Thanks for your kind words Ryan and I must agree, just watched the football results coming through with ease. No frustration or hoping for a goal to get coupon up an then when it all goes wrong like it does most of time no angry or upset feeling or looking too see what games are on next too chase my money away. Times like this makes you realise how gambling gets a hold of you an it controls you. For once was a nice relaxing chilled sat an for the first time in a long time I won cause I never placed a bet. All the best Ryan an will keep supporting you on your way too a happy an gamble free life 🙂
Onto day 5 no real urges just going too try an stay busy an support other people. It's true what they say when you try too give up you have good days an bad days an take every day as it comes. I will not have a bet the day which means I have won again by not placing a bet. Good luck folks stay strong an stay supporting 🙂
Nearly end of day 5 an first weekend gamble free. Had a couples of urges over weekend if I am honest but nothing too major to give in an have a bet. Being on here defo keeps you focused an strong an staying away from having a bet. Hope everyone else has had a good weekend an has stayed forced an strong 🙂
Day 6 has been a good day for me, no urges when walking by lots of bookmakers. went longer way too avoid most bookmakers. Feeling positive an determined too beat this an stay gamble free. Like I said at beginning just got too take every day as it comes an stay on here supporting everyone else 🙂
Keep it up, ally. Your first week is nearly up and gone already. You should pat yourself on the back for making an effort to put gambling in your past, where it belongs. Should you be near any of these bookmakers, just remember where you've been in the past - stuck inside there, the whirlpool of emotions, the pain of having what is an addiction, the loss of yourself, your wealth and more. Time and time again, you just have to realize that that this past as a gambler was a fruitless thing that offered little in return for what you gave of yourself.
Well done ally. Really pleased for you. 🙂
Thanks atk85 for your kind words of support. Too be honest I don't want too be anywhere near bookmakers but you know and I know atk85 the bookmakers are all over the high street every where you turn they are there. Not once did I feel I wanted too enter one at anytime I was more angry than anything when I seen them. I actually realised how far I had came in nearly a week. I felt strong, didn't feel weak an felt determined to finally give up for good. Thanks for the support, keep strong folks 🙂
Hi Ally,
Well done on getting through the first week without gambling.
I have been following you're post and we have all been their you cant walk out of the bookmakers as a winner other wise they will go out of business and the only way to beat them is to avoid going into them.
As you said these days their are bookmakers on every corner no matter were you go and i wish the council & government will do something about that.
I would say you should self exclude yourself from the bookmaker you do go past but only when you have no money or cards on you.
This way your mind will know that you are not allowed in this shop and believe me it does help.
Also weekends are the most tough as all sports are on and the urges are high i would say keep your self busy in something till the game.
Keep working and stay focused on not giving in to the urge to gamble, and I hope to see you going from strength to strength.
All the best
1 week gamble free. Feels good been kept busy all day. Had a few dreams last nite that I had been gambling an lost a lot of money. Was so glad too wake up this morning an realised it was only a dream. A don't think I would want too go back too all that again. The feel of upset an disappointment. I hope it's a thing of the past. Need to stay focused an positive. Life can be hard without making it hard for each other. Stay focused an keep commenting folks 🙂
Good job on your first week, ally. You've been given some great advice there and given yourself some too. Staying positive will help in your journey. It'll mean a lot in these early days.
Dreaming of gambling isn't unusual. I think it just goes to show how much attention we played to a rather silly but addictive pursuit.. To the point where it's kinda engrained in our subconscious. The fact that your reaction to it is positive means you're doing well. Some after that dream, might have gambled. The fact that you haven't, means that you have really woken up.
Stay positive and strong. You can do this.
Thanks Alex
on your kind words, it helps when people realise how hard we work at things too make it a gamble free life an the thing about this website is we are all here for same reason an looking for the same level of support too get through this. We will never be free of the urges or the day to day encounters with bookies they are every where in high streets an advertisements on TV but with the support an determination of each other we can beat this.
Now on day 9 feeling determined an had no urges even after my dream which is good. Just keeping busy with work an stuff an staying forced on where I have been an where I am going. Stay focused folks never look back
Hi Ally,
Well done on getting through that first week, and you're right, it is all about working to beat the addiction and keeping up that determination to put it behind you. I have always found immersing myself in work a good way to completely disconnect from gambling, I always find the toughest part is when I have time and money on my hands.
Keep up the good work, stay strong through the weekend. Sport should always be entertainment and not the negative influence it becomes hand in hand with gambling, and those ads just multiply the problem.
All the best
On day 12 an the second weekend, the weekend can be hard as so much sport on and is tempting as the urges get stronger as everyone talking about the coupons an posting the coupons on Facebook, but am being strong an fighting hard too stay gamble free. It's in the past an the life for me is gamble free. Life is so more relaxing when gamble free not checking scores every minute an the disappointment when last minute goal goes in an burst your coupon. Stay focused folks it's a better life ahead without gambling 🙂
Hi Ally
Just wanted to say well done to you on staying gamble free for the last 12 days. I can imagine how hard it can be for you when the weekend arrives but you seem to be managing this really well.
when I joined this forum just over a year ago, I adopted the most simple but powerful word to my recovery "NO". I found this really worked well and didn't involve too much thought, other than saying this out loud to myself!!
Take care and good luck.
Hey Ally,
Congrats for sticking to it. Hang in there and take it one day at a time. Thank you for your kind message on my thread. You can do it, and you will succeed!
Hey Ally,
Hope you got through the weekend okay, and that the start of the week has been good to you too. Thanks for your generous words on my own diary.
I spent so long obsessing about accumulators that cost me a pound or two but always led me eventually into the casino where I'd lose any profits ten times over. Watching West Ham at the moment, and frankly, there are plenty of more important things to worry about than a stupid accumulator, especially with the state of our defence.
Keep up the good work, and well done on remaining gamble free.
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