hi charlotte
i read your first account and my heart went out to you, a young mum coping with terrible addiction, but in a way that's a bonus, being so young and realising you have a problem before it truly shapes your life, i was about your age when i first gambled and as so often i occurs i won and the bug took a hold, ur an inspiration and you make me determined to stop, so im gonna watch your progress as i hope you will watch mine and if you ever need a friend to talk to when the urge gets strong then feel free to lean on me, if you want ill even give you my mobile number as a friendly voice instead of just a random message, stay strong and im very proud of you.
take care Karl
Hi Charlotte
As Stocko says it is excellent that you recognise the addiction before you are too far in. I realised I had problems with addiction at a very early age but did nothing about it. I always knew better!!
I can promise you one thing if you go back to gambling you will be replicating many a sad story you have read on here. Complete madness. If you stay away from gambling we will all be reading a success story on here and what a fantastic life you will lead. As for swapping phone numbers it is a nice sentiment but it is strongly recomended we don't. Gamccare have a number you can call all day for support, Hope Stocko doesn't take this personally but it is our choice.
Take care
Thank u all 4 ur kind words and support on my diary 🙂
Spent the day with my cousin and little girl in the sunshine.... went 2 the park had a picnic. It was nice to enjoy my day without any thoughts or stress of gambling. Looking back, i'm not sure how I found the time to gamble!
Gambling took up soooo much of my time and energy, I am learning on this journey, what is important in my life.
I feel so positive and determined to beat this.
No gambling 2day 🙂
Hope everyone else is doing well 🙂
Hi Charlotte,
Yes what a great day and a picnic to boot , good for you girl!
You continue to do amazing and it's great to see you are starting to see the good things in life!
Yeah, don't know where i found the time either but hey ho that does not matter now as we DON'T gamble anymore
Take Care
Keep Strong
Smiling Lucy xxxx
Picnic! Sounds lovely you've just given me an idea what I can do tomorrow with my daughter, thanks.
Glad to hear youre still going from strength to strength Charlotte after all this time especially after the bother you had a few weeks back. Glad that's all resolved now. Keep going, doing what you're doing and enjoy you're family and our lovely weather! Steve 47 not out.
Hey Charl,
So are the picnic basket skills right up there with the DIY skills? Actually from what you said I hope the picnic was more successful lol! Great to see you enjoying the sun, enjoying your day, and most importantly enjoying your life. Keep yourself busy and you have removed a big part of the gambling life TIME!
Keep fighting the good fight.
I'm a little upset by something that i've saw 2nite maybe I've taken it personal.
This is such a tough life lesson this journey, I guess sometimes ppl arn't who u thought they were.
Anyway, I cannot let this affect me or my journey I have to beat this 4 me and my family... I have to stay strong 🙂
Hey Char
I wasn't going to post again, but I don't want whatever I do to ever affect your recovery. Please, please don't take this personally.
You are a very, very special person and you give a great amount of support on this site. Please stay strong for yourself and your young family. There is a great future ahead for you.. go grab it girl!!
Take care Char and THANKYOU from the bottom of my heart for everything xxxx
Hi charlotte
Hope ur ok , u certainly av the ups and downs on ur diary but what I will say u know how to fight and just like gambling u don't let it beat u
Like LMM says ur just so supportive , all the time and effort u put into other diaries supporting them with ur always kind words
Always be proud I know I am and expect many more will agree with me
Take care
Hope your ok charlotte i never be on chat so dont know what happend.
Like u im gutted but hopefully lmm is ok.
I agree totally with castle you shud be proud of yourself your a credit to yourself.
Take care
Hey Charlotte thank u for posting on my diary. Hope all is well with u x
This is just going 2 be a ramble I need 2 write it down ....
I cannot sleep! I guess 2nites events have affected me....
Someone told me once, showing any emotion is a sign of weakness.
Well 2nite I feel v weak!!
I never knew this journey was going to be this tough, sometimes I put sooo much pressure on myself I allow myself no time for me to feel anything!!
The horrible things that were said to me on here recently never hurt me as much as lmm feeling she had 2 leave this site because of someone else, that hurt me more because she is a caring person who matters!! She would never offend ne1!
When I slipped recently, I almost gave up all hope but she was there 2 make me see sense and start again. I will miss our chats Lmm 🙁
Im in a reflective mood 2nite, I never realised how much a few kind words and words of encouragment from someone when u r not feeling strong gives u sooo much hope! I will always be grateful for getting the chance 2 spk to Lmm in chat and for her support. She is a strong person !!
I guess this all experience as been tougher than I ever imagined!!!!!
Who knows what the future holds 4 all of us!!!
Enough said, stay strong everyone...
I am so very, very sorry Char. I never meant to hurt you.. I'm just not great at dealing with things. I tried to run away.. but for once, I need to stay and face the music.
Thank you for your kind words.. I couldn't sleep either, logged on here and saw your post. Made me really think about myself and what I had done.
I am dealing with a lot of cr@P right now and am struggling... but I will fight on... your support means the world to me. Never forget how invaluable you are and how much you have helped me too.
Showing emotion is not a sign of weakness. It is expressing how you feel and an avenue for you to let it all out... which in the end will give you strength. Bottling things up will only have a negative effect on your life.. trust me, I know.
Let's fight this together... one day at a time.
Hope you managed to get some sleep.
Lots of love
LMM xxxx
Hi Charlotte, Thank you so much for your support and words of encouragement on my diary, they mean so much, and do me the power of good.
You truly are one of the most caring and positive people on her, we can feel your 'vibes' in your words. Never change that, its who you are.
Keep posting hun, have a great gamble free day
All the best
Hi Charlotte
thank you for your support on my diary as always it means a lot.
I just wanted to agree with what LMM said, showing your emotion is not a sign of weakness its actually a sign of strength. I have bottled so many things up for so many years and my councelling is now bringing it all out, its painfull and its hard and im scared but ultimatly i know it will make me better.
Your a very kind caring girl charlotte with a big heart, keep doing what you doing.
Blondie day 30 xx
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