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Hope you're ok Shiny, don't be hard on yourself, we're all human.

It'll be spring soon with lots of lovely planting, fresh air and birds singing amongst the blossom.

Always take care

Lazarus x

Posted : 8th February 2014 12:44 pm
Posts: 7071

Hi Shiny,

Remember?? Breathe in...and out...

You never stop shining the light..for that i thank you from deep of my heart.

Be kind to urself, keep breathing, believing and enjoying at least those little tiny things you can see in ur life at this difficult time..each day they will grow bigger and brighter, ...why? BECAUSE U WORTH IT!!

Take it easy girl

S x

Posted : 8th February 2014 10:23 pm
Posts: 2163

Hey Shiny,

I have a mind that sometimes switches into overdrive too. I wish I had more words but, I don't so I won't strain my brain. Stay close -- we are all here for you my friend. All here for each other. Big fat hug coming your way. -joanxxxxxxx

Posted : 8th February 2014 10:58 pm
Posts: 0


Sorry to read about your bad days last week and I hope that things are better now.

As we all know the mind can be a very powerful tool in a good and a bad way. You turned your life around last year. You made decisions the vast majority of the human population shy away from on a daily basis. For you to question your self belief and for you to be low on confidence can only be your mind messing around with you because all your fans on here believe in you unconditionally and I am confident that you will continue to make fabulous progress just as you have been doing for the past couple of years.

Keep your guard up and keep moving forward.


Posted : 10th February 2014 9:34 pm
Posts: 4881

Hi Shiny,

I relate to the self-hatred for seemingly not being able to turn things around oneself... and how society often views vulnerable people as second class citizens

As you know I am struggling in myself and I find it hard to talk to people in the real world sometimes, though I have a bit recently. Good to read that you have plenty of support and are able to talk through your demons and am sure you will be coming out the other side soon if you haven't done so already.

Like others have said you have made some brave and courageous choices over the last couple of years which have given you solid foundations for the future.

Thank you for your support. I hope to get to a better place when it happens.. S.A 🙂

Posted : 14th February 2014 10:23 am
Posts: 0

Hey Shiny,

Quick post just to check you got my Valentines card and that everything is a little better in your world.


Posted : 19th February 2014 11:18 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter


Me I am ok, not great just ok

Work is turning into my lastest obsession

Some seriously deep unrest in my work place and I am in the middle of the storm , which is not good

But a change was desperately needed and for that change to happen a few eggs needed to be broken along the way . I have to remember that no matter how uncomfortable it gets . Times like this , it would be very easy to loose the value in myself , question and requestion my decisions .

Sometimes life feels like one great big enormous battle .

On the good side, gambling is the furthest thing from my thoughts , probs why I have not posted much .


Shiny xxx

Posted : 19th February 2014 3:20 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter


Another step forward taken yesterday in my life and my recovery .

I am now debt free . Yesterday I paid off the remaining balance of my last loan related to gambling .

When I look back , this is probs the first time I have been dept free from gambling in 15 years .

It feels good , not that I getting complacent , have a lot of stressers in my life at the moment , so know that I am one bet away from adding to those. But as I wrote the other day , gambling is the furthest thing in my thoughts at present .

Have a good weekend everyone , me back to work 🙁

With my head high and chin up , ready to walk back into s***t storm that is raging .


Shiny xxxxx

Posted : 21st February 2014 8:58 am
Posts: 0

Big congratulations Shiny and a massive well done!

Take care


Posted : 21st February 2014 9:29 am
Posts: 4422

My shiny friend

A footprint of damage erased by the efforts you gift your own life, in times when addiction returns to tempt you back.

Think of that post today.

Pure gold.

I salute you my fiend.

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 21st February 2014 11:10 am
Posts: 7071

Hey Shiny,

Great to read your post, and I ditto Duncs here, new white sheet is opened and you make the most of filling it with peace and happiness...you are so worth it!!!

P.s. I just love working weekends too lol, let's go get them girl lol lol,hav a lovely day, enjoy what you have, it is more than you can ask for - freedom of destruction and peace with urself 😉

Take care

S x

Posted : 21st February 2014 1:32 pm
Posts: 0


Well done. Reward for all your hard work. Nobody deserves it more.


Posted : 21st February 2014 7:35 pm
Posts: 0

Big congratulations on this Shiny.

Fully deserved.

All the best


Posted : 22nd February 2014 9:38 am
Posts: 7071

Good morning Shiny :-)))

Another sunrise to greet being free of nasty gambling hangover!! Hi five on that one my friend 🙂

Thanks so much for the post, u seem to know what ur talking about missy lol . Really pleased to walk the walk alongside you dear soldier and share ups and lows in this recovery. We are one pothole away from self destruction indeed...now we are behind the wheel and can navigate around them 🙂

No more running away and hiding on c rap days, no more tears, regrets,sleepless nights(still get them but couse work related lol), no more pain, hate,devastation and panic....and what is most important in my opinion - no more selling our souls on the gambling market!!!

Future is ours, wounds are healing, and we are moving on, as you say, getting stronger with each day. Accepting reality and enjoying the things we have..because we have plenty to b proud of girl!!!

Keep it up, stay strong, confident and keep candy crushing your way to the next level lol...(no cheating with free moves by changing the time lol)

Sandra over and out lol..just thought i share my thoughts wiv you this lovely morning!!...the same as u did yesterday :-))

Onwards and upwards

Day at a time

S x

Posted : 23rd February 2014 7:52 am
Posts: 4881

Hi shiny.. and congratulations on being debt free. Its one less stressor to worry about. I hope the current s**t storm passes soon enough am sure it will. Regards... S.A

Posted : 23rd February 2014 5:00 pm
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