“I was disturbed. But that moment, I realised I had to face up to these things, just as other people have big things in their life they have to face up to.
"No excuses, no moaning, no blaming any one else.”
There is no element of self-pity in Hamann's analysis, nor within the book.
Think I have fallen in love with this quote from Dietmar hamann, was published in the daily mirror on 20th Jan 2012 taken from his new book.
I feel I have taken a similar approach in my own attempts to stop but even now this reads very powerfully for me
still no gambling.. wahoo!
just randomly checked, its been 450 days since i last gambled. quite pleased with that!
And so you should be!
Thanks GT
still going, cant quite believe my next milestone will be 500 days.... and I say will be cos although I'm not there yet - I will get there.
I continue to make a choice,
I choose not to gamble.
Brilliant mate.. well done... S.A 🙂
i read through your diary and can see so much of my problem in yours.
I've just faced up to my problem and have still to tell my partner. I'm dreading this as she's helped me out before with a gambling debt.
Feel i'm making a small step on the road to recovery and will look to you and others for inspiration.
I just read thru another persons diary from start to finish and noticed how suportive u have been to them fair play 2 u hope ur stil gamble free
well i still love it when i dont gamble but for a while there i was off the wagon, its hurt a lot but all things considered it feels good to be back.
just wish i hadnt needed to come back, wish i hadnt left in the first place
dont know when last bet was so im gonna just say today so i have a reference point
best wishes all
Hello Dan,
Sorry to hear of your recent gambles.
I did wonder where you disappeared to.
You are not the first and CERTAINLY won't be the last to leave these pages and come back again.
Even though I hardly post these days I still read on odd days to keep the gremlins away.
You have proved you can be gamble free for a very long time and can do so again.
one day at a time friend,it all adds up.
Best wishes
Winning post
Thanks wp,
Two things in simple happened for me, firstly I stopped talking, I stopped thinking about my addiction and clearly I wasnt ready to do so,
secondaly I had a series of traumatic events which provided my trigger finger with all it needed
everything subsequent goes straight back to those two things, the repeated gambling is all part of my attempts to recover from a gambling loss, which we all know is not a good idea
I knew Id never be over this completely but I did hope that I could maybe return to a sense of normality, maybe one day but first and foremost I need to start my clock all over again,
over 500 days last time, this time I will double that and then go on holiday
to reach that target I need to first go for one week, today is day two (its actually more than that) but the diary will help me focus
Still going ok
Hi Dan, sorry to hear about the slip. It's not a problem though! You know what to do. You've done it before. Just do it again! All the best. Russ
Well it has certainly been a tough few years but I logged back in recently as I started my latest attempt. I've reached out for help in ways I never have before but I'm not sure if this forum is for me - I find the strories make me think about gambling. I prefer not having it in my life. That said I want to have this account accessible and I'm quite please to see the count tick over to 94 days. small steps.
day 104
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