I am what I am

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Oh ?

If it was me I wound be like a prisoner on a roof top protest with a white sheet with HelP painted on it.. ? But on a serious note do take it easy..

Love boo ??

Posted : 17th March 2020 8:33 am
Posts: 1355
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So it’s day 4 of what is now 14 days of self isolation. I am lucky that I am well enough to work. It keeps me out of mischief. I am working through until 8am tomorrow and not so certain that I will get much rest in the day time either but it is what it is and I count my blessings that I can do that. Not everyone is so fortunate. 

I am definitely keeping busy enough to not even give a passing thought to gambling. My main focus has been work and also trying to find the best way to help those in my family that need it right now when I am not able to actually get out and about to do some of the things I might normally. 

Even though I am feeling a little battered physically, I feel strong mentally. It has been a while since I have been able to say that. 

I hope that everyone is keeping safe and well x

Posted : 17th March 2020 8:11 pm
Posts: 1355
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Day 5 of self isolation and work is so busy that I haven’t had much rest at all over the last couple of days. I am doing my best (with the help of my buddy) to maintain some sort of sleep pattern as I know how important it is. But these are not normal times. I know that caffeine and adrenaline will not keep me going forever and it has maybe been a bit tougher than  it might have been because I am still suffering with a cough, shortness of breath and fatigue. It will be fine though. 

It is tougher to do some of the self care things when I get chance to because I can’t get out and about. I will make it my first job in the morning to plan some things that I can do at home to mentally recharge a bit. 

Only 9 more days of confinement to go. I suspect after that I may not see much of my home for periods. It will be a real test of how far I have come in my gambling recovery ?




Posted : 18th March 2020 10:30 pm
Posts: 1492

Time will fly. 

Hope you feel better soon

Love boo 


Posted : 19th March 2020 5:18 am
Posts: 403

Thinking of you Murlo. Hope you and hubby are both feeling better soon. 

Day id nearly over so then only 8 more days until you can escape ?. 

Lonely x

Posted : 19th March 2020 9:28 pm
Posts: 1492

Sleep well murlo  and take care.. 


Love to you boo ???

Posted : 19th March 2020 9:33 pm
Posts: 1355
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Thank you so much Bex and Boo ?. I am keeping out of mischief ?

Posted : 19th March 2020 9:43 pm
Posts: 1492

Just to say. Now social distancing a couple of my running buddies got the jigsaw bug.. My work is done. ???? Boo 

Posted : 20th March 2020 9:23 am
Posts: 561

Hope u feel better soon ?

Posted : 20th March 2020 10:31 pm
Posts: 403

Hope you and hubby are feeling okay. Only 7 more days to go. 

Lonely x

Posted : 20th March 2020 10:46 pm
Posts: 1355
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Thank you for popping by Boo, Vinnie and Bex. I am so sorry to hear that there have been problems for people accessing chat and I hope it gets resolved soon x

We are passed the halfway mark for self isolation here, it’s actually been really nice to spend so much time with hubby. I will see if I still think that in a few weeks ?.

I am being allowed to leave the house this afternoon. My friend is currently in the local hospice while we are self isolating and I am being allowed to go and visit her today. I am very excited ?. She should be able to come back home at the end of next week. My buddy suggested that I should take her a video of her moggy and I got a really cute clip recorded. I think it’s such a lovely idea. 

I am not firing on all cylinders yet today. My own fault, although I did actually sleep until 11am! I was given permission to switch off from work last night and I did just that. Hubby and I might just have had a glass or two too many. We are both feeling a lot better physically. Or at least we were pre hangover....All I know is that me and hubby were trying to have a sensible conversation with my buddy on the phone at some late hour. I suspect there was nothing about the conversation that was sensible tbh ?.

I don’t regret chilling out a bit. It’s been a tough week at work and it will start again this evening. For some reason I was dwelling on work last night. Don’t know why really. Maybe just feeling a bit guilty for taking some time out to relax and enjoy myself a bit. 

Still no gambling urges. My counsellor is keeping in touch and I know she is there if I need her. 

Sending love and best wishes to everyone. It’s a very tough time for all at the mo x

This post was modified 5 years ago by Murlo
Posted : 21st March 2020 2:35 pm
Posts: 1492

I hope yesterday was good. I got very self absorbed with chat lockout and didn't connect enough on diaries. But you know I carry a place in my heart for you all. And thought of your situation. 

Sun is shining.. Life as we know could be better but testing times indeed. 

Russ helped me out immensely yesterday 

So up to press am back on chat. Think they changed the format.

All for now. 

Have a settled Sunday. 

All my love boo ???

Posted : 22nd March 2020 2:11 pm
Posts: 1355
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Lovely to see you pop in Boo and I am so glad you got back into chat xx

Productive day today at home. House cleaned. Cars cleaned (yes buddy I did help a bit!), food cooked and a bit of work done. I ordered some more uniforms for work. I now know where I will be heading to help out and I am happy with that. I may be able to get out and about before my 14 days is up. Here is hoping. I am itching to do more than I am at the mo.

Russ, thank you for your new podcast, I shall have sweet dreams ?



Posted : 22nd March 2020 7:48 pm
Posts: 1355
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Hello diary,

I don’t know what is up with me today. I have just been one big bag of emotions. Anything and everything is making me cry. My colleagues must think I am nuts....It’s probably just tiredness. I had a couple of hours sleep last night and then awake again to be able to work from 3am. Tonight is an all nighter work wise. I am hoping I get chance to have a bit of sleep tomorrow to recharge a bit. 

I have a counselling session by phone tomorrow and that will be great timing although I really don’t want to be as ridiculously soppy as I am today because I have been doing really well.

Stay safe everyone xx

This post was modified 5 years ago by Murlo
Posted : 23rd March 2020 5:30 pm
Posts: 1355
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I have just realised it is only Monday. My counselling is Wednesday ? Gives me another day to sort myself out a bit!

Posted : 23rd March 2020 7:28 pm
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