I am what I am

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Hi Murlo,


Fantastic achievement you should be proud.


Best Wishes


Posted : 2nd November 2020 9:51 am
Posts: 372

 Fantastic achievement you are a inspiration to all of us take care of your self                                                                    
   Scotty ?? 

This post was modified 4 years ago by Scottydogg
Posted : 2nd November 2020 10:26 am
Posts: 561

Congratulations murlo, 

ur really are one in a million , so keep shining like the star you are ?

Posted : 2nd November 2020 10:39 am
Posts: 920

"I have also had the privilege of making new friendships, one very special one in particular (I should hope you know it's you Drama). I wouldn't be where I am without you mate. You brighten my days ☺️."

I am so proud of you sweetheart. You've had more challenges this year than most people face in a lifetime and you've been super strong and not gambled. You've sought help when you needed to and you're a great role model for me. 

I love that when you came to visit my home, my friends and family and churchies all warmed to you as much as I have. They ask after you frequently. 

I wish I had got you a present now. Dunno why I didn't think of it. Oh well, I'm good at adhoc presents when I see something and think Ooooo so and so would LOVE that so maybe you'll get one of them some time soon. 

I'll catch you later when The Chase is on. Grab a brew, put your feet up and we'll have a virtual cuppa and watch together. 

Love you SB. 

From Drama 





Posted : 2nd November 2020 2:35 pm
Posts: 0

Evening Murlo,

Many congratulations on your fantastic achievement.


Posted : 2nd November 2020 6:27 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6162

Murlo, from me and everyone at Gamcare I'd just like to say congratulations on the 1 year gamble free.

I am so happy to see how your life has turned around, so it's great to have an update from you. 

Congratulations too on the new job, you deserved that and I'm really happy to hear you've found something you enjoy!

But more importantly, it's so good to read that you're taking time for some self care for you too. You've such a big heart and always looking out for others, so I'm really pleased you are not forgetting you. 

Do get well soon Murlo and thank you for the update!

Best wishes


Forum Admin



Posted : 2nd November 2020 9:20 pm
Posts: 3947

Dearest Murlo I am sorry that you are not well and sincerely hope that you feel better soon.


Congratulations on your excellent progress in recovery. One year gamble free is a wonderful achievement.

? ? ?

In some ways it seems like a lifetime ago when you wrote the first post on your diary but in other ways it seems like only yesterday. 

I have re-read the first post in your diary several times over the last year and it never fails to bring a tear to my eye. You had fallen down the rabbit hole into a world of compulsive gambling and your life had unravelled over a three year period. 

Well that was a year ago and no doubt you will remember with great clarity the confusion, fear and remorse you felt at the time.

At the time it struck me that opening up to your loved ones and talking with a gamcare adviser, counsellor and the samaritans had given you a renewed sense of hope and belief. That, together with your own courage and integrity has enabled you to reclaim your life.

I consider myself privileged and honoured to have accompanied you on on your journey of recovery and am grateful to you for being such a great inspiration to myself and others.


Respect and best wishes from Stephen 



This post was modified 4 years ago by Aum
Posted : 2nd November 2020 11:16 pm
Posts: 2937

Hi murlo, I've missed u, glad to see you've hit the year gamble free!!! Well done..... I managed to hit it on Tuesday too..... Hope ur new jobs going well and life's treating you well..... Adam xxx

Posted : 6th December 2020 10:08 pm
Posts: 1355
Topic starter

Hello neglected diary,

It's been a long time since I last visited. I have been reflecting on a difficult few weeks and reminded myself that one of the things that has been a great help in the past is to get my thoughts down. So here I am diary. 

I passed my one year GF in early November and for the most part it just seemed to creep up without much drama. 

Since the year anniversary some of the old demons have dared to return on occasion and I have been reflecting on why that might be. I haven't gambled, and I have also been reflecting on why that might be.

Probably the most significant thing for me and my demons is that I have been unwell and largely confined to my home since the end of October. Each and every time I have relapsed in the past I have been unwell and off work. 

My demons will not get the better of me this time.

So what is different? I haven't got complacent. I retain all of the blocks that I set up this time last year. I have people that I can talk to. I have embraced mindfulness and guided meditation. I have found alternative activities to fill my time and/or distract me. 

I often remind myself of something my counsellor used to repeat to me over and over again - a thought is not a fact. I no longer worry when a thought of gambling pops into my head. It doesn't mean I have to gamble. I have learnt to see it as an alarm bell, something warning me that I need to pay attention to how I am feeling.

That's enough of a ramble diary x


Posted : 15th December 2020 10:17 pm
Posts: 863

Hi Murlo,

Sorry you ain't been too good but what a breath of fresh air to hear you're voice. A much more wiser Murlo recognizing trigger points &  how to get rid. You're a true inspiration to us all. 


Best Wishes




Posted : 16th December 2020 12:03 am
Posts: 1355
Topic starter

Merry Christmas everyone. This year has been harder than any that I have known. I will be forever grateful for all of my Gamcare friends and Gamcare staff. God bless you all xx

This post was modified 4 years ago by Murlo
Posted : 24th December 2020 7:45 pm
Posts: 372

Merry Christmas have a lovely  day 

scotty ??

Posted : 24th December 2020 8:15 pm
Posts: 3947

??? Happy New Year Murlo ???

2020 has been an especially difficult year for you with health issues exacerbating the traumatic events that have unfolded around that awful covid but you have remained true to your resolve.

To say I am proud to be your friend would be a massive understatement because you have continually inspired me with your courage, resilience and positivity.

Wishing you good health, peace and happiness throughout 2021.


Stephen x x x 

Posted : 31st December 2020 10:01 pm
Posts: 372

Happy new year wishing you all the best 

Posted : 31st December 2020 10:36 pm
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