So I'm going to start this and just add babble as and when 🙂 it will be nice just to write what I'm thinking and doing not just about gambling but life in general after its all stopped
So today I've been in touch with a debt charity . Due to call me back in the new year , it's a little weight lifted .. 😉 they did ask me to get my last 3 months bank statements ready.. And wow what a few months I've had literally 40k plus in and out of accounts.. Shameful . Lots of spends after wins .. Good yet seriously bad times ..
Well me and the wife are talking more which is good and I've eaten too ! 🙂 glad I took the step to transfer living money to her before I got the chance to spend it so going to be OK for the time being 🙂 put some gambling blocking software on my PC wouldnt stop me if I really wanted to avoid it and gamble but it's there just as another barrier 🙂
Going to settle down and watch a film with my boy and enjoy the finer things in life 🙂
Day 2 no gambling and no real urge
Well done Kris a good start putting the gambling software in place is worth if yes you will be able to get round it but hopefully the extra hassle it will take might give you time to come to your senses and take a step back.
Hope you enjoyed your film much better to spend time with loved ones than with your head buried in computer screen.
Keep going keep posting and things will get better
Well it's been a nice eve thank you 🙂 few films down and ready for bed and last day at work..
Yep blocking software is just one step, let's face it who doesn't have a phone etc but to remove as much temptation as I can from anywhere in my life can't be a bad thing 🙂 will post back again day after day on this rollecoster ride .. Still going over the options I have but 20k of credit card debt is hard to plan for but sure everything will come good in the end .. Rather be gambling free and some debt than where I was before 🙂
So on train to work for half day and again it's***t me hard this morning .. Trying to stay positive as its Xmas soon .. Keep getting the thoughts of why I didn't walk away and everything would have been OK .. But that's how it goes today is another day .. I'll get to come home to my boy and settle down waiting for the wife to finish work and we can wait till Santa comes for my boy 🙂 going to be a strange Xmas
So Xmas is out of the way and I made it the best I could , I tried to forget the bad times for my boy and we are all contempt .. I've had some really bad thoughts to try and gamble my way out but it's not going to happen and I can't sort my debts out showing I am still gambling .. I have had to use one of my cards with money on to buy some shopping .. It's not the best option but the only one avail atm and it's a drop in the ocean to what I've built up but we are good for when I talk to the insolvency practitioner in the new year .. I'm planning on some counselling too as to show my aim to get out of the habit .. I really hate the waiting for things to get moving but waiting is all I can do 🙂
Thanks gt,
I'm now over a week gamble free , no football bets.. No roulette , and currently starting to feel normal again after a really bad week. Sleeping better eating better and off to work for the only day of the holidays 🙂 things are still bleak but going to do everything I can to put things right. After the initial I can win it all back thoughts I'm not going to go back not this time I have a long road ahead and no matter what happens it will be gamble free ! Still got to see about insolvency but will try and avoid that if possible ..
Will keep updates coming as and when .. Looking forward to the new year.. A gamble free year a happy year
well today i got a letter from a credit card company, asking me to call to sort out the new card... not a chance I've ripped it up and binned it ! last thing i need now is more debt !
my focus is on monday the 4th of jan as that is when i talk to the insolvency practitioner and will finally know where the last few months has landed me .. nervous yet excited to get closure on this ordeal .. I may have to live with it for 5 years or so but that was always going to be the case before i got deep in it as paying it all off was always going to be a struggle and would have had a detremental effect on my marriage and home life in general .. so i hope that there is a silver lining in all the dark clouds i created... sure someone said loosing the 8K could be the best thing to happen.. last week i couldnt see that but now i'm half believing it.. without it i would have slowly kept on going and it could have got a lot worse but in a slower way
9 days gone... it will be 2 weeks when i find out what will happen.... strange 2 weeks .. all gamble free
So it's the start to the new year.. Had a few arguments with the wife over the last few days 🙁 I think that's more down to the not knowing what will happen ref the debts but hoping that will be sorted Monday 🙂 ...
