Mr Grumpy: Round 3 and a half

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You really must focus more in achieving your target of nothing..!! Enjoy the car book, I hope you find that 1976 signed copy of agga Doo by black lace... Its not worth anything but they make great place mats;)

Enjoy the tennis , can he do it... ? Bob the builder says yes he can !!!!

Blondie x

Posted : 8th July 2012 12:37 pm
Posts: 298
Topic starter

Day: 2 of 2 (Part Two)

Almost succeeded today... Car boot... not much going down... got a Callaway Stand Bag for £8.50... some slight wear... but just what I was looking for and "My Family" season 1 and 2 for £1.50, then home.. and a sleep. Watched some tennis... but I get strangely anxious sometimes... even if I am not that bothered about the outcome... only when watching sport or a very scarey bit in a film..... weird... something to do with age or maybe .... sheet I don't know.

Then Food.....

Then a bath... for an hour... reading.

Both my children are away... Daughter gone on Holiday, and Son is doing something during the Paralympics... helping in some sporting capacity, and so is down south till later tonight.. so it has been quiet, hence the long bath and read time.... no " I need a pee" interruptions.

More Food

Now off to bed and watching something on my comp... criminal minds I think... up to season 7..

Any Gambling thoughts today? A couple... briefly wondered if son had left his laptop on... but didn't go and check.. so urge was beaten down quite quickly.

So a long peaceful day.


PS: The Four Horsemen whose Ride presages the end of the world are known to be Death, War, Famine and Pestilence. But even less significant events have their own Horsemen. For example, the Four Horsemen of the Common Cold are Sniffles, Chesty, Nostril and Lack of Tissues; the Four Horsemen whose appearance foreshadows any public holiday are Storm, Gales, Sleet and Contra-flow.

Interesting Times

Posted : 8th July 2012 9:36 pm
Posts: 0

Yo ,

Nice to see you are getting close to retaining yourself.

Sleep eat watch telly , just a shame the kids are there to switch over the remote for you.

Thank you for my picture, like having pictures on my thread, so as I said determined to impress you sir by the end of the week.

I am watching prison break , seem it before but watching it again. I am a big box set girl , will watch a series one after the other , the good wife , spooks, 24 , west wing not much I have not seen , have you seen Alias that was a good series , with a cra*cking ending.

Anyways , take it easy my friend , oppppps so you are .

Shiny xxxxxx

Posted : 9th July 2012 12:09 am
Posts: 0

Well done Jon on not checking your son's laptop. A Calloway stand bag for £8:50, that's a good deal. No car boots for me yesterday I'm afraid, slept in till 9ish, no point going then all the good stuff would've been nicked.

Where do you get all these quotes from Jon, surely you can't memorise them or is there a website dedicated to his pearls of wisdom? Yours unknowingly, Steg

Posted : 9th July 2012 7:14 am
Posts: 298
Topic starter

Day: 1 0f 5

2 weeks to go...

Looking forward to it...and not looking forward to it... depends on whether or not I can scrape the funds together for golf membership or not... fingers crossed, toes crossed... but not my dinkle... one would have to use a zip to manage that kind of feat and I for one...........

I have created stress for myself of late... car insurance and tax... a little late... but sorted today. Not sure why I do it... just causes me to worry.

As money is getting tight... little thoughts creeping in. Nasty buggers they are. But I am developing some coping mechanisms... I have kept money close to me.... but it just seems to be flying away left right and centre of late. Where's it all gone... ? Take a breath and reorganise my thoughts... plan... not my favourite word.

So the first performance is tomorrow. A very busy week... think I don't get home till 7 tomorrow, then 9 ish every night after that... but at least i am busy, which helps.


PS: “Studies have shown that an ant can carry one hundred times its own weight, but there is no known limit to the lifting power of the average tiny eighty-year-old Spanish peasant grandmother.”

― Terry Pratchett, Reaper Man

Posted : 9th July 2012 6:40 pm
Posts: 0

HI Jon,

I hope tomorrows performance goes well, i was really going to go into a full blown BB post about im sure you have put so much effort into the whole of year not just tomorrow and that you will do the kids proud... BUT then i saw your post on Shinys thread and all i can say is ........

Uploaded with

Ill get you my little one..........

Blondie x

Posted : 9th July 2012 9:07 pm
Posts: 0

Hi ,

Thank you , and yes I have joined the my image shack just the uplifting thing to get to grips with , but hay I said by the end of the week . Give the girl a break !

Need I pad and computer so I can follow instructions fron utube on one screen as I do said instructions on the other screen, my problem the other day was the flitting back and forth on my iPad. Anyways I will get there , I will not be beaten .

Enough about me, see you are getting those dam money thoughts , when just a bit more would help.

I know you won't let it get the better of you , cause you have come this far and I hope you would need a sledge hammer to break through that wall behind you.

Would like to say , break a leg , for the performance , sort of hoping me and the rest of the bb club get to view a snippet on utube , do you think that might be poss.

Take care my friend , really really loving the photos, every time I log on to my thread they brighten my day .

I know the time it takes to find the perfect picture you want so I am honoured that you spend that time to put a smile on my face.

Thank you ,

Shiny xxxxxxxxxx

Posted : 9th July 2012 9:59 pm
Posts: 298
Topic starter

Day: 2 of 5

Dress rehearsal today in front of school.. not quite ready, but this is usually the case, little adjustments here and there, then ready for the parents on Weds.

I have a question regarding my last slip.

