last bet 17th august

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Well back again. It's been a while.

A few hundred down in the past week, but something tipped me over the edge today. After betting on the golf and waiting all week for the bet to come in i go to the bookies to pick up my winnings today, clawing back a couple of hundred that went in the fobt last week. Unfortunately my winnings didnt last 5 minutes and went in the fobt as well. So it draws me to the conclusion what is the point in gambling? Why do i wait all weekend for a bet to come in to just hand it straight back to the bookies. The only thing i can put it down to is greed, plain and simple. I win but i want more, i win more then i gamble until i lose everything. It's crazy but what is the point, i'm pretty sure i love the thought of a big win so i put ridicuous bets on, probably only ever winning 1 or 2 of these ever. I've never won more than 2 grand ever! The crazy thing is that i have a decent job but somehow manage to waste a chunk of money every month instead of just living comfortably.

I have an incredibly addictive personality so am all or nothing type of person, i've quit before for almost a year and it was lovely no constant thinking about the next bet. ANyway i thought i'd come on here to say tommorow is day 1 again, not only am i going to try to give up the gambling but also cut down on the smoking and lose some weight. I'm probably two stone over weight and am pretty sure this coincides with the gambling, when i quit last time i lost weight and was in good shape so am going to monitor my diet and gambling on here(sorry if i bore people but this will help).

Anyone else have any thoughts on why they gamble? I love the thrill of it but hate the hangover of gambling, i'm sure its the thought of having free money from a bet but am so stupid i dont realise that week after week i am losing and not gaining a penny.

Posted : 17th August 2015 8:39 pm
Posts: 479

I did the same thing, I was climbing the walls all weekend waiting for my winnings to arrive, I spent whole weekend deciding what to spend the money on, what debt to pay and in the end I gave most of it straight back to the bookmaker. £300 lost within minutes, would have been more if cash machine allowed me to make bigger withdrawals. No point gambling, its plain stupid.

Hope you manage to stop this time.

Posted : 17th August 2015 8:55 pm
Posts: 0

Good luck to you it's a better life without gambling

Posted : 17th August 2015 9:02 pm
Posts: 0
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Thanks for the posts, i've had a good couple of days, no gambling. The difficult thing for me at the moment is the thought of not gambling, i enjoy a football coupon on the weekend but i know that even if i win which is rare i will give it straight back to the bookies when i collect it. You would not believe the amount of times i've done that, it's the old saying i cannot win because i cannot stop. Difficult thing will be friday and saturday as i know i will be thinking about it. Got to try to stay strong though. ALso been good on the diet and exercise which helps and is seeming to give me a much clearer mind.

Posted : 20th August 2015 12:19 pm

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