Thanks for the posts...its been a while since I updated my own diary mainly because I have nothing gamblewise to report and the obvious politics that'd been going on....passed the 16 month mark the other day and despite surviving the chelt aintree and ayr festivals the wee devil on my shoulder got a call from broke lads passing a shop asking for just a tenner..the wee angel on my other shoulder soon bashed him away wi her brolly i thought get it logged on here .....we must ALWAYS expect the unexpected and be on guard !! What I can assure though is despite all my ongoing troubles, money etc, life is a helluva lot easier without gambling 🙂 today I won't bet tomorrow I won't bet,we CAN do this folks 😉
Well done. This is the place for you at moments like that.
They happen and your response is great.
P.s. 16 months... you'll be counting in units of years before you know it.
Hi wp,
Thanks for your posts mate. It's great to see that you are a full 1 year and 4 months gamble free - all I can say is WOW. Only a gambling addict can appreciate the hard work it takes to remain 1 day gamble free, never mind nearly 500 days.
Kepp up the good work and well done through the traditionally tough time, festival wise.
Take Care
Hi wp.. well done on your 16+ months. As you know from mine and other peoples experiences.. gambling can creep back into ones life at any point and as if the time passed gambling free had never happened. Stay on your guard am sure you will. Regards.. S.A 🙂
Good for you wp. Glad your life is better and you're staying determined to ignore the silly thoughts that pop into your head occasionally. We all have them. Must say I've never seen an angel with a brolly before - I guess yours must be Scottish then. Even the angels need brollies here!! lol
love to you,
Lili xx
Hi wp.
Nice to see you hanging around and offering your words of wisdom. I can't believe it has been 16 months now since you kicked gambling into touch. That time has flown by.
Keep up the good work.
Hi wp, it's always good to have these boards as a place to get our thoughts down. I don't think they always have to be gambling related. It's often the non gambling events that cause the gambling. I was very close to writing a huge long post at 2am this morning but refrained in the end. Life can be difficult even without gambling.....but it would be a hell of a lot harder with gambling. Keep up the good work. Russ
wp - just been reading my old diary from my first try and you put some great words of support down then.
I am back and starting again and more determined than ever to kick this into touch but i was pretty determined last time as well i thought...
Those 1/20, 1/5 dead certs 'free money' bets are behind me now i am never going back to that hell.
You have acheived so much mate and you are another inspiration to me to keep fighting. Keep it up and stay in touch.
Hello m8
Yes 16 months absolutely brilliant.
I also agree with Curley its great to see you sticking around and helping out.All the best Jeff.
wp - thanks so much for the support on my diary. You were there the first time I tryed to quit and you are still here 2nd time around offering your support. There won't be a third time this is it for me.
You prove it can be done and I so want to follow your lead. You are like a wise old owl for me!!
Regards, andrew
Any chance of an update from our Billy Mitchell look alike? Worth a bump to the top regardless of any posts. I drove through Biggar today and thought of you ordering a nice portion of fish and chips. Take care buddy. Russ
Hi wp, my fellow Scot,
Thank you for your message of support on my diary.
Hope you are doing ok. Give me a shout if you are up in my neck of the woods. Midllothian is looking lovely this time of year. I still go lovely drives in the countryside. Was at Glenkinchie distillery the other week ( think that is East Lothian ) on the way to Gifford. Tasted some whisky - yuk, don't really like whisky.. but it had to be done as, being a tight Scot, I figured since I'd paid £6 for the tour I should get my money's worth! lol
You take care - hope all is well
Lili xx
Hi winningpost, hope all is well for you in life. Keep your diary updated if you can, so easy to forget or put off and that only leads to one place. I know first hand. Be well, look forward to hearing from you...
many thanks simon,lili,russ (billy mitchell ??) a38,jeff (hic),curly,brian,blues,s.a 🙂 always appreciated....i may not have posted for a while but i still read on a regular basis to keep them gremlins at bay....this addiction brought me to my knees and as most of you know i LOST my family home,family and very nearly a well paid job because of it...i took the bull by the horns one day and said enough is enough....I found this site and yes its been an almighty struggle and still is at times but something had to give....i can now see light (early days) of that very dark tunnel but for now im seeing the kids regular and my ex has even talked of me moving back..again early days as ive been through so much but for anybody to come on here and say they cant live without gambling is talking utter bull s * i t...i have managed,missed the buzz and helluva struggled and still do on bad days,all on my own, but we have to take as best out of our short lives as possible without them demons ruining it....bit of a rant for today (not sure why) as gambling is far from my thoughts these days hence the reasoning of not posting as often as could be but as i said at the start reading these pages (far better logging into phone at anytime than logging these gambling sites) certainly keeps them gremlins away...have a nice i wont bet tomorrow i wont bet,we can do this friends 😉
Hi wp,
what an excellent update, really pleased to here of how you're turning things around, When I was firs posting here again, around december, your name regularly appeared with some pearls of wisdom. It really has just given me a huge boost to read your latest post, long may it continue.
Great stuff, well done
take care
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