my betting diary

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What I am talking about is the pre-408 days My Lord.

You see before this time did you not try to quit and fail...and fail...

Methinks so!

Yet you seem to have all the answers.

£2k over two years - £50k over six means nothing. It's the reasoning behind it that matters.

Simply really.

Plums are good fruits - you shouldn't take it personally My Lord 😛 XX

Posted : 27th January 2011 12:38 am
Posts: 1057
Topic starter

for my own recovery.....i duplicate posted on changed mans diary tonight from my PHONE....sorry for all my full stops....the empty post on my diary tonight from another user was reminding me of my 1st post and what i lost ??...obviously misread my post on his...thank you and if you happen to read this poster... stay off my diary !!!

Posted : 27th January 2011 12:45 am
Posts: 1057
Topic starter

my name is winning post....i am a compulsive gambler having lost thousands upon thousands over the years but thats only money... money can be replaced eventually.....i lost my family due to this illness and it sincerely hurts....i would like to apologise to each and every one of you on these diaries if i have ever come across as high and mighty...never in my lifetime have i seen myself as fact i see myself as exactly the opposite....i have never been the most confident person...maybes gambling done this to me..its just i have a passion for beating this addiction having read what it has done to the many people on here..i agree we ALL have different views of beating this and to daveuk i apologise for my outburst... five quid a week or five grand a week....we are all sorry....does it really matter...tonight i lie here in bed struggling to sleep due to my own doing on someone elses diary....maybe it is time to put my own diary to sleep once and for all....maybe these diaries are not for me thing i can guarantee though is i cannot thank each and every one of you who has positively contributed on my diary for all the time ive been on here.... i think now is maybe the time to follow "other" diaries and post now and again on my OWN diary of my continued abstainence...that way i wont become controversial....i never ever have intended to cause i say i have a passion for beating this the end of the day we are here for ourselves first and foremost....thank you my friends.......take care.....we can do this :'-)

Posted : 27th January 2011 2:00 am
Posts: 0

hi havent had chance to read your diary before.

410 days is different class.

Im happy to read any posts you make,well done mate ,keep it up.Luke

Posted : 27th January 2011 2:35 am
Posts: 0

Hi wp.

Thanks for your post on my diary.

In my eyes wp you have been a major help to all on here.That we don't agree with all on here thats just the way it is.I know for one that you have been a massive help in getting me to where i am now.I know you lost alot through gambling.You lost what was most important to you - your family!

I know what this gambling does to people..we lost our house because of it...still owe money to some creditors and it messed up my family for a long time.This all because of my do you need these diaries?

I thought i didn't....i mean i have great support from my wife and i have blocks in place,but i realised it was good for me to post still...when i felt like it!

I think this camecare site would not be the same without you.Said it before to you your imput is second to none.

In the end though we have to think whats best for us.I for one hope you keep posting mate.

As for diaries we don't agree with...just look the other way.

You know you have many camecare friends on here!

Your diary is post from a mobile(hats off for that) and don't get the same support as most of us others do out side of here.

So for you to have come so far through all of this is just amazing and it does give others great hope to read about this.

Stay strong my friend and i'm hoping your sticking around!


Posted : 27th January 2011 8:14 am
Posts: 0

Hey wp,as i said last night on your diary you are beating this addiction hands down using the methods that serve you well:),what others on here say or do isn't something that you should lose sleep over mate:),use your diary to help yourself, as and when it's something you need to do:).In a community such as gamcare we will always come across a myriad of viewpoints about recovery and how best to achieve it,and from time to time the diary exchanges can get very heated (you have seen that many times),the key thing is though neither you (or the other individuals involved) should take things personally, or let it affect you in an adverse way.

I hope you did manage to get some sleep,and that today is a good and gamble free day for you,i know it will be:).


Posted : 27th January 2011 9:22 am
Posts: 0


I think you are being hard on yourself. I believe that the monetary amount does not matter (because the amount of money is relevant to the person’s circumstances) and I agree that it is the behaviour and the effect of the behaviour which is important but independent of the amount gambled.

Having said that, I see a big difference between yourself and some others. Apologies for rubbing it in, but you have lost a lot due to this illness and as a result you are overcoming significant hurdles. Only you know the real pain and it is hard to get that across to people who have not experienced such loss. The strength you have shown is tremendous. I believe that because of this, you need a constant level of support in your continued recovery. This addiction brings devastating consequences and we need to be reminded of that. Apologies wp, for sticking my nose in, but there are posters on this forum that need that little bit more support than others. I include myself in that given my domestic fragility even after almost 8 months in, but I am relatively lucky and consider myself as blessed if I can recover my present circumstances. Everyone is entitled to a wild post every now and then.

I hope therefore, that if this forum is not meeting your needs, that you continue other routes or divert the gamcare effort into another route, be it GA or whatever, 410+ days is still early days my friend as the benefits of recovery apparently start to really accelerate as we get to 2,3,4 years.

I want what is best for you and I hope that you keep up the excellent work that got you to this point, whatever the forum may be. I’m gonna keep posting on your diary anyhow.


