sorry about the loss of the little angel,he was brave and he fighted till the end.
we compulsive gamblers always saying about the money we lost and what we have done to our lifes but we dont apreciate that god has given us a second chance to recover.other people are having real health problems and they dont have this second chance,such a pitty.
take care charlotte and keep strong!
Just wanted to send you a hug , sorry to hear your sad news. I can only imagine how hard this must be for you all.
You are doing so well, keeping away from gambling, that takes sooooo much strength and determination. Not everyone would be able to do it under these circumstances.
Stay strong honey,
Dusty xxxxxxxxxx
Hi ,
That was good work on your part fighting off the urge. Some days can be incredibly tough. Believe me I know. And with that the urge almost unbearable . It takes a lot of strength especially at those times. Very proud of your good work. Whether its 10 or 20 or 1000 it's also our chance at something better than what we have that those machines claw from us as well.
You are doing great! Best wishes Charlotte
Just to say that thoughs are with you Charlotte and that you have done fantastic to keep those urges at bay with the sadness you must feel for your friend...
Try and get some rest hun..
Rachel and Dotty (extra wuffs and cuddles)xxx.
Hello Charlotte19. Thank you for your support on my thread. Although what a hypocrite I am lol, trying to convince you not to gamble then the next day do that very thing.
Thank u 4 ur kind words and support on my diary, it means alot 🙂
3 weeks gamble free 2day 🙂
Yesterday was sooo tough, but I did it I faught thru the urges. I am soooo proud of myself 🙂
I'm learning so much on this journey, one day at a time!
Hope everyone else is doing well 🙂
Hey Char,
Well done 3 weeks is a great effort mate!!
Keep fighting those urges I know its not easy and very very draining but it will be worth all the effort.
Stay strong and focused and we will get there!!
Well done mate.
Hi, Thanks for your reply on my diary the other day. I see your doing well, hang in there. Your only 19, I wish i'd have seen the error of my ways at 19!!. Would have saved me alot of stress and a whole lot of debt. Its taken me till I was 30. Best of luck, keep going.
hi charlotte,
thanks for your kind words,keep strong!
Hi Charlotte,
She fights them off for another day!
Well Done girl, you are doing soooooo well and i'm really proud of you as you should be of yourself 🙂
You are keeping strong Charlotte even when times are tough and just shows what a determind , strong young lady you are!
Your daughter will be soo proud to have you as her Mum 🙂
Keep going girl , i know you will do it!
Smiling Lucy
Good morning Char
Soooooooo proud of you for fighting them b*****rs away!
It's true what you say, this is one massive learning experience for us all.. and you are doing a grand job of learning the right things.
No one said this would be easy, but with strength and resolve, we can make a great future for ourselves and our families!!
Hope you're having a fab day, stay strong and keep fighting! xxx
Charlotte is still here, still fighting, still smiling, and still making everyone proud!!
Cannot say much more than that you are doing amazingly well and I applaud you!!
Oh I might have to sneak on to chat sometime it sounds like a good place to be 🙂
Enjoy your weekend,
Thank u 4 all ur kind words and support on my diary:)
Feeling very determined to beat this.... No gambling 2day 🙂
One day at a time!
Hope everyone else is doing well 🙂
Had a really nice day 2day, spent the afternoon on the waterfront having lunch watching the boats, me my bf and little girl and some family.
2moro nite is gonna be my 1st real test since my slip... I am going in2 town for my friends bday, lots of drinks clubs and pubs... but also lots of fruit machines. I am really determined not 2 ruin my hard work. So 4 the 1st time ever I have some things planned 4 if/when I get the urge 2 gamble.
I am feeling really positive about beating this.
I hope I can stay strong.
No gambling 2day, one day at a time 🙂
Hope everyone else is doing well 🙂
Hey Charlotte,
Hope things are well for you sounds like you had a nice day. Like i said earlier i had a test like that yesterday just take enough money for drinks and no card and you shud be fine. Just remember the hard work you have done so far and have a good time with your friends if you think your going to gamble just buy a round of drinks instead. Have fun and stay strong
Ricky 🙂
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