i absolutely love..... ....not gambling

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technically thats now six weeks since i gambled, it was on the morning of a thursday, a payday.

still almost at my second goal of two paydays without gambling

lots to look forward to, a really really tough week, a few things that would have triggered a desperate gambling spree but thankfully by being open with my wife and also by beign able to read/post ont his site I have no actual urge to gamble, just the odd thought.


Posted : 13th January 2011 12:43 pm
Posts: 34

Well done Dan.

Regardless of our differences - we each share a common goal...and you seem to know yourself well enough to see it's working for you.

Good on ya I say.


Posted : 13th January 2011 1:13 pm
Compulsive Gambler
Posts: 686
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another 24 hours clean,

thinking that englands great run is close to coming to an end

31 from 13 needed

great running between wickets at the moment

anyway best get on with some chores

take care all

Posted : 14th January 2011 11:35 am
Posts: 0

Hey Dan, just a had a full read through your diary and great read mate, your doing brilliantly and 6 weeks is a massive achievement, but we all know all that hard work can be undone in one moment so keep on your guard on keep up the hard work!

Like nearly everyone on the site can relate to everything you say, especially about buying your wife a mulberry. My girlfriend has been wanting a Balenciaga for the last few years, I could have bought her 50 with what Ive blown gambling over those years but Id rather fill the pockets of these horrible companys. Anyway, it was her 21st this year and her mum said she'd put half to one with me for her birthday, she gave me the £500 3 weeks before, what did I do....yep, thought Oh, i'll just go and double this up to pay for it, lost it, and then becuase at the time I was getting paid weekly but not enough to pay for the bag, every pay day I was trying to double my wage up to pay for this bag! In the end I had to borrow the money from somebody but I didnt even hae the bag to give to her on her birthday and had to lie to her and her mum that it was still waiting to be delivered! What a sad man eh!

Anyway, keep up the hard work mate and no doubt be seeing you about on here plenty!

Take care


Posted : 14th January 2011 1:42 pm
Posts: 0

I love.....

....the name of your diary!

Just goes to show what life can be like WHEN we don't gamble!


Posted : 14th January 2011 5:05 pm
Compulsive Gambler
Posts: 686
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another day free, gotta keep remembering how great it feels to not gamble

Posted : 15th January 2011 5:49 pm
Posts: 0

well done! I dont really post on other peoples threads cause I feel such a failure right now having slipped twice already this year, but reading through them gives me encouragement that if I can stick to it I can be gamble free.

Keep it up! youre doing good

Posted : 15th January 2011 5:57 pm
Compulsive Gambler
Posts: 686
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many thanks sara

I have truly had a terrible week for reasons I can't post here, one of those horrible combinations where things have been tough, Ive had some time on my hands, a little cash in my bank, but only a little, halfway through the month and I'm really feeling the pinch but I do have access to money in a joint account and could have got loads out on a credit card,

So effectively I have had the means, the motive and the weapon, but I am delighted to say that I have not gambled one penny. I know how early this is in my recovery....only six weeks but even so it is the longest I have consciously gone without gambling, probably since my first proper bet when aged 17, 14 years ago

If you do happen to read this and you yourself are struggling through those early days of quitting, please please take heart in the knowledge that the grass really is greener on the other side

the pride and satisfaction I feel in myself is very rewarding to say the least.

loads of work to do moving forward but for today at least, I will not gamble.

take care all

Posted : 16th January 2011 10:09 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Dan, I've been following your progress from the start. I like reading what you have to say. Life does feel better on the other side and it will keep on getting better and better. Keep up the support of others. I'm impressed....keep strong. Russ

Posted : 17th January 2011 7:12 am
Compulsive Gambler
Posts: 686
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thanks russ

Posted : 17th January 2011 7:18 am
Posts: 0

The joy and feeling that we feel with a winning bet is short lived as we give it back and more besides and then feel lousy. The pride and satisfaction that we feel by not gambling can burn forever if we do not return to those old ways.


Posted : 17th January 2011 2:38 pm
Posts: 0

It's not 'only six weeks' for you. Six weeks is a major achievement and because you resisted those urges recently, you will reach seven (yes, SEVEN!) weeks...

...and beyond!


Posted : 17th January 2011 6:35 pm
Compulsive Gambler
Posts: 686
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stumper, love your post,

getting there, I say only six weeks as I dont wish to appear complacent or arrogant

I really am pleased with my progress so far and believe I am putting more steps in place than ever before, not just to make gambling harder but to try and figure out why I turn to gambling in needy moments

thanks for your posts, it means a lot when people take time out to post...



Posted : 17th January 2011 9:59 pm
Compulsive Gambler
Posts: 686
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P.s: Fair play to you if you're still supporting Southampton after all the S***e they've been through the last few years. Kicking gambling should be a walk in the park!!

mmm you may have a point there!! 🙂 still at least we gave you bale for the price of a kitkat!

Posted : 17th January 2011 11:01 pm
Posts: 0

H Dan

See you are having a few ups and downs but the main thing is you’re getting further and further away from your last bet. It is very hard at first, more for some than others and I think if you’re having it bad it definitely makes you stronger in the end. No pain No gain and all that!

How are you doing with your debt busting plan? I remember your earlier posts. You had gone from £40k to £39k and I posted in your diary at the time the similarities between us as far as residual debt is concerned. I’ve still not totted all mine up but I think it’s a fairly similar, possibly a little more, than yours. With the mad remortgage I took out in 2006 it’s nearly three times as much.

I’ve noticed a number of guys who have just given up post on here that they will be debt free in just a few months - around 4 - 6 being the average. Good luck to them. Such a financial position can only aid their recovery. Lucky for some that their addiction did not take them too far down, in financial terms that is.

But the likes of me and you Dan, have got to be careful in this regard. It’s two months since my last bet and I feel great about that and this is making me feel positive about the future. This feeling is being compromised though by my feelings around my debt situation. I’ve been in debt for years and probably lost at least 12times my current unsecured debt in my lifetime but because I’ve really hit rock bottom this time (a necessity for quitting, I think) I really am up to the wire with what I owe. I’ve spun things along for so long, time to sort them out is no longer available. And this pressure, which appears much more acute now I’ve quit gambling, does not help my recovery one bit. I’m still able to control my gambling urges but I could quite understand why some in my situation under such debt stress might go back to their old ways.

Dan, it’s such an irony really. All my debt is gambling induced. The credit cards, personal loans and mad massive remortgage - 90% has gone on betting. On Saturday I applied for a loan from two different banks and was rejected within a milisecond of pressing the transmit button! When I really need a loan and am slowly getting into a position to repay, both through having started a job and no longer gambling, I get rejected due to the massive debt I have run-up whilst gambling. It takes a long time to escape the tentacles of the consequences of our CG era. Why would we ever go back???

Final note, whatever I've said above about the debt mess - things would be far worse if we were still gambling! No argument!

Take care.


Posted : 18th January 2011 6:55 am
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