my betting diary

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So m8

Another great milestone and all the hard work is starting to pay off .Its great to see you turning your life around and its been a pleasure for me working my recovery alongside you.

2 years kid.Excellent.Enjoy your day and get yourself a treat.You deserve it.All the best Jeff.

Posted : 14th December 2011 6:59 am
Posts: 2966

Hi wp,

I really respect your opinion, because although it isn't a competition (lol) you have had a far steeper hill to climb in my opinion. Debts, being out of the family home for a while - you rose like a phoenix from the ashes mate.

2 years - never doubted you would make it. Big respect to you. Oh, and of course....HIGH FIVE!!!!!

Posted : 14th December 2011 8:36 am
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Congratulations wp!

As you know we signed up here around the same time and it has been great to see you blazing the recovery trail.

Your effort in supporting others truly is second to none and i admire your straight talking even if i have been on the receiving end at times (and rightly so!).

Long may you continue to enjoy a life without gambling.

Posted : 14th December 2011 7:00 pm
Posts: 1057
Topic starter

many thanks to my old friends,viggo,ade,stumper,jeff,freda and curly.

Yes folks today is day 730 (2 years bet free).

If i am honest i really dont feel much different to any other day of my recovery (apart from last year on this date,i think one year is a momentous achievement) as im still only that one bet away from disaster like everyone else on here.

I do still have that blue betting slip in my wallet to remind me of my darkest days,it does spur me on if any urges happen to hit me and believe me they do but are easier to brush away these days.

This site and diary has been invaluable to me over these past 2 years and it still shall be whether it be reading or posting. A wee 10 minute read here and there works wonders for keeping the demons at bay.

If any newcomers reading this post are looking for advice i would say the best thing i ever done was get a basic cash card from my bank (no chip and pin = no gambling transactions).

During the past 2 years i have managed to pay back around 15k of my debts by not gambling and even though i still have many years left to pay and it seems forever,it just proves how much can be saved by not gambling (if that makes sense).

Life is so much better not stressing and losing sleep over where your next fiver or tenner is coming from.

Finally i would like to thank EVERYONE who has given me help and advice to get me where i am today.there are far too many to single out and i wouldn't like to miss anyone out.just reading todays posts had me filling always gives me a lift to find someone has taken the time out to post on my diary.

Today i haven't bet tomorrow i wont bet,WE CAN DO THIS FOLKS 😉

best wishes

winning post last bet 14/12/09.

Posted : 14th December 2011 11:15 pm
Posts: 355


i'm up to page 70, but getting there slowly!

Posted : 14th December 2011 11:24 pm
Posts: 0

Hey wp,

Congratulations on the milestone, it is an exceptional achievement, and the way you're taking everything in your stride and simply moving forward and dealing with things is an inspiration.

Where I'll be two years down the line I don't know, but if I'm still gamble free I will be chuffed. Keep going, I never expect to catch you up or overtake you!

All the best


Posted : 14th December 2011 11:31 pm
Compulsive Gambler
Posts: 686

Hey winningpost, many congratuations, it really is a fantastic achievement and I've fopund your advice and support invaluable, when I started my own journey a year ago, It was really positive to have contrbutions from fellow CG such as yourself, with all respect to everyone else that supported me, as someone at the start of their journey, its vital to have some 'success' stories to aspire to

well done again and long may it continue!


P.s. Your point abolut repaying £15,000 should be a lesson to anyone starting out, it really does take an age to repay and for those that join this website whilst still at uni age, just think that money in two years could be owed to a horrible banker or could be sat in your own bank account as a nice deposit!

Posted : 14th December 2011 11:56 pm
Posts: 0

Well Done still messaging from your moby?

My very best wishes, love from Jas x

Posted : 15th December 2011 11:53 am
Posts: 0

Hi wp.

Sorry on being a day late(i thought it was the 16th dec).

What you have acheived in the last two years is amazing mate.

I have read through your diary and the journey you have taken to get to where you are now.And what a journey deserve a big cheers today.

wp....You have shown us it can be beat and that life is worth living,without gambling.

You have been a great inspiration to many on be very proud of how far you have come gamble free and be very proud of the fact that your diary has given so much hope to others on here!

Your a top man wp.Keep moving forward mate.We will follow!!!


Posted : 15th December 2011 12:55 pm
Posts: 1057
Topic starter

thank you milkman,ryan,dan,jasmine (great to hear from you best wishes to you and P and yes i still post from my mobile x) and viggo.

Isn't it ironic i turned 2 years bet free yesterday on the very same day several jockeys and owners received lengthy bans for race fixing.the sport of kings certainly has its crooks and im certain there are many many more out there in the racing think i would trust a jockey wi hundreds of my hard earned.

Not anymore though.

Today i haven't bet tomorrow i wont bet,onwards into year 3 i march.

Posted : 15th December 2011 11:28 pm
Posts: 0

Hi wp

Good on you mate for getting through these past 2 years. Absolutely amazing and the perfect platform for a more fulfilled and happy life ahead. Like you i read the article about the jockies. I'm sure i've lost many a few quid on non tryers over the years buts thats greed for you. Why slog out all them days and nights at crappy little meets when you can earn 100 times that for running into the back of another horse.

Keep up the good work, you're an inspiration to where i want to be. All the best in your ongoing recovery


Posted : 16th December 2011 1:03 am
Posts: 0

Congratulations on two years wp. It doesn't seem five seconds ago since we were toasting your one year anniversary. Well done fella. Bit of a test for me this weekend, so I felt the need to pop in. Like you say, 10 minutes reading can do wonders. Russ

Posted : 16th December 2011 7:51 am
Posts: 0

Hello my lovely friend.

Belated congratulations on reaching 2 years.

Brilliant achievement, all credit to You for working recovery.

Sorry I wasn't around on the day.

I have updated my diary.

Wishing you and yours an wonderful Christmas.

Lots of Love

Sabine xx

Posted : 16th December 2011 9:06 am
Posts: 0

Happy christmas m8

Posted : 24th December 2011 11:42 am
Posts: 2966

Hi wp

Just wanted to wish you merry christmas, and once again say how much I admire your success in recovery. It has been nothing but hard work and determination that has got you here, and all credit to you mate.

I would love to read your contrasts about how you felt then and how you feel now, what things have changed etc.

Take care,

f x

Posted : 24th December 2011 12:55 pm
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