Help a need too stop for good :(

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Well folks am gutted am back been trying too stop gambling for years but things that have happened too me lately are scaring me. Been losing thousands an then back level an losing it all again. Am so scared it's unreal. Been compulsive gambler for 12 years. When a don't gamble it doesn't bother me but when am gambling, a stop at nothing an no end too my loses. Am so happy when a don't gamble but when am gambling a hate myself. Av let myself down so much am so scared a lose everything an that's why am here again an need too stop for good a can't lose everything av got one last chance. With the help an support from everyone a can do this. A can't live like this anymore the other day a spent 4 days grinding out a £500 profit real hard work and blew it all on the 5th day in 2 hours an another £700 of my own how is that right. A feel so low just now an upset with myself I don't want too explain the things that we're going throu my mind. A ruin everything in my life cause of gambling an too be honest when am gambling nothing else matters in life an that's sad. Am disgusted with myself. But tomorrow 8th January 2014 is the start of a new begining for myself no more living with nothing. Av got time too get it all back at 32. Help me folks on my journey for a new happier an better life 🙂

Posted : 8th January 2014 12:22 am
Posts: 357

Wise decision you have made ally. You don't need to put yourself through any more torment any longer. You can achieve this. Treat your recovery as a 'work in progress'. You'll find it's best to take this thing day by day. Commit yourself to your diary though and should urges creep around in your head, I recommend posting here for support, as well as offloading what might be on your mind.

Many of us know what it's like to start this journey and you'll find here an immensely warm and caring group of people who been through similar experiences as you and have found themselves out of the gambling loop.

We're all different here. Some had problems with this and others with something else, but we're all trying to achieve the same thing, which is to not to gamble and move on in life.

With this being the new year an all it's time for a new slate. Forget those losses as they'll only torment you. Your first post is an important one. It takes real kahunas, in my book, as I think many come here and don't bother posting. Well done for taking the plunge and making what could prove to be the best decision you've made in a long while.

You can have a happier life. It starts with you choosing not to gamble again. Day by day, your journey will get easier and become rewarding to you.

I wish you the best and welcome you here


Posted : 8th January 2014 12:50 am
Posts: 0

Totally know where your coming from. Been there, £10,000 up then lost it all in an all night online session. Spent days and £1000s more trying to win it back. Got level at one point and still ended up with massive losses. You know what one if the most relevant comments I've seen is? "You'll never win because you can never stop" if you accept that you'll never win then why would you gamble at all?

Had a lapse myself and back to day zero. I've cut my losses and got back to posting in my diary and feeling positive again. We're similar ages and sound like we have the same sort of history with gambling. But like you said we're young enough to get past this and start again. Don't dwell on the losses mate, it's gone. Budget for the future and think of what you could do with the money you'll have by not gambling but never try to win back what's lost, it's gone and trying to win it back will only lead to misery. You know even if you win some back you'll still end up losing it all again.

We can do this. Let's make 2014 the year we stopped gambling starting right now. Stay strong. It's midnight 8th jan 2014. DAY 1.

Posted : 8th January 2014 1:02 am
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Thanks very much for the support guys, it means a lot when people post on each other's threads, as it helps too keep focused and helps too control the urges. I accept the urges with never go away just need them too get easier an less. Your so right how can you ever win when you can never walk away. On day 1 feeling bit better than yesterday but just need too erase the loses out my mind or I will end up gambling again too make up the loses and I know that's never going to happen. I think I have officially hit my all time low. It has too stop and for ever. There is no way back in the gambling world for me as I have a serious problem and that problem will always be there. A could lose £1,000 pound at bookies in a day an grudge paying £30 for a new pair of shoes lol no comparison an that is just one way putting it. No more lies to my friends an family or too myself it's over. The new me an gamble free :). Stay focused folks

Posted : 8th January 2014 1:47 pm
Posts: 357

Good for you, ally. You've accepted you have a problem and are prepared to tackle it. I think you'll find most of us came here when we hit an all time low. As strange as seems to say, but from my personal experience, my all time low was a blessing in disguise. It kinda jolts you into taking some action, if you get me.

For me, to avoid gambling, I just think of the whole process of escape, distraction, loss of time, money, destruction of health and sanity... and for what? Nothing. You give so much of yourself and for nothing. Or nothing but a cheap thrill that comes and goes as you play. In that sense, it's you mind tricking you and gambling has just become an addictive illusion of sorts that lures you back for another 'high'. We all know though, that all you'll end with though is immense lows.

I recommend you read through the diaries, do research on compulsive gambling and addiction and empower yourself. There is much to use to your advantage in overcoming problem gambling.

Have blocks in place on your computer (k9 is good and FREE), self-exclude if you haven't already and lastly believe in yourself. You can do this.