I went on a site and played slots. I tried several times to deposit via pay pal and it kept getting refused. Then it started accepting it... but only £10 a time... which of course I did several times. Now here's my question... since that evening the deposits have been refused. So pay pal shows on the 23rd refused, followed by refund... then the same again on the 29th of last month.. refused followed by refund. So no money has come out... pay pal balance is "balanced".

So.... 1. Have I got away with it ?

2. Will they just keep trying to take it out?

3. Will the hefty lads from the irish utilities company come round and duff me in?

Any advice welcomed.

So today begins the long haul of the week... quite looking forward to it.

I would love to utube it Shiny... but would need parents permission, and posting children... more than my jobs worth.

So fingers crossed, and Mr Dinkle suitable tucked in for fear that those types of occurances tend to come in threes and I don't want to be second... or third for that matter.


PS: “Bursar?"

"Yes, Archchancellor?"

"You ain't a member of some secret society or somethin', are you?"

"Me? No, Archchancellor."

"Then it'd be a d**n good idea to take your underpants off your head.”

― Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies

Posted : 10th July 2012 7:29 am
Posts: 0

Good luck Jon, break a leg. School plays are always brilliant.

God knows what happened to your PayPal account, if it was to get paid out it should've happened by now. Could you have imagined what'd happened if you'd won though, they'd probably refused to pay. Magritte Garlick was looking after you on that one, surprised your pc didn't morph into a pumpkin.

Oh don't worry about money Jon, as long as you've got a roof over your head and food/sc in your tummy then everything is kosher. All that's left to have is material.

Golf membership would be nice but failing that they're always the municipal courses. Money, what is it good for, absolutely nothin' say it again.

My dinkle survived, just looks like I've got tram lines on my polar neck. I shall be more careful in the future it could've been real nasty, every mans nightmare.

Take care Jon, Steve.

Posted : 10th July 2012 9:34 am
Posts: 0

Evening Jon, thanks for your 'value added' post, it was very nice. Hope today went well for you, school plays are a laugh and the kids love them. Really liked that letter you posted on Shiny's thread, nearly forgot about my fourth wife writing that, God bless her, died of exhaustion they tell me, those were the days, at peace now.

Hope you find your 'answers' Jon, find what makes you tick, enlightenment even. That's what we're all here for. I've been searching for over twenty years now for the answer, I'm not talking gambling and I feel like I'm in touching distance of 'the answer.' Feel bombproof emotionally and in control, even content.

Keep smiling Jon as you are, and making others smile, as you do. Mr. Steg.

Posted : 10th July 2012 8:42 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jon,

Thank u 4 taking the time 2 offer me some advice in chat 2nite. Meant alot 🙂

Just wanted 2 say I listened 2 the song u posted a while back, u said it was ur son he is very talented. I'm sure u r very proud of him 🙂

Thanks Again Jon 🙂

Have a gr8 nite 🙂

Posted : 10th July 2012 8:59 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jon,

Just a quick fly by to say hope it goes according to plan tomorrow.

Students, eh? Love 'em or hate 'em, you can't hit them with a shovel!”

― Terry Pratchett, Making Money

Break a leg and tuck your winky in lol

blondie x

Posted : 10th July 2012 11:30 pm
Posts: 0

Shiny xxxxxxx

Posted : 11th July 2012 3:53 pm
Posts: 298
Topic starter

Day: 3 of 3

Winky tucked, leg broken, and a successful... infact a very successful ... first night. I have now been deemed ... officially... the best thing since sliced bread by the kids parents... how fickle they can be.

But it did go well and I am very proud of them.

Only got in about 30 mins ago... having a celebratory SC... thanks Shiny... like I needed reminding.. then off to bed, ready for another long day tomorrow.

No real thoughts of gambling... far too busy for that. Challenges are ahead of me... esp when holidays approach... its a long time to fill with things, especially on top of the void there already... but that sounds a little defeatist doesn't it... but goy to be real.. and I know if I don't sort something out... it could be a really long haul.

But .. I know this already... so I should act upon it... use what I have learned and make some good choices. £430 for a golf membership.... a whole years golf... or an hour on the roulette table... sounds so 'kin stupid doesn't it..... Just have to scrape it together somehow... not too far off it I think.... just seems like a lot to spend... There should be a " possible side effects of gambling" leaflet made.

" May cause some vomitting, shaking and uncontrollable tears. In some cases a dillusional use of money may occur, whereby the patient may view the every day purchases, which could add value to his or her life, as being frivalent. Whereupon in any instance the patient may not view the same monetary investment in gambling with the same distain.... until the morning."

Choose life.

Tired Jon

PS: “There have been times, lately, when I dearly wished that I could change the past. Well, I can’t, but I can change the present, so that when it becomes the past it will turn out to be a past worth having.”

― Terry Pratchett, I Shall Wear Midnight

Posted : 11th July 2012 10:54 pm
Posts: 0

HI Jon,

I think this might be yours.


Glad it well well yesterday, round 2 today ?. I really like the leaflet of after effects from gambling funny but true.

I totally relate to struggling with spending money on yourself so i started small, facial, nails done, new clothes, this weekend im having new carpets fitted right the way through the house upstairs, so its getting easier.

Do it john, Really. !! Try it if you can afford it, "Get the god damm golf membership". Your worth it, youve earnt it, It will keep you out of trouble, you will be doing something you love...... I cant see any negatives here ? .

Your the best thing since sliced bread remember .

Blondie x

Posted : 12th July 2012 10:30 am
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