9 months, give or take
dishwasher broke down beyond repair last week. New brake pads on the car. Time yet again to do a big family shop. Normal things, but will seriously dent my recovery plan. Still scared of gambling, so no will to do it.
9 months 1 week
Had the most bizarre dream last night, I was totally lost in its reality until the end...dreamt I was in an arcade at lunchtime (from school - a LONG time ago), lots of teenagers were playing the bandits, one or two of which had jackpots of several thousands...there were queues to play these bandits, but I just watched until people started going back to chool, then I started playing...I really enjoyed it in my dream, although I was losing and I had to change some more notes at the kiosk...then it all got a bit surreal, my ex-wife walked in because she's come to collect a blanket she'd won (!!!), and we chatted for a while, then I thought 'Oh no, I can't keep updating my Gamcare diary, I've let people down, should I just disappear off the site?' And then, ladies and gentlemen, I started to realise it was a dream, and just like in the films, everything went wibble-wobbble (although no harp music) and i woke up.
Still gamble free!!
9 months 8 days
Struggling financially at the moment. The last two months have seen considerable pressure on my meagre income - £450 to get the car through its MOT, £400 on home improvements that desperately needed doing (I did all the labour), and now fees needed in Sept for swimming class and playgroup etc etc. The dishwasher also died for ever, and I'm running out of excuses why I can't just go and buy another one (I'm also getting very good at washing the dishes). Much as it pains me, I need to list my debts because I need to find more areas to save this month
Debt 1 - £4,300
Debt 2 - paid off
Debt 3 - paid off
Debt 4 - £2,900, Cc
Debt 5 - £1,700 CC2
Overdraft: £1,500
Opening debt: £13,500
Current debt: £10,400
Last gamble: 31st Oct 2011
Debt-free day: ? 24th december 2013
Sorry to hear that you are up against it financially at the moment. I have had an expensive last couple of months too with holidays, travel expenses, home improvements etc. It is frustrating that even when we are not gambling the debts are still weighing us down. Mind you, it would be much worse if we were still gambling so perhaps we should take comfort from that. Have you looked into other streams of revenue? Could you sell some books or CDs or any unwanted stuff around your house? It is always worth trying to make a few pounds that way if possible. Just a thought.
9 months 2 weeks
hi Pelle, thanks for the tip, some time ago you actually pointed me to magpie and to moneysaving expert. All v interesting, and I used the latter to change utilities and mobile contract, and read a few things in general on there. I'm not quite in the place yet where I have to sell books and CDs; I'm not against doing it, but I'd rather trim as many other things as poss before it gets to losing personal possessions. Hopefully things will pick up in September, although that said, the fridge is empty and it's 'fill the car up' time - together a £200 minimum payment coming out any time.
As for gambling, I did buy a ***** ticket on Friday, but the 148 million eluded me yet again. Other than that, no thoughts about it.
A rare day of good news.
First of all, I got £100 I didn't expect. This provided a big 'shop' for the family.
Secondly, it seems likely that i'll get a cash bonus of £1500 mid-Sept. It's not 100%, but certainly looking likely. That'll pay off my overdraft, and significantly reduce my debts, enabling me to concentrate on the CCs.
9 months 17 days
Finally, after 9 and a half months, some small improvement is starting to be noticeable in the finances. I earn quite a lot of cash in my job(all declared), and until now it's always gone out as soon as it's come in. At the moment, however, I have a week's shopping in the fridge, a full tank of petrol, and £70 in my wallet. In other words, I'm slowly getting ahead of myself. Obviously there's still the debts to pay off, but I can start actively chipping away at them, provided there are no surprises.
This just goes to show that staying away from gambling will reap its rewards.
You are now in the next stage of your recovery - the one where you have to learn to live with being able to have money again especially when you get you bonus soon.
Please, please don't make the same mistake that I did a few years ago when I was in that stage of my previous recovery journey. I spent all of my extra money and a lot more.
And I am still paying for it.
I hope that you have concrete plans on what to do with all that extra money - don't forget to treat yourself every now and then!
More unexpected financial improvement, though not the sort I'd recommend. Been feeling iffy for 2 weeks now, sleeping longer, sweats and coughs in the night etc Was incapacitated over the weekend, honestly, don't want to go all 'man flu' but I could barely move my head, and barely breathe. At the Doctor's today - mild pneumonia. Been bubbling away for weeks, it seems. A week in bed and horse-strength antibiotics, which don't mix with alcohol. Also lost my appetite. That ought to save a few bob.
9 months 3 weeks
Out of bed now, about 70% recovered. Wife now ill, so childcare will be my resposibility for the next few days. Even if I wanted to, just no chance to gamble. Money is still improving, due to us going nowhere and also due to our allotment coming to fruition (literally) - lots of veg now, too much in fact, so significant savings on shopping. Bought an excellent second-hand dishwasher yesterday for £112, paid from cash in my wallet, now skint again but able to start saving for next purchase (petrol and shopping). Very slowly getting there. No slack in the system, unfort, so house and car have to behave themselves for a while.
There's nothing wrong with having too much veg! You could make lots of soups and freeze them for the coming months.
Just my money saving tip for today...!
9 months 4 weeks
just applied and been accepted for another 0% credit card. I am extremely wary of falling into the CC 'trap' of transferring balances and then building it up again; however, I've just done exactly that. Last year I opened a virg a/c to transfer from my NW card, and because my NW card has now built up again I've had to open another card. To think I didn't even have a CC til I was 37 (2007)! Overall my debt is going down slowly, but I am having to juggle. Having said that, I've just forked out £330 on travel cos we're going to visit the bride's family (abroad) later this year. That puts my total debt back to £10,500. hopefully, I should have a £1,500 bonus mid-Sept. This will clear my overdraft. Although...the bathroom is grotty, the shower-over-the-bath has stopped working (it was v basic) and the 13 year old boiler is erratic. 'There may be trouble ahead'... I am keeping an eye open for bathrooms and boilers.
Hi Jimbo,
Great to see how well you're doing, must be hard work juggling all them credit cards about!! Everything sounds positive, just the day to day home stuff to worry about eh.
Good to see you going to visit the inlaws, i went over earlier this year but we managed to get them to come visit us next time. We had to arrange a Christening for Baby Jim to get them to come over. They are very religious so wouldn't miss that!! On the downside they're gonna take over my house for 10 days later this month!!!
All the best Jim, your doing just great 🙂
10 months
Still hard work. Was seriously tempted in the week, but still able to exercise willpower when required. Would have been less easy if alcohol had been involved - luckily not.
Becuase of bad health these last 4 weeks, have not drunk for this time. Apart from the extra money this has generated, I have lost 5 lbs (I have eaten throughout my illness, and lots of choc too, so that isn't the reason). Meeting a mate for a couple of beers tonight, looking forward to that. Still not 100% well, but much better than before.
My stopping pal Pat has had a blip of late, and that has put me out a bit, and made me reappraise my own position. Still important to post for now, even if nobody reading
Hi Mate,
Good on yer for staying focused on your own recovery. Don't put yourself through the pain i've just been through with all the lying and covering tracks, really not worth it!!
Take care
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