Mr Grumpy: Round 3 and a half

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So pleased everything went well last night.

The BBs have prebooked tickets for the teacher of the years award to celebrate you success lol

So parents over the moon , of course they are, the effort , time and dedication you put in , to give the kids the best you can shines through , i would be honoured to have had one of my kids have you as there teacher !

By the way thank you for you latest picture, defo the most stand out one yet .

Just a question as you offered me help. Before you send them is there away to make them smaller ?

Break the other leg tonight , cause if I remember you have another performance today ......

As to the golf go for it , just eat beans on toast for a month . Sure it will be more than worth it, when you get that hole in one

Shiny xxxxxxx

Posted : 12th July 2012 11:21 am
Posts: 298
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Day: 5 of 5

What a week, really enjoyed it, but glad its over.... for 2 days then it starts again... but only for 5 days then its looking like golf.

The play was a big success...

Great SATs results..... a good year... just need to top it all off with a good leavers service.

Just got to get my head round spending it... I have to work forwards, backwards and sideways on this one.... but it all boils down basically to what The Blonde One and The Shiny One said... ( good job I like beans on toast).. and just got to go for it.

No gambling thoughts.,.. a few gambling tingles though. They are there... maybe they will always be there. I think I am at the stage where I just need to think about the common sense of it all... it is after all a really f****n stupid thing to do... as we all know.

So hopefully a relaxing weekend ahead.... a few SCs maybe had this evening.. (already started)... some bridge and possibly an early night...( already started)

Hope all is well in the land of the living...


PS: Some humans would do anything to see if it was possible to do it. If you put a large switch in some cave somewhere, with a sign on it saying 'End-of-the-World Switch. PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH', the paint wouldn't even have time to dry.”

― Terry Pratchett, Thief of Time

Posted : 13th July 2012 6:32 pm
Posts: 0

Yayy a leap of faith good for you. Glad your week went well enjoy the SC and a chilled out night you deserve it. The blonde one lol x

Posted : 13th July 2012 9:30 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks for the balloon Jon, it was lovely. I may indulge in a culinary treat or two later, naughty but nice. Really pleased the plays went well, job satisfaction must be bubbling at the mo.' leavers mass, no worries now, all downhill. Very nearly finished Pratchett, 20 pages left, very good, enjoyed all the way. Will buy more on my charity shop/boot sale rambles. Enjoy your weekend Jon. Life is beautiful. The Steg

Posted : 14th July 2012 8:13 am
Posts: 0

Sounds like you had an incredibly productive week (and year) and you really deserve a few weeks coming up.

Just remember to look for ways to keep yourself occupied and busy during those weeks, eh?

Have a relaxing weekend.


Posted : 14th July 2012 10:03 am
Posts: 298
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Day: 1 of 2

Time to blow the golf cobwebs away... I know this will sound daft, but at the moment I am finding it difficult to get out of my flat during weekends... but I know if I do this... then it will be just as esay as it used to be... so ... off to the driving range, a few buckets, a pulled muscle or two no doubt, sore hands... but it will be worth it. I need to get my enthusiasm back for something else, make the decision easy to pay up and play.

Choose Life


PS: “His progress through life was hampered by his tremendous sense of his own ignorance, a disability which affects all too few.”

― Terry Pratchett, Maskerade

Posted : 14th July 2012 12:11 pm
Posts: 0

Pure windswept oxygen in your lungs,direct uv rays penetrating your skin and your eyes, it'll lead to an upward spiral of more energy and motivation. Enjoy it, don't pull a muscle tho', no joy in that methinks. Take care Jon

Steggy Balesteros

Posted : 14th July 2012 12:59 pm
Posts: 298
Topic starter

Too late..... muscle pulled.

2 baskets and 9 hole par 3 under my belt... I am ready for the big time.

Hands a little sore, left forearm stiffening slightly... back a bit tight... but other than that, very pleased. Tried out a new grip on the 9 hole... seemed to work quite well.

Something weird happened. Bumped into an aquaintance from many years ago, from when I "seconded" from education into the pub business. Hadn't seen him for nigh on 20 years. We chatted as we popped a few down the middle of the range. Just as he is leaving he starts to tell me about how he and his missus go to the casino every 2 weeks... spend £20 quid each... he is up though. Then starts telling me about other "idiots" in there and how they bet madly etc. I wondered.. have I got something tatooed on my forehead that I don't know about... And with that he left. Guess it would be nice to be the type of person that has control... but I am not one of them. I know that .

