hi wp,
thanks for your posts and ongoing support.
i know this week is a tough week for many of our friends, with the "festival" on - even someone like me that knows B*****r all about it, finds myself bombarded with it, t.v/newspapers/shops, etc - there seems no escape from it.
hope you are settling in well in your new place.
That ppi thing you were taking about - i paid thousands of pounds whilst accumulating my debt mountain, and was always lead to believe when i applied for credit that if i didn't take a policy, i wouldn't get the loan/credit card, etc - it was nothing but a con and complete rip off as far as i'm concerned ( itried to claim when i was made redundant and got sod all).
great to see you are seeing the kids regularly - long may it continue.
I too am having a nightmare on the car front, it is just one thing after another, and if the price of petrol goes up anymore, i'll have to seriously consider giving up being a motorist - £1.31 a litre unleaded where i live - Budweiser is cheaper (and tastier !)
take care
Hi wp.
Thanks for the post. I will try to cut down on the sporting spoilers in my diary! Your post reminded me of that episode of the Likely Lads when they spend the day trying to avoid the result of the big match before the highlights come on!
It's good to see you still posting the occasional nugget of wisdom on here mate.
Hai wp, Just dropping in and sending over all the virtual strength and honour i can muster..... You're a top man wp!
mARCHING On togethEr bud
Hello wp!!
Hows the top man! Just having a pop into the diarys and checking in with the top men who have helped in me finally seeing sense. Has been a hard week to navigate, but as with you we craxked it and now onwards we do this together bud.....
All the virtual strength and honour i can muster...
Hi wp.
E-mail should be up and going tommorow.Send you a mail then.
Hope alls well.
Many thanks as always friends 🙂 for my personal information SEANOSTARS has officially been banned from this site...for such an influential diary on here to myself,and most probably many many others i find it absolutely outrageous !! Take care all,sorry but im gobsmacked !
Hi wp, it is a real same that seano has been banned, but I get the feeling that it was his time to move on. I hope you are keeping well in your recovery. I hope the bairns are well and that you are seeing plenty of them. Take care, we can do this 🙂
Recovery is for ourselves. It's a journey of self discovery. I found that as long as I blamed others for my choices, I was unable to move on. Please don't be a stranger and use your strength and experience to help others. Just by writing your own experiences down, it will help someone. It won't help anyone to get involved in politics. I like Seano's diary but I believe we have all read the guidelines to using this site. It's really easy to understand. Use it to get better and share your experiences. Abuse it and you loose it. Don't fret. You can always find him where Smokey is now. Look after You. God Bless. Sabine X
Hi wp.. thanks for your support mate and pass on my best to Seanostars. I hope you decide to continue updating and supporting when you want, despite the politics and goings on. Cheers.. S.A
hi wp,
how are you old friend ?
its been a week since i last posted, and i am shocked that seano has been banned - like yourself, he took an interest early on in my recovery, and i am sad that this wise and much loved character will no longer post......... - what a shame.
i'm still getting a tough time from all direction, but i remain on course for my first target.
thanks for your kind offer of your e-mail address - i'll glady take you up on that.
hope the family are well, and thanks again for your fantastic support - without guys like you, i doubt i'd be where i am now.
Hello wp,
Been trying to catch up everywhere... so much reading to be done when you take your eye off the ball so to speak!
Really good to read that you have better living accommodation now and that you are seeing more of the children. I can appreciate that your relationship is very much adaat thing wp but It does seem as if you have all grown so much in your lives since you started your recovery.
We tend to live most aspects of Jim & our lives together odaat... especially with the way our lovely country treats its people. Know body really can tell what is around the corner in any of our lives, so enjoying & getting the best out of each day has surely got to be the way to go.
Take care
Hi wp.
Just wanted to say thanks for a lovely post on my diary. It's been a difficult few weeks on the forum what with the occasional 'bogus' poster and the departure of a few of my favourite faces. With this in mind it should not be underestimated what good a few words from such a well respected guy as yourself brings.
Enjoy your week wp.
Hello m8
Good to see you still soldiering on.I see you are as down as myself about some of our friends not being here lets hope that changes soon.
All the best Jeff.
hi wp,
hope you are well.
please remember to pass on your e-mail to me.
Its gonna be a hot day here in scotland (same all over the uk i think) - and you know us jocks - we make the most of it, fleeting as it may be !
look forward to speaking to you soon.
Hello m8
Not heard from you for a while so just popping in to ask how you are doing.Not the gambling issues of course i know you will never gamble again.How is family life treating you these days.Have you made progress.I know how much you want to be part of it all.
Not good for me at the moment ,My ex has moved to Manchester and taken my son with her.She has fallen out with her family and not let anyone know where she has gone ,changed her number etc.She is a bit of a looney tune character.Social services are looking for her,so hopefully i will get in touch soon.
wp if you still stay in touch with Seano and Viggo send them my regardsm8 .All the best Jeff.
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