Still undecided on the whole activity thing. I am fine when I am out or busy but quiet afternoons/evenings in front of the television are a struggle. The 'just a little shot won't hurt' voice pipes up every time and there are only so many rounds of Candy Crush anything that you can play without going stark, raving, bonkers. Trouble is it has to be quiet, not involve too much typing (my other half gets cranky thinking I'm chatting), not take too much concentration and yet keep my mind occupied. There has to be something other than slots that fits that brief.
Nervous energy aside, things are still going well. Another couple of days done with no major urges. Hope my friends in cyber land are also feeling strong.
Hi Julie , Quiet , not involve too much typing , not much concentration yet occupies the mind ? , Mmmmh ! sounds like its time for a good sleep if you ask me ? LOL ! .
Can't you just watch a good film or listen to music ( with yer headphones of course ) ? Maybe learn a language ? Chinese perhaps , then when you go down the chippy you can ask for "saw finger " translated thats " salt n vinegar " but you'd be able to say it properly !.
Seriuously though your doing great Julie so keep doing what works !
Best wishes ....................Alan
I must have been typing mine as you sent your's LOL !
Really want to apologise about the nightmares ! , I hope you haven't been too emotionally scarred , it wasn't a pretty site even for me !
I was wondering if Julie was being, well Just..
Or have you found a nice healthy distraction to keep ones mind occupied. I think for Alan ☺, that's a good idea regarding learning a language.
Hope the nervous energy has eased a bit and alls good in Julies world and still kicking a**e out of the corporate takeover..
Hello diary. Things are good here. Found myself a colouring book which is actually a pretty good distraction. Not only that, my husband approves. Will post more tomorrow. Just wanted to check in. Hope all is well in 2D land.
Hey still busy colouring...hope all's good with you xx
Ha ha, yup! It is hard to believe how infrequently I am even picking up the iPad these days when before it was glued to my hand. I did think about gambling tonight (usual voice, just a little shot) but have excluded from the sites I used so couldn't have logged in if I wanted to.
Using some of the money I have saved to join the Fitbit club so that will give me something else to obsess about. Going to try to be a bit healthier. I've decided the key for me is keeping occupied. Blocks and keeping occupied.
Hiya Julie and thanks for dropping by , yeah , wasn't. quite sure why my name came to be involved with waxing and leather shorts but I'm not letting it become a sore point ? LOL ! Anyway glad to see you doing so well and keeping busy with the colouring, have you tried dot to dot ? Just a thought ! Take care Hun and speak to you soon!. X
Hey ok out there love x
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