Hey Char
I haven't posted in a few days but saw your post and had to respond and let you know that I am thinking of you and Maddison and truly hope that everything is ok.
Please don't worry about me, I am fine, still gamble free and feeling stronger by the day and you have nothing to feel bad about.
Sending you the biggest virtual hug and keeping everything crossed for your little girl.
Take care sweetie and stay strong,
Lots of love
LMM xxxx
Thinking of you
Hi honey,
Just wanted to say. I am also thinking of you.
Hope with all my heart that everything is ok.
Stay strong my lovely,
Dusty xxxxx
Hi Charlotte, really, really hope that by the time you read this, news about Maddison has improved, Steve
Hello Charlotte
Just wishing your daughter a speedy recovery I hope to day will be a good one for you and your family,
Hi charlotte really sorry to hear about madisson and hope things are improving today
Hi Charlotte
Thoughts and prays for Maddison and you x
Be strong sweetheart and I pray for a speedy recovery
Thinking of you all
Lucy xxxxxx
Hi charlotte,...
All thoughts are with you and your little girl xxx
Take care my love
Rachel and a big lick from Dotty xxx
Hey Charl,
Thoughts with you and your little girl! Like you said life has a nasty way of putting things into perspective at times. I truly hope everything turns out fine!
Flagg x
Hi Charlotte,
Thought are with you and your little one right now, sending the power of love to you all.
God bless
Still thinking of you petal and truly hoping that everything is ok.
Keep strong xxx
HI Char,
Thinking about you hope all is on the up for little madison.
Take care be strong
Blondie day 41 xx
Just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you , Maddison and your family .
Checking in regularly hoping so much that the news will be good.
I have 2 daughters of my own, and can only imagine what you are going through.
Hugs to you all ,
Dusty xxxx
Hey Char,
I'm so sorry to hear about your little girl I really hope she is doing well and everything is ok!!
Stay strong mate!! Xxx
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