my betting diary

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Posted : 28th August 2012 9:56 am
Posts: 0

Hi Pal,

Thanks for stopping by on my diary and offering support, means a lot to me.

Sorry to hear of your recent struggles. Sounds like a bloody nightmare to be honest. Hope things work out re the kids, gotta be worth fighting for. I look at my kids and ask myself how could i put them through this with my gambling. I can see it now that when they grow up, the other kids mocking them that their Dad's a gambler and a drop out and that's where i see it going if i continue. You do what you can for them, it'll be worth whatever it costs.

Ironic story about the Samaritan collection, made me smile. It's chucking it down here and I've got to get me waterproofs on now and take the bike to work as the wife's nicked the car!!! Take care 🙂

Posted : 29th August 2012 11:52 am
Posts: 0

Hi Post--just to let you know that I am thinking about you as you battle against the ex.

Hope the Samaritans were collecting before the races rather than after as I am sure nobody would have had any money left to give them.

Keep smiling mate-it could be worse. Just think how Richard Branson feels at the minute with Vuirgin losing the west coast route after all the investment they have put in.

All the best


Posted : 30th August 2012 8:54 pm
Posts: 1057
Topic starter

Special thanks to Keith,stumper,ade,shiny and dotty.

Well here it is day 1000.

Should I be happy ?

With awaiting on solicitor and what should be proud day for any parent when my wee one (who I haven't seen for 25 days now) starting school tomorrow I can hardly say im happy.

Gambling played a major part in all of this of course and will play a big part in the coming weeks of which im sure as the past will be brought up even though I have managed the 1000 days 🙁

Still onwards I march towards the 3 year milestone come December.

Today i haven't bet tomorrow I won't bet,we can do this folks.

Posted : 9th September 2012 5:15 pm
Posts: 4881

Hi wp.. well done on your 1000 days without a bet... its an acheivment to be proud of. Please continue to keep in mind my experience in that the it matters not the distance to the last bet.. not betting today is alll that matters.

As you know when i gambled again after 1018 days free.. the actions and feelings and consequences were much the same as they were before and as if the time in between had never happened. However rubbish life may feel just now.. abstain and maintain my friend, abstain and maintain. I of course will endeavour to do the same. Onwards... S.A 🙂

P.s Ive just seen that youve edited your post slightly to include the "onwards to 3 years etc"... great stuff.

Posted : 9th September 2012 5:22 pm
Posts: 0


Bit sad for you after reading that post . Cause I know what struggles and inner battles you must have gone through to get to 1000 days .

I suppose unless you have been through it , it is impossible to understand it .

You deserve so much more happiness in your life , how you get that I really do not know .

Every time I read one of your posts I am inspired. Cause no matter what s**t gets thrown at you , you do not let this addiction sweet talk you into escaping into its clutches .

Today , once again you have inspired me , for that I thank you .

Shiny xxxxxxxx

Posted : 10th September 2012 8:50 am
Posts: 0

Excellent work my friend.

Of course having worked our recovery together ,i know more than most that you will never gamble again.It is always good to reach a milestone,but these days im sure it means nothing more than a number to you and as SA has already said what is important is today.You will pass many more milestones.Hope family life improves for you m8.All the best Jeff.

Posted : 10th September 2012 9:18 am
Posts: 1057
Topic starter

Special thanks s.a shiny and my dear old pal on here Jeff,who very rarely posts these days.

Interesting day today,finished my job early this morning so headed out to see my parents for the rest of the day to find there is a FREE day at the local racetrack.

My parents are well aware of my addiction and continued abstainence but why should i spoil a day out for them or 6000 others.

Anyways i tags along,just punishing myself really as im not gonnae lie but there were urges especially when there was a horse with my little ones name on to which its now 33 days without felt real strange as it actually had a chance but just the thought of my wee one or a small punt made me all emotional. there was me some 1000+ days on and picking a horse oot by its name when in former times id have read the form 10 times over.

Anyways it was my mothers first visit to a racecourse for manys a year and she like many thousands of others enjoyed a FREE day paid for by the on course bookies.of course they ALWAYS get there monies back by obvious means.

Managed to deposit some money into a solicitors account so should hear something this week regarding my situation.

I've got to stay strong as things could prove difficult in the coming weeks and i know for fact that deep down I've not got the heart for a fight.

Why have I posted all this.

Well if im honest lets not forget these pages are about gambling addictions,and SOME will disagree with what I did today but i guess today I feel the need to log this as there I was right back amongst it.

Today I haven't bet tomorrow I won't bet we can do this folks.


Posted : 18th September 2012 12:20 am
Posts: 0

hey wp

At the end of the day you did log where you were and you know what? you didnt have to... .You were honest and thats all that counts.

I guess it was like putting your head in the lions mouth but you didnt act and thats what matters.

Keep posting on here during the next few weeks as your going to need all your resolve during what could be a stressful time ...however you may surprise yourself and cope better than you think.

You have a lot of friends on here who wish you well and who will be there for you.

R and D xxx

Posted : 18th September 2012 3:19 am
Posts: 0

Hi wp.

Hope you had a good day out at the races and well done for not having a bet. I'm sure you felt quite safe being with your parents and I'm guessing that you only took enough for a few drinks anyway.

Keep fighting for the little one, i can't imigine what your going through as I miss mine if the missus goes away for a weekend with them.

Take care...


Posted : 18th September 2012 9:45 am
Posts: 0

Hi wp,

I'm not sure how to think about your visit to the track, but the important thing is that you got through it and the prospect of betting was not attractive to fact quite the opposite.

I never was into betting in person, maybe its similar to my logging in to an old gambling account and finding a spare £10 just lying there, and the not gambling it away.

You're the strong man here wp, and I am sure if you really wanted the fight you could be up for it, but we all pick and choose the fights we take on.

I hope you're making the right choices for you, and a thousand days without gambling is one right choice you've made every day for nearly three years.

All the best mate, hope you can find a coherent thought in my reply!


Posted : 19th September 2012 12:15 am
Posts: 0

Hi my old friend. It appears you are going down a horrible path. Just be the best man that you can. The rest is out of our control. Thinking of you. Russ

Posted : 19th September 2012 2:23 pm
Posts: 1226

Hi wp.

Thanks for your post. Good to know that I am not alone in not being able to watch sports without gambling. Also like you I am spending time doing long walks. I also ( as I always have ) go to the gym 4 times a week and any more exercise would and has in the past lead to injuries through overkill.

I do play Snooker but only about once a month. Combination of not having a lot of friends and acquaintances as with many gamblers and also those I do have having families and having little spare time.

I need to be confident that this boredom period is only a phase and that my life will change and become more productive in time.

Sorry to read of your current troubles and send you my best wishes.

Posted : 19th September 2012 5:52 pm
Posts: 0

Hi wp.

Big congrats on the 1000 days gamble free.

Your diary has and is a big inspiation to many still on here.


Posted : 21st September 2012 4:35 pm
Posts: 2966

Hey wp

Huge congrats on your 1000 days! You have had it really hard financially and emotionally, and you have stuck to your recovery regardless. I admire you immensely.

f x

Posted : 23rd September 2012 7:58 pm
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