my betting diary

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Hi wp, good to see you check in. How did it go yesterday? I'm sure you had a great day. Was it any different to last year? Easier, harder, more temptation, less temptation? I've no idea about which meeting it was etc, I've totally cut myself off from horse racing! If I can't see it then it can't hurt me! Let us know your thoughts. Cheers Russ

Posted : 6th November 2011 7:54 pm
Posts: 1057
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Posted : 7th November 2011 11:21 pm
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Posted : 7th November 2011 11:27 pm
Posts: 1057
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thanks for dropping in Russ. Always good to hear from old friends 🙂 . Saturday was a fantastic day.

As i stated plenty drink (prob way too much but hey hoe am never out very much these days) and no temptations whatsoever to have a punt.

The secret of my successful day ?

1) again as i stated i had this diary to fall back on should i have had an urge (it has played a massive part in my recovery thus far and though i never post much these days these pages are never far away from my heart.

2) the fact that no one batted an eyelid as to why i was nt gambling (last year was when i told everyone on the bus) to be honest i was asked by many lads am i still not gambling and i was confident and comfortable in myself and Also proud to say this and some even said well done.

3) a hospitality suite certainly helped as the only betting handy was t o te kiosks and that was never an issue for me.

4) and probably an important tool to have,i gave my dad my money for the day and got it returned after racing. So all in all i would say this year was easier than last.

Cutting of ALL forms of gambling has to be the way for many. Some may agree some may disagree but i will continue my annual hospitality trip to the races and it shall remain bet free.

Temptations are aplenty but only if you want to be tempted. At the end of the day its all down to personal choice and i chose not to bet on Saturday or any other day for the past 23 months as most readers of my diary know this evil and cruel addiction brought me to my knees to which i hope NEVER to go back to them dark days.

Finally i look forward to sharing a virtual glass with Dan shauny and curly (a lad who has been with me since my 1st days on here and im so happy to see him doing so well) who will ALL pass the one year milestone very shortly and achievements like that are always good to read on here.

Today i wont bet tomorrow i wont bet this CAN be done. best wishes to you all,never give up giving up !!!! W.P 🙂

Posted : 7th November 2011 11:27 pm
Posts: 0

Hi wp,

Good to see you managed a day out at the races. Strange that such a normal occurance of a day out racing can be such a trauma for a CG. I'm not saying it was a trauma for you but the lengths you/we have to go through to secure yourself against the possibilities of betting are immense. I really enjoy national hunt racing and it would be great to go to Cheltenham as a spectator rather than a punter. Possible?? I'm not so sure. I think you having your Dad there guarding your money was an excellent block in place and took away any temptation. I have no one that would consider going to the races with that could do the same for me.

Well done in your continued recovery GT, you really are a Rock and you help so many others' in their recoveries.

All the best


Posted : 8th November 2011 2:15 am
Posts: 0

Hi wp.

Fantastic last post.We have been through this since way back then and i know your two year gamble free date is coming up soon.With that i want all to know how important you have been in many a recovery on here.I wish you most of all on here that you and your family can make it mate.You deserve that!

I'll be checking in on your two year gamble free date for sure!


Posted : 10th November 2011 7:17 pm
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Hi wp.

It really brought a smile to my face reading that last post of yours. 23 months today since your last bet and you continue to blaze the recovery trail.

If i'd told you 23 months ago that you would be able to go to the races and have a few drinks and NOT gamble you would have called me a lunatic. It just goes to show how we can recondition our brains given time and a determination to succeed.

Roll on December 14th and beyond.

Posted : 14th November 2011 8:27 pm
Compulsive Gambler
Posts: 686

hey hey hey wp,

I just came on here to say thank you for your previous support and in doing so read your last entry, Curly may claim to have smiled but I am sat here with a tear in my eye, genuinely.

In fact I have just had to stop typing and dry my eyes.

