My 2016 diary

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Day 63,(18)

well what a lovely morning out there 🙂 sun is shining , crisp but not freezing cold, which makes for a super happy mood ! 🙂

Have my counselling session today .. made it a 2 week gap to last as I would have been no good going this time last week, not with the IVA meeting hanging over me , should be a good session though.. lots to talk about 🙂

One thing that does cross my mind is , do we ever get over the addiction / gambling life . how long is long enough not to worry ? I have a nice 5 years where I can't get credit and going on past gambling I never gambled wages to an extent .. so hopefully that will be long enough .. that and will always have my wife close by who will see the signs .

But lets not dwell too much on that .. one day at a time for now is working for me .. i have this diary to look back on anytime it would ever cross my mind, which would remind me of the pain it could cause

so upwards and onwards 32 days to next target ..


Posted : 23rd February 2016 8:49 am
Posts: 0

Kris, great diary, I am in same boat myself, hopefully we can all best this disease together, chat soon

Posted : 23rd February 2016 3:19 pm
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Day 64,(19)

Hi ruairi76, we sure can beat this.. it's not an easy ride but it's very possible to beat it.. will have a look for your posts see where you are on your road to freedom 🙂

Well couselling x2 yesterday ... first was brilliant ! gambling .. how 50 min can go so fast is anyones guess but walked out feeling better than i walked in (which was pretty d**n good to start with) .. and I have decided when i move jobs i will do telephone counselling with her as starting up again with someone new just doesn't seem the right thing to do ... then onto the 2nd counselling which was a little different .. though again opened my eyes a little and has set some rather ambitous targets .. I will try my best at them..

So bit of pants news is I won't get any bonus from the current job and not cause I'm leaving but more lack of communication .. i would have had to have started before 1st march last year when i started in April .. all kept nicely under wraps and even when i wanted to change sick days for holidays so not to effect the attendance i wasn't informed I wouldnt have been eligible .. typical but makes me all the more happy to be leaving 🙂

Just over 2 weeks and i can turn my back on this place and look forward to something a little more challenging ..

got some side work coming up tomorrow .. just a new pc build but theres a few quid in it for me so that should pay for the night out thats coming up .. really ready to let my hair (short hair) down lol.. payday friday too so hoping the bonus is the only thing they manage to do me with cause if there's anything else that doesnt fit could see me walk out

anyway today is just another Gamble free day


Posted : 24th February 2016 8:17 am
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and to add as i had forgot .. last night i had a weired dream / nightmare about the IVA and it not being accepted for some strange reason , like it had been but then a creditor forced it to be removed lol .. I woke up with my heart in my mouth .. only to instantly realise it was just a dream.. though jesus it made me think what could have happened if it went the other way and the mess i could have been in .. tbh once or twice that happening i think i could live with and it's nice to wake up from it .. installed a greater will for me never to get into that position again lol

Posted : 24th February 2016 11:42 am
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Day 65,(20)

some nice figures up there .. 65 days without a penny lost... great feeling 🙂

not much seems to be happening .. though my mum decided to transfer money to my old bank account last night so kissed £75 goodbye lol.. not the end of the world and lucky it wasn't any more .. least that has been updated incase any more money is sent 🙂

got just over 2 weeks left here.. and payday tomorrow .. I noticed the sun is having the weekend off too 🙁 .. never mind at least "atm" it's not going to be raining 🙂

today is just another gamble free day 🙂

Posted : 25th February 2016 10:09 am
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Day 69,(3)

well a few days have passed since my last update and lost the 2nd counter but with that has instilled a greater will to get further than ever before this time round .. I miss the normal feeling I had for the 3 weeks before and not to mention the loosing of a weekend etc.. pretty sure last time i wasn't set to stop and always was in my mind "once more" where as this time there is no "one more" there so along with the ever increasing first counter that one will break a month this time and who knows where from there..

in other news i'm starting my penultimate week in this job .. having to plan where my spends will be going as there's no credit cards to fall back on .. though there is a little kitty for emergencies and thats how it will stay 🙂

shame we're not on the first of march (d**n lap year) but it's almost here and the home run to BST .. 🙂

today is just another gamble free day

Posted : 29th February 2016 11:20 am
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Day 70,(4)

Well the weekend has taken it's toll .. feeel like utter c**P lol.. but on the brightside its only for another day or two then I'll be on the up and with no plans to reset that counter again so it can only get better..

Well march is here ! woop.. been looking at the sunset times and it's now 17:45 .. not bad and only 27 days till BST and my next target.. only 8.5 days left of this job so rocking and rollign through some tidy up scripts for the project i was working on ..

Car goes in for service tomorrow.. lucky i have a service plan with the garage as i doubt a £450 bill would have been good but it does mean the £19 a month for the last year or so is finally paying off ..

hopefully get back to my cheerful self tomorrow till then .. today is just another gamble free day 🙂


Posted : 1st March 2016 11:19 am
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Day 71,(5)

Well the mind is coming back .. starting to feel normal again and looking forward to normal sleep patterns ....

was talking to my gambling friend last night ... watching football he had £5 on 3 teams to win was looking good half time 2-0 2-0 2-1 .. then as usual it failed to come in .. he would have won only £30 but instead again lost £5 .. felt sorry for him but at the same time he knows the score .. they rarely come in so that's made me feel better that I don't even have that flutter anymore .. was good to just watch the game without trying to will the ball in the net lol

seems strange i still get a few thoughts of having a few £'s on the roulette now i'm not strapped for cash but staying strong and things will be a little better again come next month when i end up with 2 pay slips .. I hope anyway 🙂

other than that not much happenning .. car in for service today so should be back to a nice smooth drive again as been 2 years and 30k mile since the last major service .. 14k since last oil change .. new pc was built and installed last night so pick up a few £'s for that work this eve 🙂

today is just another gamble free day


Posted : 2nd March 2016 11:50 am
Posts: 480

Hi Kris....well done on reaching 71 days...neary 3/4 of the way to a century wow.

