lost the plot..

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thanks for your support mate...another great post from the "blokey"...defo a contender for diary of the week...we can do this matey 😉

Posted : 20th October 2010 12:17 pm
Posts: 0
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Hi Diary

Thanks everyone for your support..

Well back at work today, just got in and its a cold one out there tonight.

Cos my bikes out of action and i can't afford to get another wheel for it at the moment i'm having to get public transport to and from work and i hate using it, the ride home on my bike i always enjoyed even in this cold weather. It was always a time for me to clear my head and just lose myself, just me, my bike and the road so i miss it i really do... Strange really its one of them, you miss it when its gone..really weird..

One good thing about it is i don't have to pay as i get free travel, but i still prefer my bike...

Never got any overtime yesterday, it turned out they didn't need me in the end which was a shame as the money would of come in handy. Still i'm lucky to still have my job after the last time i went off the rails, so i shouldn't be to disapointed.

Well its 12.25am so another day is here, blimey soon be christmas, where do these days go...

13 days today...


Tomorrow i will not gamble...

Keep strong everyone


Posted : 21st October 2010 12:36 am
Posts: 0

Glad things are still going well Londonbloke.

It's annoying about your bike, but if you stay away from the machines you'll no doubt save up enough to get it repaired.

Onwards and upwards!

Take care


Posted : 21st October 2010 11:30 pm
Posts: 4881

Hi Lb,

Yes when i lived in London I went for a spell of cycling everywhere so much more liberating than the bus or the tube.

Sounds like your back on track, living life a day at a time and moving forward. Keep going.. S.A

Posted : 22nd October 2010 6:29 am
Posts: 0
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Just got in from work after another very busy shift..

Got my pay slip today, won't clear the bank till the 25th (monday) and i've been busy working out who gets what and what gets paid etc etc..

Been deducted 5 days money from last month and the start of this due to me going off the rails and losing the plot a few weeks back so after paying 4 weeks rent + another 2 weeks off my arrears, 3 monthly council tax installments, my monthly repayments on my 2 seperate loans and 2 other direct debits to other people i am left with the grand total of 42 quid to last me 4 weeks (got to get electric out of that too, and pay my tv licence weekly installments)..

Theres quite a few more that won't get a penny so got to go through all the hassle of contacting them to promise something next month..(here we go again, god i really miss that extra 5 days pay i really do)

This is how its going to be for a while, but next month i should get the full whack providing i do a full month.

Its a stark reminder of the mess i'm really in, and in a way it gives me added determination to finally kick this bloody madness and move forward, albeit very slowly..

So no back wheel for my bike, so the tube it is for another month, hopefully my tips will help me out a bit but i can't rely on them..

Still i've blown the lot in 2 or 3 days many times these past few months and survived so i'll get through it..

f****** gambling ..

(Rant over..feel better now)

Thanks Simon and S.A for your support

Keep going everyone, ODAAT


Have a great weekend, i'm working both days.


ps..oh got my new cashpoint only card in the post today, don't think i'll even bother unsticking it from the letter it came stuck too. Have put it with all my bill letters...

Posted : 23rd October 2010 1:37 am
Posts: 4881

Hi LB... your doing just fine... pay what needs to be paid (rent/council tax).. but do give yourself enough to live on. I know what its like to have £10 to last 7+ days.. its doable but for 4 weeks on the trot! Pay those non-priority debts down slowly slowly.. you have to live... as you say.. one day at a time only.. keep safe.. S.A

Posted : 23rd October 2010 7:41 am
Posts: 1057

LB give yourself the virtual diary of the week mate. .. just think your maybes 5 days short this month but that plus your tips and o/t gives you something to aim at next month I. E better pay packet and with your blocks in place your starting to climb that huge mountain. .. milk, bread, tins soup, fresh fruit and veg from the markets and of course reduce items from supermarkets keeps the costs down mate. ..I know I've been there and got t shirt mate and still have 🙂 keep at it mate and your life will change bigtime. ..we don't need this gambling carp mate we're better than that. ..keep it going well done 🙂

Posted : 23rd October 2010 8:47 am
Posts: 0

Hai LB, gonna echo SA here, you're doing superb bud, but still live dont leave yourself without the basics of survival in this city of ours...its a mountainous journey, failing to prepare, prepare to fail...live...... pay your bills albeit slowly, progress bud................

virtual pat on back for 25th....

