Just doing my rounds. Knock knock. How's things? You're never in these days... too busy getting on with your life !! lol
Keep up the great work wp
Hey wp,
Turning 40 and the 400 plus days gamble free, two good milestones to pass on this journey, after all, you can now say you've never gambled in your 40s. Wish I could say the same about my last decade, but whatever happens I'm determined to still be gamble free when I enter my 30s next year.
Nothing for it but to grit your teeth and move onward, hope your hiatus of a few days is just that, and that you'll notice by all the posts since you last posted shows just how important your support is to so many on here.
All the best
Hi wp.
Really hope alls well with you mate.
As you can see from the posts your getting wp alot of people on here care about you.
This site is all the better with you on it.But i do understand if you feel like posting less.Its whats best for you that counts.
But when your ready pop on and let us all know how your keeping.
All the best my friend.
many many thanks for your concerns folks...its been a while... sorry, lol, i wont let last week put me off..i wouldve posted sooner but my mobile phone packed in and ive had a helluva dispute with that well known firm that sponsor england rugby...talking of which its 6 nations time again and im hopefully up for the wales game on the 13th to meet my friends....i dont give us much of a chance again this year but im sure we ll give the italians a run for there money lol...no gambling issues apart from a strange dream that i gambled £5, whether that has something to do with last week, or the fact i sponsored a work colleagues kid to the tune of that amount and being typically scottish, didnt want it to part although in gambling mode there was never a doubt :-o... who knows ?? its a great relief being bet free though...relationship situation ok,spending loads time round there and walking dogs etc all good signs but dont think theres much chance of moving back in the near future so for now ive been looking at alternative accomodation within my budget...i think ive found a tidier place but was very reluctant to tell my landlord as hes been very good to me paymentwise or lack of lol...hopefully there will be no more handles in my hand or pet snails to contend with in my new place lol....today i havent bet tomorrow i wont bet,once again a thousand thanks for your concerns...we can do this 🙂
hi wp,
thanks for your posts, thanks for caring.
I am annoyed that i was unable to post last week as i would have had plenty to say about your "critic".
Its your life. YOU have changed it.
You have helped countless people on this forum, i am proud to say i am one of them.
Plum my a * s * !!
More power to your elbow wp
Hello there wp.The king of the castle is back-you!Lol.
Really glad to see your doing alright mate and i hope that new accomodation works out for you.
Looking forward to the six nations myeslf.I actually think Scotland just might do well this year.Hoping Ireland does well.But they have a fair few injuries so we'll see.
Anyway good to have you posting again.
I didn't give you the courtesy of actually reading your diary or seeing what gambling has caused you to lose...until today. You have been through the mill and for my comments the other day I apologise.
These diaries are the cornerstone of success for some people. They build a community based on goodwill and common goals.
I want to take this opportunity to say how well you have done in fighting back this vile disease. Even though I am sure in my own heart that I have this thing licked...I hope to be able to say that in 400+ days...which makes you a success story.
I've ended my diary because it's not providing any source of comfort for me (or indeed anyone else for that matter, lol). I will continue to read posts and add more 'positive' views when needed, and I hope i continue to read to your success.
We can do this 🙂
Hello mate,sorry to hear that your phone as gone pear shaped :(,hope you get that sorted out soon.Hope all is well in every other aspect of life.
hi wp,
just dropping in to hi, hope all is well.
i won't be able to post again till monday, so have a great weekend.
speak to you soon
Hi wp, hope you are doing well and remain gamble free.
Take Care mate
thank you viggo,seano,tommi and changed man (virtual handshake)....posting for my own benefit today...no urges as such but just niggly thoughts about the forthcoming C & A & P festivals as well as the point to point season which as many of you know was something i really enjoyed,so the springtime is always going to be difficult for me...these niggly thoughts, like i say are not urges as they come at times when i cant even have a bet,like when im busy at work or entertaining the little one ??? last week has made one impact in that i have been thinking about a lifetime of abstainence...can i do that ?? just thinking about it today leaves me rather flat and drained...i have also been thinking a lot about brians suggestions as to where my recovery can go from here...g.a can i really go in to a 1st meeting and say im a comp gambler 400 days+ into recovery ???,likewise a new counsellor may think im wasting their time week in week out saying i have not gambled, so here i am posting on my own diary for my own benefit which continues to be my rock...today i wont bet,tomorrow is now a challenge for when i get up...ODAAT friends,we can do this 😉
Good to see you posting. Hope I didn't fry your brains there my friend. As I said I was just trying to be open and honest with you.
I think you have answered the question by calling this diary your rock... seems that it works for you... and if it only becomes 1 hour per week, I think its one hour well spent.
Bottom line is to use whatever is good for you to ensure your recovery. As an aside, the only entry requirement to go to GA is the desire to stop gambling. A friend of mine is 14 years free but still goes. Personally, it works well for me. Not saying that it would for you, coz we're all different. You would definitely be welcome, and wouldn't be strange being over a year free. GA is not a competition in who needs it the most.
I find it gives me the personal dimension to my recovery. It satisfies that need for me. These diaries do not give me that. Talking and hearing people talking makes it real. They share about life without gambling more than the past. When I come out of meetings, I feel happy, not depressed. Energised and strong. There's many options, GA is only one.
You are stronger now, you are doing great... all I was saying is that, out of concern for you, that you don't follow the line of SO MANY people that thought they had this thing cracked, only to return. Given what you have been through (and its just my opinion), I wouldn't go from heavy recovery effort to none. I would step it back to something which suits your lifestyle.
Best of strength my friend,
Hi wp,good to see that your posting about something that is related to how you are feeling,it can be very daunting when we stop and think in terms of a lifetime of abstinence,.....is it really a problem though?,....you CAN still enjoy the big festival meetings and go to the point to points should you choose to,the only difference is you will be doing it for the spectacle and enjoying the atmosphere,......no need whatsoever to tie having a bet in with watching a sport you love:).
Regarding GA,i don't see any reason at all why you can't attend a meeting,after all you are still a CG,....albeit 400+ days bet free,.....anyway,food for thought mate,keep up the good work.
thanks seano (at this moment i dont think i could enjoy the festivals without an interest mate) and brian (course you havent fried my brain,i always appreciate your inputs on the forums mate, though sometimes i find your postings far too intelligent for someone of my calibre lol)....today i still feel flat but back to basics just for today i will not bet 😉
Hi wp, my friend.
Of course you can go to a G.A. meeting and say that. If you need the support from people in a similar situation and you need it face to face then I can recommend G.A. As you know, I go to many meetings all over the country and although they all have the same orange book, most of them are very unique in the way they are set up. I enjoy some more then others but if it means it stops someone from gambling, then, in my humble opinion, it really doesn't matter how it's run, not to me anyhow.
As for feeling flat for thinking you can never gamble again, yeah, I can relate to that with everything I try to reduce or stop in my life. Gambling, smoking, anything... I just don't tell myself I can't ever do it again. I just say I won't do it today... I can do it tomorrow if I really want to, but not today...and guess what....tomorrow turns into today and I go on... without gambling(since the 5th June 2007) and without smoking(since the 6th March 2009)
I get urges, it's normal, I then tell myself, not today, maybe tomorrow....
Love and some uplifting hugs to you.
God Bless
Sabine xx
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