I have just posted on SA and GT diaries and was buzzing, smiling from ear to ear and seconds later, you've reduced me to tears!

just hoping my wife doesn't walk in the room right now! 🙂

Since joining gamcare again one year ago, You have been an inspiration - even now, for someone that is a year behind you, its fantastic to think that you can have continued success, without having to spend every spare moment on this forum.

I really am grateful for your many many comments and stories and I wish you all the best for your own forthcoming milestone!



Posted : 4th December 2011 12:38 pm
Posts: 0

Hey wp, this just goes to show what a legend you are on this forum.

Glad to hear that all is really well with you are you are really hitting this gambling lark on the head.

All the very, very best.


Posted : 4th December 2011 1:18 pm
Posts: 0

Hello m8

I think we can start the countdown now cant we lol.10 more days is it kid and another milestone.I hope things are well with you and the family.All the best Jeff.

Posted : 4th December 2011 4:39 pm
Posts: 0

Two years wp, I can't believe that.....time does fly. One hell of an achievement that. It's nice to see you popping in giving the odd bit of of old wise chap who has seen it and done it. As you say, we are one bet away from disaster, but I'm not living my life in fear of Mr Gambling. I believe everything happens for a reason and it all makes us stronger. Take care our resident Billy Mitchell. Russ

Posted : 5th December 2011 5:49 pm
Posts: 0

Hi wp

Thankyou for your support.

Well done for reaching nearly 2 years a real achievement in any ones book.

Sometimes i look to far into the furture i suppose another way of trying to escape.

But i dont suppose it matters when i get there as long as i get there.

i havent read your diary but i will start reading it abit later when the kids are in bed.Between yours and ADEs diarys i will have plenty of reading to do.

Stay Strong and once again a huge well done.x

Posted : 5th December 2011 7:06 pm
Posts: 1057
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many thanks for your kind and supportive posts. (well maybe apart from the Mitchell bit Russ lol).

Still bet free and i guess you are right Jeff not long now till another wee milestone in my recovery but a week is a long time for ANY comp gambler so for now its still Odaat.

I noticed Also that someone commented on the length of my diary. Ive often thought about starting a new one as 340+ pages takes some reading but one day i will look back and read of my whole progress from day one. Without blowing my own trumpet i think there are more replies on my diary than actual posts from myself but it goes to show if you are willing to put in the effort on here and help others then these pages can be very useful. But we must all remember we are all different what works for one does nt necessary work for others.

Posting today because its been highly emotional. This morning was my little ones nativity play at the nursery and im sorry but i just bubbled with pride.those that have followed my progress will know exactly how much this would ve meant to me.

Its been a helluva long journey thus far and still is but had i still been punting then i most certainly would NOT have seen todays play.

Today Also feels like the winning post of old (on a postin frenzy from the old reliable mobile lol) but without sounding selfish i haven t had as much time recently to post or read the diaries.

Sorry to read of an old friend "stumper" returning today but am sure many will agree stumpers posts can be both very inspirational and funny.

But its Also good to read of so many open and positive diaries at the minute and long may that continue. .

Thanks for reading, today i haven t bet tomorrow i wont bet we CAN do this friends 🙂 .

Posted : 8th December 2011 12:30 am
Posts: 0

Hi wp.

Not too long to your big milestone!

And being a proud dad is just something that you should be proud of....and emotional.I know watching my daughter dancing last weekend on stage i was very moved..and proud!

Its great to see you posting again.

All my best mate and i'll be back on here very soon to give you a big thumbs up on your milestone!


Posted : 9th December 2011 5:07 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks for the welcome back mate--was hoping to never return--just goes to show that you always need to be on your guard as we are just a short step from allowing gambling to take over our lives again.

Must say I am extremely proud of the fact that you have managed to get your life back together-I know that things have not been easy for you and that you have had an awful lot to contend with along the way. I will get round to reading the bits of your diary that I have missed over the next few weeks hopefully.

Onwards and upwards.

All the best


Posted : 12th December 2011 8:23 pm
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