So, a good day so far... a bath methinks, a soak and a read. Both kids out tonight, so a peaceful evening.


PS: “Nanny Ogg knew how to start spelling 'banana', but didn't know how you stopped.”

― Terry Pratchett, Witches Abroad


For full effect scroll slowly down

Posted : 14th July 2012 4:02 pm
Posts: 0

banananana, forgive me Jon if this post goes astray, I've bought a one way ticket to drunksville and I'm chugging along nicely. Glad your golf went well, funny how you bump into an old friend who talks about gambling. No avoiding it somedays. Finished the paintings, modern art rubbish but if that's what the client wants then that what she gets. I'll try and upload them in a couple of days when the oils are dry and I've signed them.Don't really photograph or catalogue my work anymore, once theyre sold, they're gone as far as I'm concerned. Yet I've still got the ones I did whilst at school, I've kept them along with my old school books for some reason. They're 25 years old now, very contrived and amateurish but they give you a sense of what I developed into. No real goodstuff like portraits and landscapes just kidstuff, honing my craft.

Posted : 14th July 2012 9:26 pm
Posts: 0

Morning Jon, hope the cold's manageable. I used to always get ill in the summer holidays, pleurisy once, for 4 weeks, gutted. I came to the conclusion that because you're so 'wired' when you teach your adrenalin fights off bugs but when the finishing line approaches your immune system relaxes and the bugs take over. That was my theory for what it's worth.

I'll tell you about the story behind that flat/motorbike. When I was at school, there was a local motorbike madman who though he was the next Eddie Kidd and he was always doing stunts to increase his daredevil profile. Anyway, one day myself and my mates were bunking off school just hanging around those flats when we saw this fella leap across them on his motorbike. Unfortunately for the man, what he had in courage he lacked in brains. Obviously got his calculations wrong and on the final jump he landed in a crumpled heap, lucky to live but unable to move through multiple breakages. He had no support team either, again stupid. By the time he was found, kids had nicked his bike, his video cameras, they would've got his leathers too if they could. He never rode again apparently. Went home and painted it, sold it to some local 'gangsta' which paid for Butlin's that year. Don't know where all the rest of the paintings went to, sold along the line, the only one I know for certain is the risqué first one, went to someone in Finland, there's a taste for everything, all about finding those niche's in the market.

Have a nice Sunday, no planning this week, PPA tomorrow, just chill.

Offski's now see if any bargain Pratchetts available, you never know, if only I was into Jeremy Clarkson, they're ten a penny.

The Steg

Posted : 15th July 2012 8:30 am
Posts: 0


Hope you are feeling a bit better today. That surely has to be a gamcare first, your thread turned into a gallery . The steg does nothing by halves .lol

Look what you started , can see gamcare holding meetings , debating if this should continue . I for one hope so, think it add a certain something to the diarys .

Any ways think this is the finial week , leaver do to be done , then 6 weeks to prefect your swing.

So I will leave you with this thought :

If you think it's hard to meet new people, try picking up the wrong golf ball:

Shiny xxxxxxxxxxx

Posted : 16th July 2012 10:05 am
Posts: 0

I just wanted to thank you for being itching powder lol! Your posts were very much appreciated.

I'm glad you enjoyed your golf and I'm loving the pratchett quotes, huge discworld fan here. 🙂

Posted : 16th July 2012 10:25 am
Posts: 0

Hi Jon,

Hope your feeling a bit better, Wow your diary looks like tony hart's gallery, I was waiting for that cheesy music to kick in when i opened it up and morph to start jumping around. Very talented mr Steg.

Your on the home run now jon, final push then some re-charge the batteries time and you can get your daft pants on and spats and start shouting things like "FOUR", "GET OUT THE WAY" and ooopsss "SORRY hope that doesnt needs stitches"...

Enjoy your day

Blondie x

Posted : 16th July 2012 11:16 am
Posts: 0

haha, Loving the music.. I loved that programme. God its hard your game, ive not got a clue.. ? Is there a timescale on it ?

Blondie x

Posted : 16th July 2012 2:30 pm
Posts: 0

Yeah i think thats fair. I better get my a**e in gear then whilst im on lunch and the font of all knowledge, or the STEG to his friends is pumping iron lol.

Blondie x

Posted : 16th July 2012 2:39 pm
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