Posted : 27th January 2011 9:46 am
Posts: 0

Hello wp...............Proof in the pudding wp, just by the response since last dispute its quite obvious the esteem you're thought of on these diary's. Carry on being the true asset you really are........ Climb that tree of life and bomb the plums 🙂 We can do it buddy. TC

Posted : 27th January 2011 10:12 am
Posts: 0

Hi Winning Post

You were one of the very first to post on my intro on 27th November last year and similarly on my diary which I started on 1st January, as I said I would. You couldn’t have been more supportive and that means more than I can say - thanks a lot.

This site needs guys like you so stick with it. Your postings are clearly helping both yourself and others so that’s got to be a great reason to remain and I sure hope you will.

You know my gambling history : 40 years; relentless; lost my home twice previously and about to lose my current one (you never learn till you stop!); acquired a criminal record for theft and now due to CRB disclosure can only take low paid work; lost several relationships purely due to CGing including my last GF and our two young daughters; lost a great little business; no idea how much I’ve lost over the 40 years but current debt mountain of £110k; depressed and only able to function at around 50% capacity; look about 12 years older than I am due to stress and anxiety caused by punting my brains out; can hardly speak to many family members or former friends due to years of lying and fleecing them to fund the addiction; tried to give up many times in the past, but probably due to not being as serious as I am now, failed badly. I’ve got absolutely nothing positive to show for my CGing lifestyle. Only abject, total, undiluted chaos and misery. That is the reality today.

Yes, I’ve not had a gamble for 2 and a half months and although I intend to remain gamble free it will clearly take me a long time to come to terms with everything, physically , mentally and emotionally. ButI know I will.

wp, to be frank I’m not really too interested in other peoples diaries, or my own if it comes to that. If I’m honest, the only thing that I really care about is no longer gambling, for myself. From that, all good things will follow for me - no doubt whatsoever about that. I’m not a saint but deep down I am not a bad person either, but giving up CGing - I’m doing it for number one - for me!

I’m hesitant to make comment about other peoples recovery strategies - there’s no need really, but JUST LIKE YOU I’ve always been 100% certain that for someone who fits the CG profile and has ruined or is ruining their life through the pursuit, then the only sure way of giving up is TOTAL abstinence. This means creating distractions from gambling immediately (new hobbies or leisure pursuits/more work/ helping more around the house, with children etc.); in the short to medium term putting as much effort into beating the habit (self-analysis/counselling/gamcare membership/re-creating ties with family and friends; coming clean about where the habit has brought you to etc.); longer-term - be on your guard, - you know your own history and vulnerability to gambling after all, but try and live the rest of your life ‘normally’, without being under the constant control of gambling. This all takes so much effort and pain and goes against everything a CG has come to stand for, which is why so many relapse, but an alternative approach, in my long experience does not exist.

wp, I , like you have been doing, intend to practice the above. By doing so I hope and expect that in time, despite how deep-rooted the addiction has become for me, to be able to enjoy a fantastic rest of my life. Take care mate.


Posted : 27th January 2011 10:31 am
Posts: 0

hi wp

whoo what the f*** is all that about. i posted on diveuk dairy just aften you did and in prittey much the same tone.

haveing been in here for the last 6 or so months i have never in that time seen this sort of sh** in anybody dairy and find it hard to beleave that anyone could think, that you did not have there best interest at hart.

yes we all have are own road to get down, and we all take the path that suits us.

but god forbid, if i did stray from the path ,i hope i get a dreesing down from anybody who feels i need it. i wont people to tell my what a ti* i have been i wont to be tolled how stupid i am.

i gess what am saying is sometime a hard hand is bettet then a gentel touch.


Posted : 27th January 2011 10:40 am
Posts: 504

wp - there is absolutely no need to apologise, I did not think for one second that you had anything but my best interests at heart.

Keep your diary going as it does help you and several others to.

As I have said on my diary today - sometimes we have to cut through all the words and take action - and you have done this by not gambling. Sympathy is good for a while but action speaks louder than words.

You are correct - the amounts are not really the issue - if a man loses a fiver and its his only fiver in the world then he feel like her has lost his all.

Anyway - no hard feelings (and never were really) and I look forward to reading your future postings.

Posted : 27th January 2011 10:55 am
Posts: 0

Hi wp.

Hope alls well mate.

Have a great weekend!


Posted : 28th January 2011 8:26 pm
Posts: 0

Hi wp

Hope you and the family are all ok,and you are getting to see them a bit more.On the gambling front i know there is no need to ask.Im sure you are still going strong.Get on that phone m8 start posting.All the best Jeff.

Posted : 30th January 2011 8:41 am
Posts: 0

Hi wp

Just checking up on you.

I’m in sight of my third clear month gamble free. Unheard of!!! A record I’m chuffed to bits with.

Down to guys like you mate. Take care.


Posted : 30th January 2011 9:51 am
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Hi wp.

I have to say that i miss your regular daily update on your diary. I hope that you have not been put off by the rubbish that was thrown at you on here the other day. Quite why anyone would want to have a dig at you on a forum such as this is beyond me.

You have been and you continue to be a huge support and inspiration to many on here pal.

I hope you have had an enjoyable weekend.

Posted : 30th January 2011 7:45 pm
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