Dear Neversurrender,
Its great to read that you are 7 weeks gamble free and that you are working through your recovery a day at a time. Keep up the good work and you know how to contact us if you need any further support and help.
All the best
Forum Admin
Day 56
8 sober weeks ! Still taking very small steps and just doing it a day at a time . Spending more time with my family and appreciating this chance of recovery.
Thank you admin for the support!
Day 63
hello diary,
9 weeks gambling free! Lots of good things happened this week .
Firstly, I am still gamble free and taking it a day at a time. It’s been more than 2 months since my last bet!
Secondly, I have been offered a job promotion but since it’s not in black and white just yet It’s too early to celebrate :).
Finally, I have been regularly attending meetings (GA) to remind myself that i am only a bet away from ruining all these good work that i’ve done .
Day 70
week 10! Oh wow ! What an achievement , I am so happy to have reach this milestone. I know when i read this diary back in the future it will always remind me of how much hard work and dedication i’ve put it to get here.
I will always remember that I am just a bet away from ruining my life , I don’t want to regret it tomorrow posting here how I relapse or Fudge up once again and feeling sorry for myself or even suicidal.
Today , I am feeling positive and hoping to change my family’s life for the better !
Day 77
I felt really low this week , thinking how much of a useless person I was or I still am . Why I gambled and wasted my life. I am fighting very hard to believe that i can get better and I can make a difference in our lives . I think what’s really affecting me is my “potential” job promotion ,I don’t know whether they are just saying it or is it happening , been chasing it for a year now . I have a lot in mind but I am staying ultra strong to be free of gambling . This past 11 weeks has been a roller coaster of emotions .
Hello Neversurrender,
Firstly, congratulations on 77 days gamble free. This is a great achievement. It's understandable that you have regrets about the past, but the past can't be changed. It sounds like it's also tough on you waiting for the outcome of the possible promotion, and that's another thing that's outside your control at the moment.
When you're feeling low, and worrying about things that are outside our control, that can be when you start to become vulnerable to lapsing. It sounds like you're aware of this and are staying strong. So try to focus on your achievements and give yourself credit for how far you've come.
Remember you're always welcome to chat to an Adviser here, either by calling 0808 8020 133 or by Livechat.
Best wishes,
Forum Admin
Day 84
Still fighting and just happy that i’m making small progress each day . Had multiple meetings about the possible promotion , hopefully this week I will know the outcome.
Thanks for the advice Admin Deirdre!
12 Weeks Completed 🙂
Day 91
13 weeks / 3 months completed ! happy days ! Not been an easy challenge but it certainly gets better. Life had change tremendously since stopping the horrible betting habit !
On top of that both my wife and I are getting our promotion next month so onwards and upwards !
I will always remember that I am just a bet away from self- destruction.
One Day At A Time !
Day 98
Week 14 ! Happier and Not planning to ruin my life ever again ! Again i’m just making to it Day 99 😉 .
Day 106
Week 15 and a day ! A day late than my normal weekly post . I’ve just had a busy day yesterday as I’ve Only just started My new job role ( promotion ) . Life is good right now and I know I am just a bet away from ruining all these beautiful moments . I don’t want to post here tomorrow saying I’ve done it again or I’ve only put a small amount and it mounted to ridiculously uncontrollable amount so today its new start , new life. , new BS been there and done that many times and I know it’s not a good feeling. I’m still reading stories here to keep me motivated and remind me that life is better away from my demons .
Day 113
Week 16 and a day ! Just enjoying life and appreciating a gamble free life . I can’t imagine what would happen to me and my family if i was still gambling . And to be honest this is the best i felt in ages.
Hi Neversurrender,
Thank you for continuing to use the forum. We are so pleased to read how much better life is for you and your family now.
It looks like congratulations are in order, for your promotion and for being 113 days GF. Well done.
Take care and keep posting.
Forum Admin.
Day 127
4 months and 5 days GAMBLE FREE ! haven’t been here for 2 weeks as I’ve been very busy with life but I will always remain aware of my addiction to prevent it from getting on to me again ever ! It’s been a crazy month as both my partner And I have been promoted at work and life is just looking so much better without having to stress about gambling .
Thanks for reading Admin 🙂
Day 140
20 Weeks Gamble Free ! I must say my life and my family’s life have changed for the better ! No complaints, just appreciating every second , minute, hour and day of this wonderful success! I must always remember I am just a bet away from insanity.
Hi neversurrender. Awesome keep going so pleased for you. Keep posting as people who are living the gamble free life are very inspiring to those who are struggling or who are just finding their way through the really difficult early days. Well done but as you quite rightly say at the end the insanity of gambling is always there in the background, always be aware let's never be complacent !
Affected by gambling?
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