my betting diary

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Thanks for the post on my diary mate. Well a month tomorrow--I bet [well hang on I don't do that]--I would think that you thought that was a million miles away when you decided enough was enough. I think you have done brilliantly considering all the other issues that you have at the moment. You are an inspiration to us all.


Stay strong


Posted : 13th January 2010 6:09 pm
Posts: 0

Hi winningpost

Thanks for the post on my diary.

Congratulations on getting to a month clean, keep doing what you are doing and the days, months , years will carry on adding up. Taking you further away from the old gambling life and further into the new non gambling life.

keep it really is worth it.

all the best

Jim (last bet 22/04/06)

Posted : 13th January 2010 8:15 pm
Posts: 0

Winningpost - Well done on completing the month. Its not an easy month to do aswell with so much football, cricket, racing going on and lots of free time on your hands.

One week clean for me but i will need all the support i can get when i get paid on the 28th.


Posted : 13th January 2010 8:32 pm
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Hi posty,

Well done on reaching a month pal. You have done the hard part. You have shown yourself that you can exist without gambling.

Now keep it that way!!

Posted : 13th January 2010 8:47 pm
Posts: 0

Hi winningpost

Well done on reaching what must be now 31 days.

Just by reading other peoples diaries and to see how they are progressing with this really gives me a lift and helps no end in my own recovery it makes me even more determined to beat this myself.

Keep up the good work...

I'm on 20 days clean and i can relate to what you said about boredom playing a big part in why you previosly gambled. I'm exactly the same so have to find other things to do to fill the gap. Its surprising really just how much of your life gambling takes hold of, then all of a sudden its gone and we have to fill the void.

Tomorrow is another day for you, me and all of us battling against this..we can, we are, and we will continue to beat this.

Thanks for your support on my diary, all the best mate.


Posted : 14th January 2010 2:51 am
Posts: 0

well done on your achievement. it must feel really good, although no less difficult. i cannot remember how it feels to have not gambled for a whole month. i am a few days from reaching four weeks but cannot really say that i have progressed until i reach payday and not gamble. hopefully i will do this and then i shall begin to see how far we getting in our battles.

well done once again

Posted : 14th January 2010 10:12 am
Posts: 76

Happy aniversary mate !!!!

Lets keep taking it one day a a time and soon those days will turn to months and years. I know we can do it. Ryan.

Posted : 14th January 2010 12:34 pm
Posts: 1057
Topic starter

day 31. . . Strange kind of day. In middle of nowhere and suddenly gamblin thoughts came into my heid. It kinda tied my stomach in knots. Sounds bit daft but true. . Also today my mate asked me to the newcastle plate day on 26th june then if england got through their world cup group they would be playin same night and have mega beers in town .. Politely declined offer and said may catch them up at night. . . Onwards and upwards folks keep up the good work.

Posted : 14th January 2010 11:09 pm
Posts: 0

Isn't it horrible when the urges hit...the pain of not following them through. You did well Winning......that's my new name for you because the only way we can win is to stop.

Well done..................Jas x

Posted : 14th January 2010 11:17 pm
Posts: 1057
Topic starter

day 32. . Before i joined this forum i found a wallet in a car park outside my flat. It had loads cards £80 and 20 euros in it. Finders keepers i thought come i handy before christmas. No chance phoned police and handed it in. . Out of blue today i got phone call thankin me for handin it in. . The person now wants to reward me for my loyalty with bottle of whiskey. Says will hand in next week. Not really whiskey fan but guessed bein scottish its a nice gesture. . Today i am happy to say i have not bet. Tomorrow i will not bet though saturdays always difficult. Keep fighting folks we can do this. .

Posted : 15th January 2010 8:35 pm
Posts: 1057
Topic starter

33 days and still no bet folks. . Been easier today workin till 3 then round to see kids so kept busy and no gambling thoughts. a song came up on tv tonight which really hit me hard. . It was "where is the love" by the black eyed peas. My ex said it was quite an appropriate song at the time. Made me think how selfish i must have been gamblin at every chance i got sneakin away into another room to phone bets etc. i guess i did nt realise the real hurt and pain i put my ex through. . Certainly hit a raw nerve tonight. Keep fighting folks we can win this battle.

Posted : 16th January 2010 10:50 pm
Posts: 0

Hi wp

Where is the love may have been appropriate at the time m8.But at least you have the time to make it up to your kids. I dont know how long you and your ex have been split up at the moment,but if you want to win her back you are going the right way.Keep up the good work J eff.

Posted : 17th January 2010 7:42 am
Posts: 1057
Topic starter

34 days still no bet. . Been workin all day so mind kept off the gambling.tomorrow i wont gamble. . Keep it up folks we can do it. We all can.

Posted : 17th January 2010 11:27 pm
Posts: 1057
Topic starter

34 days still no bet. . Been workin all day so mind kept off the gambling. . tomorrow i wont gamble. . This stupid phone has been playin up tonight 90% of my posts are off my phone as i dont have laptop. . Keep it up folks we can do it. We all can.

Posted : 17th January 2010 11:30 pm
Posts: 76

Good to see your still going strong mate. Havnt had time to post latley but did actually think about weather you were still going haha. Never had any doubts though mate your making it look easy. Ryan.

Posted : 18th January 2010 2:27 am
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