Thanks 4 ur post charlotte
hope you had a good weekend
stay strong
Hello Lotte, hope you're well and keeping strong. Thanks for your post btw. Keep positive, don't lose your focus, take care, Steve.
Good girl Charlotte!
You are just beginning to realise your true strength I think. Great to read that you are in touch with what is really important - your man and your little one. Made me smile that your nan is so supportive.
Onwards missus!
f x
HI Charlotte,
Glad to see your stil around and going strong.
Take care
Blondie x
Good Morning Charlotte
Just a quick message before I go to work. I have been looking out for your posts for a few days now and there haven't been any this seems unlike you. I've also checked to see if you have been in "chat" a few times and you've not so i've not been able to catch up with you yet. Have u gambled or are you still going well? will you be going to the "chat" tonight? please let me know.
I hope you're ok?
Luv Sophx
Morning Charlotte,
Like Soph I just wanted to make sure that you are okay. Take care and keep smiling. I hope that you have a good day.
Dave X
Hi Charlotte,
Adding another on the list of peeps checking up on ya....Hope things good?
Sue xxxxx
HI Char,
Hope things are ok for you. I know you said you was staying away from your diary for a while, hope things have settled down at home.
Blondie xx
Thanks 4 ur support 🙂
I have not been on the forum or posted 4 a while.... just catching up!
9 Weeks gamble free 2day 🙂
I am feeling really positive, Freda u r rite my strength and belief in myself seems 2 be growing day by day. I have been busy looking in2 some paramedic training 4 myself 4 when Maddison is a little older something I have always been interseted in. Me and my boyf are looking 2 book a holiday this wknd so all is good. This journey is about me and I know now I have 2 take the bad with the good and take it one day at a time and I need 2 remember wot is important!
Sorry Soph, I have not been on chat as much and sometimes I have only popped in at the end. I was on chat 2nite, but I just saw ur question. All being well I should be on chat 2moro 4 a bit if that helps 🙂
Thanks 4 making me laugh 2nite Red and thanks 4 everything uv said. It means alot 2 have ur support 🙂
Have a gr8 wknd all 🙂
Something really made me laugh 2nite 🙂
Dare I say it........... I think I will stay strong all!!!!!
Good Evening Charlotte
I did pop into "chat" earlier but you were not in there at the time. That's ok I am glad you are ok I was getting a bit concerned. I am glad you are back posting. I think you are a true inspiration always supporting others. I hope you get all the good things in life that you deserve and remember you are strong and never let anyone put you down or tell you otherwise. You KEEP believing in yourself. I will try to come to the "chat" tomorrow I look forward to speaking to you Charlotte and thank you for the update.
Luv Soph x
Hi Lotte, really glad you're back and doing so well. You'd make a great paramedic, go for it. Take care, Steve.
Hey charlotte...
great to see you are still here and thank you today for joining in the fun....we had a real laugh...
How dippy am I?...i thought chat was all people talking at once and wondered what happens if you get someone who talks a lot?...who monitors ...I get it now.....its not voices its like instant messaging right? a slow learner on technology!
Thinking about paramedic career and think that is a brilliant choice...very challenging but rewarding too....closest I got was first aid course which we have to do for work but am a scary cat with all that...
One of my mates pals is a helicopter rescue paramedic which looks pretty exciting....keep uus in the loop as to how you get on.
take care hun and hugs to you and your little are also a great Mum ...have been thinking about maybe fostering but if not I have Dotty xx
big hugs
Rach and Dot xxx'
Morning Charlotte,
Thanks for posting on mine
It's really good to see you so positive, having a new ambition can be no bad thing, something to aim for and i'm sure you will be great at it!
Have a great bet free weekend Charlotte
Keep Strong
Smiling Lucy xxx
Good Morning Charlotte
I'm off to work shorlty. But I will come into the "chat" tonight. It would be good to have a "chat" with you. Also meant to say yesterday 9 weeks gamble free is amazing, you should be very proud of that achievement, I have been doing a lot better again on the gambling front since reading here. Better go, have a nice gamble clear day Charlotte. Speak later hopefully.
Luv Soph x
Afternoon Char,
Thank you for your lovely post..made me sniffle a bit...Girls and mums and all that!
You have come such a long way hun....There is nothing that you can't achieve if you want it bad enough!
Sounds like things are really good for you...and you still support so many people!
Big well done!
Sue 14 days..whoop whoop
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