I am stronger than I thought!

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Hi all, some of you may know me from chat 🙂 I use to gamble on the fruit machines at the pub. Thanks to all the help on chat, and my 7 month old daughter as my motivation I have been gamble free for 14 weeks and 5 days, although I am really struggling at the moment. So I thought I would start a diary, I am hoping to stay gamble free. Fingers crossed.

Posted : 13th April 2012 11:06 pm
Posts: 0

Well done

Posted : 13th April 2012 11:56 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Char,

I'm really glad you decided to start a diary. You will get lots of support here and I'm sure you'll be as much of an asset to the diary section as you are on chat!

I was thinking about what you said earlier on chat regarding why you were having urges. Something similar happened to me the other day when I read about someone having a really big win. It stirred all sorts of crazy thoughts in my head and I so wanted to have a bet.. but I resisted because I forced myself to remember all the times even a good win turned into even greater losses! One day after betting for about 12 hours straight, I was nearly £9k up but did I stop? No, of course I didn't.. I just kept on going because it wasn't enough and I realise now that nothing will ever be 'enough'. Once I had lost that £9k I proceeded to lose another £30k in under 3 months!

You will have urges Char, it would be odd if you didn't, what matters though, is how you deal with them... and you are doing all the right things, you should be really proud of yourself! Just remember, by not gambling you are winning.. what better incentive can there be??

Stay strong girl, you're doing great! x

Posted : 14th April 2012 12:28 am
Posts: 0

Welcome to this very supportive place full of people who know exactly how you are feeling.

By coming on here and on chat just shows how determined you are to stop this gambling madness.

I wish that I did this when I was 19. You have made the best decision of your life by deciding to stop this now.

Life is for living and not for losing all your hard-earned money by gambling.

Keep reading and posting if it helps you.

Enjoy your weekend.


Posted : 14th April 2012 6:52 am
Posts: 0
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Thanks all for your support. I have woke up feeling much more positive today 🙂 I hope I can stay strong. You are right lmm no win is ever enough and even if we do win we give it all back in the end. Thanks for your kind words 🙂

Posted : 14th April 2012 12:44 pm
Posts: 0

hi charlotte, im sure i have just seen you in chat 🙂 but i got there when it was finishing i'd only just figured out there was a chat room, im 26 with two little girls and a hubby, my downfall is online slots, or slots at the bingo, im on day four and am determined to do this im very head strong, so sometimes wonder why im a gambler really :/ anyways well done on your jorney keep going! hollie xxx

Posted : 14th April 2012 8:03 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi charlotte

Well done on starting a diary ur so right in thinkin it's a great decision I guarantee it will really help u moving forward esp with the urges when they come read and post they do go away , ur at a great age a beautiful daughter u av everything to live for why would u want to go back to that life of misery

I wish u all the best


Posted : 14th April 2012 8:18 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi charlotte

Well done on starting a diary ur so right in thinkin it's a great decision I guarantee it will really help u moving forward esp with the urges when they come read and post they do go away , ur at a great age a beautiful daughter u av everything to live for why would u want to go back to that life of misery

I wish u all the best


Posted : 14th April 2012 8:19 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Char

Good to see that you are once again feeling positive about things.

Hope to catch up with you in chat later 🙂

Posted : 15th April 2012 1:06 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Still gamble free 🙂 can't say it has been easy lately, but I will take it day by day

Posted : 16th April 2012 7:34 pm
Posts: 168

Hi Charlotte, well done on your progress! I know it can be a struggle at times but you will grow stronger and the urges will subside. Keep strong and keep posting x

Posted : 16th April 2012 7:50 pm
Posts: 0

Hi charlotte thanks 4 posting on my diary. Uv a great chance 2 get this early. Friends took me aside at uni when i woz 20 and told me i had a problem but i didnt reali listen bak then i wish i had of. I woz working part tim in a bookies at uni and it woz my job 2 empty the machines trust me therz no value at all and ther designed by experts to just tease us. I know somebody that calls them mechanical pickpockets haha. Stay focused and good luck

Posted : 16th April 2012 8:26 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks for posting such a nice piece on my diary Charlotte, it really helps to get great feedback when the day's been difficult.

You are doing soo well too

Keep the good work up

Lucy is bet free today 🙂 x

Posted : 16th April 2012 9:05 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Char,

Glad to see you're still gamble free but sad to see you're still struggling.

I once read a quote, not sure who wrote it and didn't even know it would have such a bearing on my life until now but it goes something like this:

'Perseverence is the hard work you do after you get tired of the hard work you already did'.

So, persevere Char, you will get through this phase and you will be all the stronger for it - one day at a time.

Catch up with you soon 🙂

Posted : 16th April 2012 9:53 pm
Posts: 0

Keep resisting temptations Charl, before you know it you'll be strong again to see them for what they really are, nothing but misery. Well done as well for getting so far, you must be a strong willed person! Take care, Steve.

Posted : 17th April 2012 12:38 am
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