Mr Grumpy: Round 3 and a half

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Hi Jon, now I know why you said 'Pinksparkle' had a great name. It's like she's been plucked from a Pratchett novel. Reading it till 1 last night, very good, dry, witty. You even write some of your posts in his style which is a compliment. Take care, Steg Nose Knocker.

Posted : 5th July 2012 12:32 pm
Posts: 298
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Day: 4 of 5

Thanks Mr Stegorian, glad you seem to be enjoying it. I think "Mort" is my favourite... but it's a closely run thing with all the others.

So another day, and a final day. Last proper chance to rehearse, went quite well.. a bit of tightening her, and a polish there and all will be fine. Hopefully I will get my usual bottle of SC from the head... not sure why... I do it all in school time.... must be good eh?

Feeling a little come down after the the Bosley incident, which kind of ran off the high of last Friday... will probably be uncontrolable joy next week after the play... followed by the panic of putting together a leavers service in one week. Thinking of using some old stuff..... got to last about 50 mins sooooo.. lots to do.. including that bloody powerpoint !

Hope everybody is well.


PS:“Ankh-Morpork had dallied with many forms of government and had ended up with that form of democracy known as One Man, One Vote. The Patrician was the Man; he had the Vote.”

― Terry Pratchett, Mort

Posted : 5th July 2012 6:05 pm
Posts: 0

Gudnite jon boy...

Hope the SC is bringing you some inspiration.

Blondie. x

Posted : 5th July 2012 10:43 pm
Posts: 0

Morning Jon, hope you've managed to sort out that PowerPoint presentation and all is well. Personally now that the Higgs-Boson has been found I can finally relax, I knew I put it somewhere, apparently under my nose all the time. Anyway only a couple more days before you're inundated with booze, chocolates and Best Teacher mugs. Mixed emotions and of course that well earned break.

Taking Maisie to the Bronx or the Middle East for our hols, a bit tame but I'll definitely consider it. My Mum actually got picked up by the police in the Bronx in the earlier 60's when she worked as an au pair. 'you don't want to be wanderin off down there lady, let me give you a lift back,' drawled the officer.

Enjoy your weekend Jon, enjoy the calm, Steg

Posted : 6th July 2012 10:09 am
Posts: 298
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Day: 5 of 5

So another weekend approaches.

Made a start on the powerpoint.. usually involves about 15 hours work once I get going.. lasts about 13 minutes, pics and words have to be in sync... think I have made my mind up about the music. Starts and ends with "Fading Lights" by Genesis, with "Fix You" uncomfortably sandwiched between.

No thoughts about gambling till I came on here... but a reaffirmation of my intentions I guess. Read some poignant posts on other threads recently, which made me wonder about revisiting the painfully sick feeling after losses. Is there a point when the reminder of that works against a recovery... is there a time when forgetting is important... or is it a different kind of forgetting. Some people need the constant reminder, I don't think I do, I don't think I can rewire my brain with that there. I need a balance in that, and to make the right choices when to and when not to. It helps to help others or to at least try, but therein lies the peoblem that the reminders are involved in that.

Don't get me wrong, I am not talking about ignoring things, or pushing things to the back of my memory... it's still there. Every sunny day that I can't play golf will remind me of my mistake.

Still searching for answers, or maybe excuses? Not clear yet. I am doing the right thing for me now, I know it will change when I am ready this time... not ready yet though.


PS: One of the most basic rules for survival on any planet is never to upset someone wearing black leather.†

† This is why protesters against the wearing of animal skins by humans unaccountably fail to throw their paint over Hell's Angels.

Terry Pratchett " The Last Continent"

Posted : 6th July 2012 5:23 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jon, worn out, been walking in wellies in countryside with Maisie and her friend, climbing and jumping in things. My leg feels great, it's a miracle, enjoyed myself. Cleaned their clothes, cooked cookies, now they're in bed. Now I can carry on reading a bit of Pratchett, enjoying it indeed, bit like Adams, Douglas not the one who wrote Watership Down, although that's good as well. still on the first chapter, aren't they long. intrigued to find out what happens next.

Good luck with your PowerPoint presentation. I would've used moviemaker. Three songs edited together, photos, text etc Bob's yer uncle all done and dusted in an hour max, sipping SC before you can say Jack Robinson.

Chester eh, beautiful place, really is, lots of happy memories there. Must've been nice studying there, coming home drunk after a night out dressed as Romans or in togas.

Sorry to here about your back combing Jon, sign of high testerone that if it's any comfort (not southern). My hair grows like a burst couch, that's the Irish in me, costs me a fortune in haircuts. Yet I goose step everywhere and in my holidays I like to invade Poland, that's the German in me.

Memories of the past eh? I've been given that some thought lately. To be honest, the pain, the sorrow, the misery since I last gambled has dissipated. Is this a good or a bad thing? Do I need to feel or remind myself of that emotion to prevent me from gambling again. Yet, is it just needless emotional baggage that I'd carry around with me if I do force myself to reflect and remember. I've came to this conclusion, I've decided to leave the past as the past and look towards the future positively and travel light with no regret or pain within me. Just by reading other people's posts, especially early stage posts gives me a fleeting sense of gratitude that it's not me. Not as schadenfrauden just gratitude. They act as warning enough. Like a photo album of a past me, one that I can look back upon to keep me on the straight and narrow.

Anyway better get back to my book, love reading and I'm enjoying this. Keep strong Jon, keep working on that swing and enjoy the weekend. I may go out camping for a few days once Maisie's back with her Mam, see how it goes, Steg

Posted : 6th July 2012 10:52 pm
Posts: 0

Morning jon.

