Morning All,
Nearly one month from myblast bet. Well from the last bank transaction is 24 days ago but that is when the bank processed the payment so is about a month. Im feeling so good for it and have lasted a whole week from payday with no urge to gamble. Im staying strong and waiting for the next payday to come round so i can save some money. I never realised when in this gambling bubble what you can actually do with your money that makes you feel happy and good that you have actually got something for your money. My relationship with my parents and girlfriend has improved and life seems to be on the up. I have paid off all my debts (which wasnt alot in the first place but nipped it in the bud early). Im alot happier and enjoying work and my social life alot more. Time to lose abit of this winter weight haha and get back into the gym. Im going to start funding things for the gym and not sticking it on a spin on the roulette. My new year resolution is to be gamble free in 2018.
I hope the best for you all. Just think the loss has gone you can only change the future. It will be hard but when you get out of the grey skies and into the blue you can only thank yourself. Its not easy and you can only help yourself at the wnd of the day, you can get as much help possible but if you dont want to do it for yourself then you wont succeed . If i can do it then anyone can. People are out there to help go and get it. I know its only been a month for me but i really believe this is the time i change.
Hi samtrowsdale,
Thanks very much for sharing your recovery story with us. That sounds very encouraging, and with your determination and eagerness, you’ll hopefully achieve your aim.
I’m glad that you’re feeling good, and to learn that you’re so far not feeling the urge to gamble, and you’re also thinking of using some of the money you saved by
from abstaining for payment at the gym. It’s also nice to hear that you’re a lot happier, and that you’re enjoying work and your social life at the moment, and you seem to appreciate it even more.
It also seems like you’re ready to let go of all your losses, and to focus on your recovery, and whilst looking forward to a gamble free future.
Do enjoy the new and better relationship with your parents and girlfriend, and I wish you a gamble free 2018 and beyond.
You seemed to have taken a step in the right direction, and I’ll encourage you to hold tight and stay strong.
I’m also glad that you’re using our forum to help with your recovery, and encouraging others to do same.
Keep going, and keep posting!
Best wishes,
Hi Samtrowsdale
Congratulations on the one month GF, really great achievement.
Sounds like you have worked it out - you can make yourself miserable and have a sad despairing life by continuing to gamble or you can stop and life can instantly be happier. Seems simple once the fog has lifted and you can see it for what it is.
Keep it up and let's see 2018 in GF.
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