• wake up with the same attitude tomorrow 🙂

Wow..ya see..i can do it lol..can't squeeze more positivity than this out of me lol, but i guess this is enough - just for today 🙂

Mooooooo-ve forward dear soldier! !!

S x

Posted : 27th November 2014 9:56 am
Posts: 0

Thanks for the support Shiny - much appreciated.

Keep strong hun

Ade xx

Posted : 27th November 2014 8:08 pm
Posts: 7071

Aghrrr lol lol..bloody post dissapeared, but who am i to give up lol...right, take 2 :

The answer: depends on the size of the onion 🙂 but as more layers you peel as more eye watering it can get lol..but it's manageable to wipe those tears away and carry on.

As of the climbing shoes, hell girl let me get over that ant hill first lol (but i have that flag in hand tho :-))))))

Oki..already forgot what i have put originally lol...so just stay safe, look after yourself and be kind to you.

....and follow my list i send earlier lol..that is a golden list 🙂

Night our ho ho ho Shiny xxx

Posted : 27th November 2014 10:52 pm
Posts: 7071

Lol lol Shiny, i knew there is some brainwashing going on lol..well, what can i say... i will reach the unreachable one day. Determination comes from within even if you all look at me and think - "yep..she is coo coo for sure" heh

...but for today i am happy with my little ant hill 🙂
You should b proud cause hammered that one day at a time mantra bk in my head lol...sigh..i will take it on, thank you 🙂

Sleep now, all black Friday's offers gone lol lol..soul must of been busy from USA and cleared the stocks lol

Oki..later girl, i hope you had a good, positive day.

I will follow that list tomorrow cause cannot survive without "can do" attitude at work lol 😉

S x

Posted : 28th November 2014 12:36 am
Posts: 7071

Ps.lol lol..sorry but couldn't help myself there :-))))

God..it's like hypnosis for me.

Over and out for sure 😀



S x

Posted : 28th November 2014 1:01 am
Posts: 7071

Hi Shiny 🙂

Jeeezzz look at us night owls here lol. I never sleep the last night before work, it is like routine now. So yep..you guessed right i will b one ranty b****h tomorrow night at work lol lol.

Oh girl, sorry to hear counselling was a bit of a toughie. They are not easy and really brings some stuff bk up which i would prefer to keep locked. But as you say - no pain no gain 🙂 and this shall pass too.
Has to be done and that's it. First time in my life i had to speak to that psychologist yesterday and express how i feel and so on...sort of assessment to pick the right counselling needed. It was hard cause him being a man (not being sexist here) but felt so uncomfortable explaining some stuff..

Jumping over to nicer stuff ...sooo did you really wasn't aware I'm bloody foreigner lol lol..yep darling, live here for 11 years and near enough fluent in language (not lol lol). Picked up some accents on a way and believe me ppl at home doesn't understand me in my own tong sometimes lol. Had a wonderful friend from Yorkshire and hell...that is not a language !!! Lol lol my friend spoke "normal" lol but the accent some of them has is so strong it's like speaking Chinese lol..Yep, i do like languages and have quite few in my baggage. I guess i wasn't brainy enough for maths or chemistry bk home lol so picked sports and languages instead.
Never worry what you say and if i struggle with something like "cud" lol lol i translate it.
I am kidding really and not really looking into dictionary. You will have to brave it and talk to me on a phone one day lol lol

So my vid didn't work then..aweee noooooooo!!! I loved it so much lol and yep, then you finally watch it, make sure you watch till the end (those ants has a flag there...yyeeppeee!!! Lol)

Oh god, i best get going. Time for a cup of tea..yep, sleeps gone now so will just wait till the morning lol

Oh yea, i will follow that list too lol..you sounded like " i will do if you do the same"...and million exclamation marks lol lol..should of just said....No pressurreeee....JUST f*****g DO IT!!! lol lol that would b as clear as the day ms Bossy 😉

Later and try to sleep, another day to navigate safely.

Take care of yourself and thank you for your ongoing support and kind words.

Ps. I'm sure Rach will be delighted for me to send her hello and best wishes over 🙂


S xxx

Posted : 28th November 2014 2:18 am
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