Thanks for the post, full works here, might even have some black pudding... yuck !!!.

I ordered wyrd sisters off amazon its arrived this morning i will be reading once ive finished my latest book 3.29 second hand!!! Bargain 🙂

Enjoy your weekend

Blondie x

Posted : 7th July 2012 11:54 am
Posts: 298
Topic starter

Day: 1 of 2

How annoying is it when you take half an hour to post something on your diary, well chosen words, full of emotion, with the ultimately timed message for all readers, mixed in with a couple of cracking anecdotes and quotes... then you inadvertently press the "back" botton only to cross your fingers... even though you know it's gone... as you press the forward button to see a blank box with all your typing ( of which I find onerous) absent.

Now the thoughts and feelings of my early morning meditations have been replaced by those of regrets and anger.... and Breathe.

So where was I ?

Something about ... "Walk the walk"... something about bills.. (that was a profound bit) and something about setting targets. It was all good stuff... now dissipated into the anals of time and the universe... and everything.

I have decided to set myself a simple, achievable target each and every day, and to report, via a second installment, on my diary... every day. This is regarding my lethargy at weekends and after work each day. I come home... need some down time... which mysteriously turns into sleep time.. which in accord with the Universe and Everything... turns into the next morning... and the cycle begins again.

I need to set an achievable target... one that can't be misinterpreted and easily adhered to.

Target for each and every day.

1. Do nothing.

I feel this is achieveble, with a little effort. However should I fail and do "Something", I will feel obliged to report it... hold my hand up.. and take the abuse that would and should be directed at me should I fail in this.

(Can reverse psychology actually work on oneself... only time will tell. )

So... onwards, upwards, sideways and upside down.



The Death of Rats looked up from his feast of potato.

SQUEAK, he said.

Death waved a hand dismissively. WELL, YES, OBVIOUSLY ME, he said. I JUST WONDERED IF THERE WAS ANYONE ELSE.

Terry Pratchett "The Truth."

Posted : 7th July 2012 12:36 pm
Posts: 0

Yo, mr song man,

We're busy doin' nothin' Workin' the whole day through Tryin' to find lots of things not to do We're busy goin' nowhere Isn't it just a crime We'd like to be unhappy, but We never do have the time

Shiny xxxxxxxx

Ps I not worked out how to put song links on, maybe that will be one weeks challenge lol

Posted : 7th July 2012 5:36 pm
Posts: 298
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Now... that's interesting.... !

Posted : 7th July 2012 8:11 pm
Posts: 298
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Posted : 7th July 2012 8:24 pm
Posts: 298
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Target Report:

I failed, but only slightly.... did 2 hours house cleaning... kitchen and other areas cleaned to a good male standard... nothing too shiney, and nothing swept underneath anything else, a few piles of "things" neatly stacked but not in alphabetical order. A Few mixed washes with my fingers crossed, and a cutlery draw full again. Then 2 and a half hours spent on the powerpoint... making headway at last.

And tonight I found you can post images... that was an exciting moment for me.

Tonight... Bridge and a little SC. So whilst I didn't fail badly, there's always tomorrow to try again.


PS: “His philosophy was a mixture of three famous schools -- the Cynics, the Stoics and the Epicureans -- and summed up all three of them in his famous phrase, 'You can't trust any B*****r further than you can throw him, and there's nothing you can do about it, so let's have a drink.”

― Terry Pratchett, Small Gods

Posted : 7th July 2012 9:03 pm
Posts: 0

Ha ha ha, thanks John for the toon, Im jealous of those waders tho'.

Why did you choose the most difficult task known to man as your first challenge? There are saffron coloured chanting monks littered across the globe searching, trying to perfect the art of 'doing nowt.' each and every one of them fail miserably, so hard is this task. They clear their minds and lock the doors only to be gatecrsshed 5 mins later with thought of washing, what's for tea and obscure episodes of that cult tv classic 'Monkey' (circa 1978). Achieving nothing is a Nirvanic state of bliss unknown to man, it's impossible. Good luck on your next quest Grasshopper, choose your path wisely. I suggest transcendental flying to the corner shop for the Sunday Rags. I try this every week, much to the amusement of the old woman who walks her dog. I've perfected the lotus position but I can't acquire lift off. I just shuffle around in an undignified fashion, like a dog with worms, relieving the itch on the carpet. Except on Tarmac it feels worse. Take care Jon, back to bo bo's for me now zzzzzzzzzz

Posted : 8th July 2012 2:44 am
Posts: 0


wanted to send you a picture of an apple,

With the message thanks Sir

Copied and pasted, once , did not work ,copied to a word doc then tried to paste did not work

Tried pressing that img button just above message box, then paste. No apple appeared, 20 mins later ........

So I gave up , please sir send me instructions .( if it does not wear you out tooooooo much )

Shiny xxxxxx

Posted : 8th July 2012 3:34 am
Posts: 298
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Day: 2 0f 2

I had a little drink about 9 hours ago....

but also had gambling thoughts a few times yesterday... so after a "few"... I stopped. Felt good about that... I stopped. " I stopped".... yeah feels good.. made a good decision again... made a choice not to feel like S***e... made a choice to not feed the gremlin... and, have I said, it feels good this morning.

Well after yesterays failure I am going to stick to my target.

1. Today I will do nothing.

Gonna fail straight away as I am going carbooting in about 5 mins with my sister... if there's any on.

So Have a good day all.


PS: They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it is not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.

Equal Rites.

Posted : 8th July 2012 6:18 am
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