I just wanted to ask one thing.....was it Leicester that let your friend down haha

I must agree...i enjoy the games much more now that i dont have a bet on them. No hot and cold sweats and can just relax and enjoy the game stress free.

Posted : 2nd March 2016 12:38 pm
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cheers damo 🙂

yeah almost 3/4 and never looked at it like that 🙂 be a nice target to get to after BST 🙂

Yep leicester was the game : chelsea and everton the others .. leicester were good for the win just didnt drop for them this time round .. I was still willing the ball in for em just nothing riding on it which meant just after the game i felt normal .. no regrets and was a nice feeling.. and as you say stress free !

been keeping an eye on your diary though not posting much as busy away but all looking good mate .. time's a great healer and it will only get better the more effort you put into it ... recovery is a never ending road but it's nice to have the road laid out in words on here hey

take it easy


Posted : 2nd March 2016 2:35 pm
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Day 72,(6)

And yay all back to normal 🙂 feeling good and ready for a nice family weekend ...

Not being a betting man anymore i def wouldnt have bet on the scores last night .. what a shower of P**P the 3 you would have expected to win were .. though again what a lovely eve for our bookmakers ! they will have slept easy last night .. which i did too as they never got a peny off me lol

working towards 3/4 of a century and d**n it really feels good .! easily the longest ever without a bet ! long may this continue 🙂 got some DIY tonight replacing the frame on our gate that rotted through and now the gate is in half almost lol .. should be a fairly easy thing to fix and i'll use the money i didnt burn on buying some new wood and screws ... not the usual DIY kinda person but looking forward to it 🙂

today is just another gamble free day 🙂

Posted : 3rd March 2016 10:29 am
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Day 73,(7)

well after the weekend i will be 3/4 towards the century of days gamble free 🙂 .. should be a good weekend too as a few bits for my pap pap (car) are arriving to help reduce the exhaust noise inside the car and headlight relays to hopefully stop the flcikering when the stop start kicks in .. I have HID kit on and it's annoying .. also a new amp may be coming my way too .. 200 watts just isnt cutting the mustard (400 should do the trick though) .. along with a volume control for the amp so I can crank the amp gain up and the turn it back down from the front meaning the indicator and warning sounds that are sent to the front speakers wont be stupid loud .. then can crank up when i want it to be louder ! i may be getting older but there's a stripe of chav running though my blood..

all the above can be done in the knowledge i will be having a nice weekend with the family and adding to the second counter which keeps the wallet flush ... along with not gambling helps on that front too 🙂

1 week of work to gooo....

hope we all have a good weekend and check back in monday

today is just another gamble fee day

Posted : 4th March 2016 1:17 pm
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Day 76,(10)

Well there we have it 3/4 of the way to a century of days not gambling ! 🙂 .. today i feel amazing ! (note the second counter) which means i woke up (to a beautiful morning sun) and got ready, took my boy to nursery, back home, had a chat with the wife before heading to work and a really positive attitude that only comes with a nice sunny day..

Had a top weekend too .. got a new amp for the car (blew a tweeter so having to replace that) .. went to the park yesterday with the boy and took his remote controlled sit on car .. boy is that slow haha but the batteries lasted the full trip, up hill for 1/4 mile or so then down to the duck pond and back up and home ! 🙂 .. then managed to clean half my car properly 🙂 just the other side to sort this eve weather permitting ... could only do half as this was a full clean ...wash . clay bar .. polish .. wax,wax,wax and more wax ! been such a long time since i did anything like that so was nice to have the time and motivation to do it .. and then going forward it will clean and last so much longer each time...

just 4.5 train days remain then its start of the new job ! looking forward to driving to work and actually working for a living again .. i dont do bordom very well which i have a lot of here 🙁 .. onwards and upwards to BST

counselling x2 tomorrow again 🙂

today is just another gamble free day


Posted : 7th March 2016 9:10 am
Posts: 480

Well done on reaching 3/4 of a century Kris.

Soon be reaching the 100.

Posted : 7th March 2016 10:26 am
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Day 77,(11)

Cheers damo .. there will be a few major targets coming up in quick sucession I think 🙂 3 months , BST , century ... happy times..

Was supposed to be counselling today but something in the back of my mind says it was changed to tomorrow ? i could be wrong but should get a text if it is today..

Got my other counselling tonight and taking the wife and little man too 🙂 my counseller wants to meet them .. I'm not 100% whats changed in order for me to skip weekends like i do now and without the cravings i used to get its like I managed to just switch off from it.. not a bad thing TBH .,. it also could be that now I dont have a credit card to put fuel in the car or buy shopping etc so can't just waste money like before .. though I am now enjoying the money I would have waisted .. a few bits here and there .. and having money in the bank is always nice ... not sure how i plow through it all in 2 weeks of being paid but that happens and I live with what i have now ..

only 3.5 train journeys left .. was thinking this morning how much better it will be to not be rushing to get the man to nursery for 7 so i can get home and walk for the train .. i can spend some time with him and set off about 30 min later .. then straight back in the car and off to work 🙂 ..

today is just another gamble free day 🙂

Posted : 8th March 2016 9:15 am
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