All the best


Posted : 8th January 2014 5:15 pm
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Cheers Alex, thanks for taking the time out too comment on my posts means a lot for taking your time too share your experience. Your so right in every word. I feel more confident than ever an the support from everyone else will be so good too know am not alone. Sometimes when you hit that time when you have nobody too talk too an when the urges come. You only need too read the peoples comments an experiences an you would never gamble ever again. All the best Alex thanks again

Posted : 8th January 2014 8:56 pm
Posts: 0

Hope you made it through day one. Stay strong and life will just get better with every day and every £ that's not wasted.

Posted : 9th January 2014 7:50 am
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Onto day 2 no real great urges just still beating myself up with how stupid I have been again thinking I could have controlled my gambling again after years of admitting my problems an trying too stop. This time I am going too stop for good never felt so determined an angry with myself. Bookies are deadly in everyway, the way I used too go on with gambling makes me feel sick at thought. Chase my loses in everyway. I really do think the government has too step in an control the gambling in some way it's scary how many people are suffering from same problem just not wanting too admit it. I understand it's our own choice too gamble but years ago when I first started gambling I never thought it would get a hold of me ie blow my months wages in a day, get loans an credit cards too gamble. Lie to my family an friends about money things to lend money too cover up my loses or gamble too win my money back it's scary but is happening every day. In a way am glad I feel the way I do about it all now cause it will stop me from gambling ever again an help me break free from the dreaded urges. Stay strong folks we can do this together 🙂

Posted : 9th January 2014 1:43 pm
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Nearly end of day 2 no real urges feeling good. More determined than ever as well. Heading into day 3 focused an strong. No been where there is many bookies but I intend too Steer well clear. Am still so angry with myself for being in this position an for being so stupid but looking forward too the new begining. Stay focused folks an keep posting the more support the better 🙂

Posted : 9th January 2014 11:02 pm
Posts: 357

Good to read you're still doing well. This change in attitude and how you view gambling will determine how well you'll do in future. You've woken yourself up in a sense, you can't deny the inevitable truth that a) You cannot gamble and b) There was never anything to gain from ever gambling in the first place.

I think we often get confused and lost in periods of our lives and seek out escape and gambling for us became the escape. The problem as you noted with the mention of the government is that gambling has become commonplace and acceptable. The government loves gambling just like they love cigarettes, right now, so won't expect major changes for years. We all know it's a con though. We're sold on illusions, I guess. Once you wise up to it all though, as you're doing now it's silly to go back. Your drive and determination will see you through, ally. Keep it up, mate.

Posted : 10th January 2014 12:20 am
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Thanks so much atk85 for taking the time too comment. I think before when I used this site when trying too stop many times before. I never commented enough in trying too help other people too stay gamble free like wise maybe other people helping myself by commenting. That is the big factor in all this if you don't keep reminding yourself every day that gambling is wrong an reading all the horror stories that gambling can cause you end up thinking its not that bad an you can control it now as you have had a break, that's so wrong once that problem is there it is always there. In my experience you have too use the site daily an say how you feel. Let you think you aren't just letting yourself down your letting everyone on the site with us down as we are all here from same reason. There has too be an end before there can be a new begining. 7th January 2014 was my end an the new begining was 8th January 2014. Keep posting my friend your comments are more than appreciated 🙂 stay focused good luck

Posted : 10th January 2014 1:17 am
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we have admitted we are powerless over our addiction - that our lives have become un manageable the day you believe this an trust these words. a read this, an that day I vowed never too gamble again as there is no way back too gambling from those strong words. Anyone who reads this read it every morning when you wake up. It's certainly a wake up call 🙂

Posted : 10th January 2014 1:36 am
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Nearly day 3 over no urges an feeling strong. Feeling more determined as the days go on just hope it continues too feel this way. Hope everyone else is staying strong reading comments an commenting on other peoples progress it defo makes a difference an helps too keep on straight an narrow. Good luck folks stay strong 🙂

Posted : 10th January 2014 9:54 pm
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Onto day 4, today will be real test so much sport on an so much to gamble on but I am going to give it a miss. I am going to keep busy an watch scores coming through look for a few shocks an keep telling myself it's wrong too gamble. Stay strong everyone keep busy an don't give into those dreaded urges.

Posted : 11th January 2014 11:51 am
Posts: 0

Hi Ally,

Well done on getting through these first few days without gambling. You know exactly what you need to do and you're taking the steps to go in the right direction.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm still as interested in sport as I've ever been, just not gambling means paying more attention to my team and not worrying about a freak goal or result - we may have a few of those today! Keep working and stay focused on not giving in to the urge to gamble, and I hope to see you going from strength to strength.

All the best


Posted : 11th January 2014 5:41 pm
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