It's been almost 2 weeks since my last gamble on anything ! It seems longer than 2 weeks ago tbh but only like yesterday too ..I don't want to ever forget that feeling as it will give me strength to never do it again .
Hi Kris , One day at a time my friend , your moving forwards and not backwards and that's what matters the most !
Hope things go well for on the 4th and the rest of 2016.
Best wishes buddy
Hi Alan,
Thanks for that all the best for you too 🙂
Today will be my first call about my debts that i managed to rack up in the space of proabbly a month ! its daunting .. the full figure has been over the years but as I earned enough to pay some back everynow and again so my credit rating was great hence the massive avail credit I had.. I'm not exactly silly with money either never missed a payment for over 9 years on anything.. though i am in a pickle, i went from all ok to everythings a mess over night and my creditors probably will want to see my gambling stopped before offering help (speculating as not sure atm) which will be hard as I was on the ball rather quickly after realising the state i got us into and while i very much doubt i will be going back down that route (gambling) and my bank statements dont actually show much gambling ( I would only ever use non credit gambling after a win and I knew the money was hitting my bank ) so hoping that goes in my favour..
I just want to know ... 2 weeks have passed and i'm no nearer knowing whats going to happen than day 1 .. suppose thats the price you pay for doing it just before xmas..
all the best to evryone
lets hope tomorrows update is a good one
well I managed to get through the phone call and it was slightly as expected .. There is a high chance the IVA wont be accpeted due to recent lending and gambling but thats not the end of it and TBH anything could happen once the creditors get together ... but it does mean everything is filed and is in motion to a better future.. if it all went to plan then I could live with the downside to an IVA as we could live better than we have for a long time but it may not happen so I have to start making plans to go for the long haul of making what payments i can or consider bankruptcy but that will be a last restort .. they could come back asking for 3 clean months bank statements from gambling ! well i wouldnt mind that challenge at all 🙂
next.... counselling .... i really have to do everything i can to end all gamlbing porblems i had / have.. its easy to say now i never would again but ive said it before and when the money settles down what would stop me ? apart from the WIFE ! haha so i want to try everything 🙂
I feel a little better but a rocky road ahead going to give this my all as i'm at the last reasonable age to mess things up this way as any later in life it wouldnt be so easy to think about houses etc..
2016 start of a better year !
So we are just over 2 weeks and not a single bet.. no football no fruits no roulette ! ... i have now also realised my SAD is in full swing as it does every year around december time which i guess hasn't been helped with the massive loss and gambling problems over this winter 🙁 depressed no matter what i try and do.. but i know that will subside come february so its something to aim for.. and i have 8 weeks for the creditors meeting.. seems so far away at this moment in time but I know i can't pay everyone so will split what i have left and distribute it best i can between the 8 creditors .. at least i can show some willing towards it and that i can't afford to pay it all back ... one way or another things will get better 🙂
So we are just over 2 weeks and not a single bet.. no football no fruits no roulette ! ... i have now also realised my SAD is in full swing as it does every year around december time which i guess hasn't been helped with the massive loss and gambling problems over this winter 🙁 depressed no matter what i try and do.. but i know that will subside come february so its something to aim for.. and i have 8 weeks for the creditors meeting.. seems so far away at this moment in time but I know i can't pay everyone so will split what i have left and distribute it best i can between the 8 creditors .. at least i can show some willing towards it and that i can't afford to pay it all back ... one way or another things will get better 🙂
grr it messed up my comment ! brief overview of what i wrote..
Feeling better.. talking to wife.. no gambling for 17 days ... looking forward to the lighter evenings that are coming slowly 🙂
3 weeks to the day... and time is a great healer 🙂
I've let go of the debt as nothing i can do about it now... and it's helped ! sleeping and eating properly.. and gambling seems such a thing of the past now .. no acca's on the footie and even roulette isnt creeping into my head like it used to.. I hate to think that it took me to loose everything i had finicially to kick it but it may have been the best thing to happen.. only more time will tell on that front but i'm now living to a budget and not spending all the time for the sake of it ! I have to start learning the value of money and in 21 days i've learned so much 🙂
Here's to another day another week another 21 days ! .. it's a slow process but a great one at that
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