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Wow that's awesome shiny. A big, big day and must have felt really good. Really come so far and learnt so much hence that your still feeling strong and know that you don't want to go back to that horrible feeling and ruin all of your hard work. Keep driving forward and enjoy that bit of extra financial freedom. Your certainly deserve it!

Posted : 28th February 2014 4:14 pm
Posts: 1423


Just fantastic to read you been debt free it just shows what can be done wren you put your heart and soul into it, making such difficult and life changing decisions on the way !

Its been a pleasure to share your journey and inspires me to continue my own and get to the height What you are achieving

Thoughts always with you


Posted : 3rd March 2014 4:59 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Yo ,

Gambling is still I am pleased to say a long way from my thoughts except when I come on here. Which I do every day to keep my beady eye on those who have traveled along my side .

Without those special people would I be where I am , I think not . So cheers my dears 🙂

Work is a nightmare , but without the pressures of gambling , the shop , dad ( who I miss every day 🙁 ) , and my poor excuse of a marriage . I am thriving .

My goals : to see a solicitor and start what ever proceedings I need to to end my marriage .

Consider getting out of my job , not easy at my age .

Not sure ... if I can loose the security

But hay one day at time . I know that I am hitting point that I desperately need a holiday , I knew that 3 weeks ago, so at the end of this month I have 2 weeks off .

It's then I will seek legal advice , and move things on with my husband and dissolve my marriage . Ummmmm can not see that going down well . Not something I am looking forward to , but know it needs to be done .

Work, well I stress to much , at the end of the day I keep telling myself , as I do my staff what's the worst thing that can happen . The ground will not open and swallow me up at the managers meeting tomorrow .

Stand tall stand proud , if it all goes belly up, by this time tomorrow you will home playing candy crush , planning what to do in your in garden ( sunshine weds)

Those are my thoughts today , but tell you what , will be glad when tomorrow is over . And just need to add, if I was still loosing £100s in a fobt well those thoughts coupled with what's on my mind today would see my blood pressure hitting the roof .

Rambling tonight , suppose you need to be me to get what the hell I am on about .

If you have got to this point well done dear friend , lol

Shiny xx

Posted : 4th March 2014 1:39 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Duplicated opppppsssss

Posted : 4th March 2014 2:02 am
Posts: 0

Great to hear the strength in your voice Shiny. You've travelled so far as a person and it's been both a joy and inspiring to watch.

Keep shining, keep pruning those areas in your life which need pruning.


Posted : 4th March 2014 9:20 am
Posts: 0


Hey, just a quick one to say hello and that I am happy to read that you are doing well.

Keep fighting the good fight.


Posted : 9th March 2014 1:48 pm
Posts: 7071

Hiya Shiny,

Long time no see and I hope ur are heading to that peace and happiness you was working towards in your last post 🙂

Really hope all is good with you, you are staying safe and strong and taking that little step every day to get to the place you are so worth to be - Complete harmony.

Never forgotten and your support always appreciated, I only started believing in angels since I joined this site. Say no more lol 🙂 (I'm not losing my marbles...hmmmm lol )

Take a good care of yourself and stay safe

Sandra x

Posted : 19th March 2014 7:12 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Shiny,

Just checking in that all is fine in your world. I hope you are experiencing peaceful and happy times.


Posted : 20th March 2014 9:01 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Shiny

Just thought I'd bump your diary up to let you know we haven't forgot about you. You have walked by my side for a considerable length of time and carried me at others, so I hope all is well with you!

Take care

Posted : 2nd April 2014 7:44 am
Posts: 789

Hey Shiny, Hope all is well. Really want to thank you for your last post to me. I became rather slack with posting and didn't reply but your words always bring comfort and are very much appreciated. It does help to know that others feel or felt the same way. Take care.

Posted : 4th April 2014 3:50 pm
Posts: 7071

Helllloooooo Shiny 🙂

Finally digged ur diary up, page 3!!.lol..you can hide but I will keep finding you (no pressure lol). Hope you are enjoying your life and reaping the benefits abstinence gifts t you. Spring and warmer weather brings more optimism, energy and smiles...it does to me but I believe it is for most of us.

On that note - all the best dear soldier, may peace and happiness stays in your life, keep making the right choice!!

Sandra x

ps. Level 170 on cc..heh heh..d**n I'm slow lol..but, don't rush and you'll b first as they say ha...I've got plenty of time to progress in my skills and get those chocs and candies under control lol.

Posted : 22nd April 2014 1:03 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey missy 🙂

Found you again lol..page 6 but hey you coming bk up. Hope all is good with ya shiny one. Weirdly kept thinking to post to you over last 5 days. Just something nagging in my head lol. Been a while since you dropped by and I hope no news is good news, just selfishly miss ur posts.

Warmer weather is here and I hope it's treating you well. Plz drop a line if you ever happen to visit this battle field 🙂

You are in my thoughts

All the best and keep safe

Sandra x

Posted : 23rd May 2014 2:06 pm
Posts: 0


Just popping in to say hello to my favourite girl on the forum. I know you don't post much but I still think about you every time I log on here. I hope all is fine in your world.

P.S. Anytime you are free for babysitting just give me a shout.


Posted : 7th June 2014 8:02 pm
Posts: 7071

Hmmm..church of Shiny, I suppose I better watch out for that sniper stepping my foot round here lol

Yes, a good shake is all I need.

I left a huge ramble on your tread earlier tonight. There was no need for that lol..poor me lines are not gonna solve anything. I am scared and the fear of tripping is feeding this habit even more. I hav today, and just hope to make better tomorrow. .and not through this nasty addiction.

Hope all is good with yourself. Haven't updated your tread in a while, let me bump it up for you. Really good to see you touching the base, and ..just THANK YOU.

Take care Shiny, you know what you are talking about, keep to your beliefs and keep making that right choice

(((((S))))) xx

Posted : 3rd July 2014 1:41 am
Posts: 7071

And our friend Shiny..

Right, your post to me made complete sense and I thank you for it. This recovery road has no destination, at least for me it is endless road ahead. Every day is different but we can make them days tiny bit better by making the right choice.

I don't know if I will ever be able to share what I went through last couple of days. Anger towards myself, Dissapointment, and all the negative feelings human being can have. Never scared myself so much as I did today, but..these days do pass too.

I will think about counselling too, had it last year and it did help me, but after stopping seeing her I slowly turned back to my old ways. They can listen and advice you, but like with everything else - we are the ones doing the homework. I will try to reach for that help again, part of me wants to make it all right. I am not very good person and this is the main problem bothering me, I seem to direct my pain to the people I care for...and that is eating me inside out, followed with more wrong decisions being made on a way. I hav no right to hurt others...never thought i will..I think I'm disgusting like that, I either sort myself out and let my childhood pain and anger go or nothing else will ever be able to help me. I am ready to fight this and find the answers what is making me to switch from one person to the other in a matter of hours.(before you start thinking I get that stick out to beat ppl up, I don't lol..it is all emotional pain by saying wrong things)

There is not much about gambling eh? No, that is just a part of the story, but as always it is all linked in.

Hope you are feeling a lot better now and everything is falling back to places. You deserve all the peace and happiness in your life, we all do..and only we can achieve it by making the right decision each day.

Thank you for your support, thank you for touching the base and letting us know you are sound and safe.

Spared another visit to that church lol..I like this place to come and b able to confess lol..thank you 🙂

Take care for now

S x

Posted : 4th July 2014 2:24 am
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