my betting diary

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day 27 and still NO BET. . Feel as if im cheating though wi all the football and racing abandoned When the weather thaws a bit i may start struggling again so got to keep guard up at all times. We can do this folks.

Posted : 10th January 2010 9:04 pm
Posts: 0

Hi W.P

Day good does that feel? You are doing well.

You mentioned on my diary you liked my post about doubling your money...well here's another for you to think about.

"No one has ever had enough money on a winning horse"

We are better than this wp, it's not fun's addiction. We can't win because we can't stop.

Jas x

Posted : 10th January 2010 9:18 pm
Posts: 0

Hi winning post

Just want to echo what others have said.

Well done on reaching 27 days gamble free and also huge congrats on getting through payday, you are doing fantastic ..well done mate.

I ain't yet managed payday but its fast approaching and like you after everyones taken there share in repayments i'm virtually left with nothing.

Its a long road but one that in time will get easier

Keep strong, we are all willing you onwards with beating this


Posted : 11th January 2010 12:35 am
Posts: 0

well done on making it through another day. i am getting through the days myself but have not yet had the problem of pay day to deal with yet. instead i am facing the larger issues which have arisen as a result from gambling. looking at the bigger picture, i am quite distressed by how i have lived my life and the rut i have left myself in. but this problem isn't going to get rid of itself so we must perservere no matter how hard. even if its a lifetime battlle, we must never give up.

by the way...where did you get this 75p milk?!

Posted : 11th January 2010 1:47 am
Posts: 1057
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day 28... happy birthday to me..39 year old and wasted almost 25 years punting..cant be as bad as last years birthday,was house sharing at time stuck in lonely room and was nt working so guess where i ended up blowing hundreds...well when i reach 40 i am determined to do things ive never been able to get round to doing,possibly great north run for charity..been living in north east for near on 8 years and say that every year ...thanks for the confidence boosts i will not bet.

Posted : 11th January 2010 1:28 pm
Posts: 0

Hello winning post, I am trying to reply to everybody that was kind enough to offer me support when i started my diary yesterday. Wow i see that you are on day 28. Very impressed. That seems so far away to me. I am only on day one today. I have tried to give up so many times but always seem to give in after about five days. Not this time though. Going to keep my money for me and my family in future. Take care John.

Posted : 11th January 2010 3:37 pm
Posts: 0

Happy Birthday!

The great north run would be a great challenge...when is it w.P? It would be great if you gave it a go....keep us posted.

What you doing to celebrate your 39th year?

Jas x

Posted : 11th January 2010 6:33 pm
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Happy birthday wp!

You are winning this battle mate. I don't think the weather does really make it any easier to be honest. If you were to pop into a bookies i reckon Portman Park and Millersfield would beat the snow!

There is plenty to bet on despite the weather and you have chosen not to bet. You should be proud of yourself wp and i know you will not let yourself nor any of your (many!) supporters down.

Make your 40th year a gamble free one!

Posted : 11th January 2010 7:38 pm
Posts: 0

Hi W.P

Birthday, you had a takeaway and nipped round to your ex...she does sound as though she is prone to mood swings lol...we are not all like that honest..or maybe we 🙂

Well you are now 39 and you have the most amazing opportunity now to change your that i mean...stop the gambling. The great north run sounds amazing and i would definitely sponsor you. My husband is planning on doing a triathlon this year..he used to be a semi-professional cyclist and has let all that slide since children and work took over. I think its a brilliant idea to have something to focus on and it would definitely take your mind off gambling.

Don't know if you are into astrology and all that bumf? But in the chinese new year you are a Dog....a person who is always willing to listen to other's problems and easily gains respect. I think that description fits perfectly.

Jas x

Posted : 12th January 2010 2:18 pm
Posts: 0

missed it ! happy birthday mate keep up thegood work.great north run eh i could just about run to the fridge and back! glad you got a focus mate keep it up, john

Posted : 12th January 2010 2:33 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Winningpost

Im still here m8. Problem was kid i went out all day Sunday,got in at 2am then got up for work at 5am. so i got home from work about 6 0 clock yesterday and just zonked out on the sofa. I was asleep by 7-30 m8. Did i feel recharged this morning lol.Anyway wp happy birthday for yesterday. Keep going kid great determination.Jeff.

Posted : 12th January 2010 6:00 pm
Posts: 1057
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thanks for posting folks. . A wee footnote been told you have to register for run before december and the ballot is jan. Normal cost about £60 though some charities let you in as long as you make certain amount of money. Defo interested in next years run tho. Prob could nt stretch the £60 to enter just now and would have to get myself kitted out. . anyways its me that should be the charity at present lol. . . Today is strange. My dad likes a wee bet and day out at races. My cousin makes a living out of the exchanges. My uncle can walk into a shop and hammer a 5/4 shot and walk out. So why oh why oh why cant i do those things. Al tell you why I CANNOT WIN BECAUSE I CANNOT STOP ! Take care folks another day bet free and feels great.

Posted : 12th January 2010 6:46 pm
Posts: 76

hi mate, re: the message you left on my diary i think u counted the day you quit as your first day whereas i counted the day after.

Im going on your clock though from now to make myself feel better haha.

Tomorrow is our one month aniversary think i will celebrate with a few. As they say though ... Its only the first hurdle ! Ryan.

Posted : 13th January 2010 3:09 am
Posts: 1057
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day 30 today. . This is some fight. . Off work today so got to keep occupied as think boredom has had lot to do with my habit. I think its been mentioned in other folks diaries as i will not bet. . Keep up the good work folks we can do this.

Posted : 13th January 2010 12:27 pm
Posts: 0

Hi winningpost, well done on the 30 days mate. I know how you are feeling, esp. with a day a home, definitely the hardest times to get through. But be strong - you can't afford to lose the money so don't gamble, if you gamble you might win, but I guarantee in the end you will lose more than you win, so please stay strong. 30 days will be 100 days before you know it, and your bank balance will look alot healthier. You might then be 68k in debt, but it's alot better than 80k in debt!!!

Posted : 13th January 2010 1:56 pm
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