FOOOOOOOOOOOOK the gambling and onwards...

Posted : 23rd October 2010 9:19 pm
Posts: 175

Hi Mate

I see that you will get your pay on the 25th (monday). pay of them debts you owe as soon as possible. dont leave that money hanging around in your bank as you and i both know...that feeling/urge WILL come. i would hate for you to put yourself back in the same position as last month. pay the bills you need to..all in the same day..and although little left...treat yourself to a few cans that night and be proud of what you did. might sound silly but trust me..please just do that.

I have just made that mistake of leaving money in my bank, that needed to be paid out...i delayed it a few days..and guess what..it all went on gambling! take care.


Posted : 23rd October 2010 11:11 pm
Posts: 0

Hey LB,

Losing out on those five days may affect you this month, but don't dwell on it, and make sure you get the full month's wages in next time. Like NNS said, my money also comes in around 7am, and most of it goes back out on bills by around 10am the same day.

Every month you don't gamble and don't go off the rails will be one back towards being on the straight and narrow.

You can do it mate, all the best,


Posted : 24th October 2010 1:26 am
Posts: 0


How are you getting on?

Probably losing a load of weight living off fresh air. Heart goes out to you... but you will do this.

Let us know how you are getting on.


Posted : 28th October 2010 4:32 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hello diary

Its been a week since i last posted so an update is well overdue..

Firstly many thanks to S.A, wp, pauls, Neil, Ryan and Brian for your continued support...Thanks guys..

Well i got paid my months wages, and i'm very pleased to say that all my direct debits that i set up have been taken out and i have the grand total of 42 quid left in my account..(only checked my balance today, used my new cashpoint only card for the first time since i got it).

Had a very good week tip wise and that has enabled me to get shopping in, and some electric and something to smoke, i've actually got more food in my cupboards now than i have had for months, so things are ticking along nicely..

So NO GAMBLING for me at all from this months wages. The whole lot has gone to repaying some of my debt to the various people who all want a piece of me, so that should keep them happy and off my back, well at least till next month anyway..

I'm under no illusions at all that i've got this beat, the urges are there all the time especially Mon/Tue because i knew i had money sitting in the bank...

But small steps have been made and as i said i've got hardly anything left in my account now and if i'm honest i'm glad about that..If it ain't in there, then i can't do it..another block in my eyes..

So feeling good, very very tired because work is busy and stressful as hell and thats about all i seem to be doing nowdays, but going to work each day knowing i ain't gambled makes me feel on top of the world..

Am exhausted was working today, am working now right through till next Wed so need to get some sleep (actually falling asleep as i type this) so gonna call it a night..

Hope to catch up with other diaries soon..

Keep battling everyone, keep strong



Posted : 30th October 2010 12:01 am
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Hi london.

Just wanted to pop in and say a massive WELL DONE.

That last post of yours was really good to read.

Enjoy your weekend.

Posted : 30th October 2010 12:04 am
Posts: 4881

Hi Lb,

Like wise a good read. Your working recovery. Keep going.. one day at a time!.. S.A

Posted : 30th October 2010 11:00 am
Posts: 1057

be proud of yourself "blokey"...whilst its not easy living on fresh air it can be done my friend..trust me ;-)...all them tips and overtime youll soon be able for a few treats as well as managing the bills/debts etc...odaat it does work mate albeit slowly 🙂

Posted : 30th October 2010 11:30 am
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