lost the plot..

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Well done in getting to day 5 LB. Hope you have a good break and get that wheel. Whilst its great to have a break it can be difficult to resist temptation when you've got time spare. Sure you'll resist it though, I've faith in you.


Posted : 9th November 2010 10:34 pm
Posts: 0
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Hi Diary

Just got in from work, and its got to have been one of the worst shifts i've had at work for a good few years..Its been a nightmare..

Then i get home put the kettle on for a cuppa (could use a beer or 2 but got none in) and i ain't got any milk or teabags and i'm too knackered to walk back round the 24hr shop.

Its been 1 of them days, really has, in fact as i write this i'm half expecting the ceiling to fall down on my head or the pc to pack up...After the day i've had nothing would surprise me..

Its after having days like these that i would often go off on one and end up on a gambling spree..But i'm pleased to say not this time.. (and i do have a few quid in my pocket, not a lot but about 40 quid)

No today has been a bad one and now its passed ..thank god..

But now if i turn it on its head and really think about it...Then today has been a "good" day and you know why ...


I'm rambling on a bit now cos i'm tired, guess the point i'm trying to make is ... we have good days and we have bad days, then we have days when we have gambled.

Those gambling days make even the hardest of days a breeze.

Bring em on if thats the way it has to be..

Today is day 7

Today is going to be a good day, because today i will not gamble..


ps.. Quiz time now....How many days where there in this post?

(help, i'm really losing the plot now) lol

Off to bed..am shattered..nite

Posted : 11th November 2010 12:59 am
Posts: 0

Hi LB, Never good at quizzes so i'll pump for 2 days!!!

Another gamble free day bitten the dust, keep it up and dont get caught in the loop, continue moving on..

Have a good break, i lurve doing f*****k all. Cracking a can in morning or venturing to somewhere abstract, lourve it!!!!!!

Onwards and upwards

Posted : 11th November 2010 9:35 am
Posts: 0
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Hello diary

Just got in, had to get 2 different night buses home as i volunteered to work 2 and 1/2 hours overtime again and missed the last tube.

14 hours overtime now in the last 7 days which is good, will be able to pay back a little more to one of the "many" who are all after payments come payday. So its all a bonus..

Only today (Friday) to work now then off for 9 days, ain't got a lot planned but generally just gonna relax might even sink a few cans tomorrow night, treat meself..

I've noticed that when i'm not gambling, i cut way down on the drinking, so i guess with me they do seem to go hand in hand so that can't be a bad thing either.. But as has been said before its good to sometimes "treat" yourself now and again so think i'll grab a few tomorrow night.

Well thats about all i have to say tonight..i'm trying to post daily now as each time i post, it gives me that reminder and that little bit of extra determination to finally get things back on track. (although i'm in danger of repeating myself over and over!)

Still i find its helping, and its a different approach for me so i'll keep at it.

Thanks pauls for your support, will catch up with the diaries over the weekend.

So its a week gamblefree now and the start of my second week today.

Keep strong everyone, never give up, we will beat this


Posted : 12th November 2010 2:42 am
Posts: 0

Hi Londonbloke, it's great that you are a week gamble free and that you have been working hard. Enjoy your time off. Having time on my hands was always a very dangerous time for me. Time + boredom + money = gambling for me. Please be careful over the next week especially if you have a few beers. I don't want to sound too negative but it's important that you keep yourself occupied. Sorry for preaching. Enjoy your well earn't break. Russ

Posted : 12th November 2010 9:25 am
Posts: 0

You're doing really well mate. Have a great rest, but as Russ says be on your guard.

Enjoy a few tins tonight, I'll be having a couple of Friday pints later at my local which luckily doesn't have any fruit machines.

Look forward to your update

Stay strong


Posted : 12th November 2010 4:57 pm
Posts: 4881

Hi Lb.. well done on your week.. and thanks for your support. Am far from strong in the not gambling at the moment but as with you I continue to work at it.. the ebb and flow of recovery.. strength in numbers. day at a time... keep it up.. S.A

Posted : 12th November 2010 11:20 pm
Posts: 0

Hope you're having a good rest and maybe a few beers, but also hope you haven't fallen off the non-gambling wagon!

Hope you're ok and hope to hear from you soon


Posted : 13th November 2010 10:44 pm
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Hello diary

Thanks Russ, Simon and S.A for your support.

Yesterday was my first day of my holiday. Had a good drink Friday night when i got home from work. Slept most of Saturday and am now wide awake cos my sleep pattern is all over the place lol..

No gambling these past 2 days so have now reached 10 days without a gamble..

Been here a good few times over the past year and once again it feels good. Have a few quid in my pocket as well, so it ain't just a case of me having no money to gamble with.

So things are improving albeit slowly..

My target for today is to make it another gamblefree day..

And it will be..

10 days today...


Keep strong everyone


Posted : 14th November 2010 1:29 am
Posts: 1057

Target for today is not to gamble ??? That's the spirit LB, good to hear..as others said don't let your free time sway you elsewhere. ..plan out your day by finding things to do. .its all about keeping busy. ...well done on your 10 days, build on it, look forward not back, you can do this mate 😉

Posted : 14th November 2010 8:42 am
Posts: 168

Hey, congrats on the 10 days. It feels good to have some cash rather than struggling to make ends meet. Keep up the good work and keep strong x

Posted : 14th November 2010 9:29 am
Posts: 0

Although I did not post during the week, that's not to say that I have done some reading.

And boy, your diary has made great reading in the past few days! Compared to where you were around a couple of months to where you are now, you really have made progress!

Now enjoy that holiday for all the right reasons!

Getting There

Posted : 14th November 2010 12:15 pm
Posts: 0

Great stuff LB,do you know that in all the time i have been following your diary this is the first time i've known you to have some money and not gamble,have to say that i'm really chuffed about that:).Keep it up mate,you can do it:).


Posted : 14th November 2010 1:22 pm
Posts: 0

Its going well LB, hope you're enjoying your break.


Posted : 14th November 2010 9:56 pm
Posts: 0
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Morning Diary

Thanks wp, pinksparkle, GT, seano and simon for your support.

Day 11 today and the start of another week.

Had a strange night last night, didn't sleep well at all. Kept waking up throughout the night with different Gambling scenarios going through my head..I also dreamt i was stuck in a multi story carpark and just couldn't get to the bottom level?, no matter how many floors i went down... crazy stuff..

Maybe the gambling thoughts were because i've spent almost all my spare time when i've been off work on a break gambling in some form or another..Its unreal how you just fall into that regular routine of doing that same old thing time and time again..It just takes over, but hey i guess its the same for any addiction..

So a new day, a new week...Just had "man in the mirror" playing here on the radio part of the chorus goes.."if you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change"

Thats hit the nail bang on the head..It was like a little elbow nudge in my side..Get on with it and stop this moaning lol..

Today is going to be another good gamblefree day..

Have a good one everybody


Posted : 15th November 2010 11:11 am
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