100% correct, keep busy and put up barracades. Keep posting and good luck. shaun
Hi wp, don't let all this debate get to you too much. At the end of the day it's just a debate. What is important is you. You are living 'real life' and as such what works for you works for you. Whether you are recovered or recovering, it doesn't really matter as long as you are not betting and slowly winning part of your family life back. Keep strong and keep up the support. Russ
In life I have had many friends and like most people a few potential enemies as well. Sometimes those 'enemies' became good friends later on as a misunderstanding was cleared.
Please think twice about moving on because your diary has helped a large number of people including myself over a long period. Just because we do not always agree with others does not mean we have to fall out as after all surely the majority of people I have encountered on here have only one goal and that is to turn their lives around. I do not care if I am recovering or recovered as long as I am not gambling like a loon then that is good enough for me.
I know that when I posted daily I did not get pulled back into me gambling ways and I also know that when I did stop posting I did go back to my old ways. I intend to keep posting now and if I help people along the way then great but if I upset people then so be it as it will not be intended but sometimes people can take things the wrong way-is that their fault or mine? who knows.
Keep posting mate.
Hai wp... Hows things with you bud, a little reminder we're all in this together and you;re at legendry asset status to these diary's keeping many of us on our toes with you're relentless pursuit of kicking this S***e for good! We're all out to win the 1 common goal of staying gamble free!!!
We can do it..........
Hey wp
my friend
What's up? Things like that would not normally bother you? Look inside and find what is bothering you and deal with the real issue.
Here s some food for thought.
Let's get down to the real stuff. Do as I have been told to do by my sponsor and adopted brother many times.
Get yourself away from the situation, just step back, look at it... Is the problem still there? or is it You that is the problem?
I give you an example.
How many times have you read my posts when I was moaning about my boys not doing this or not doing that around the house and how fed up I was not getting any help? Plenty times I should think.
Now then, once I stepped back and looked at it...it was me making the problem. It didn't bother them that there were things laying around. They were quite happy living like that. It showed me that I was the problem because it was only riling me. So I looked inside and what did I find....plenty...actually, I moan about trivial things when I'm scared... scared of dealing with situations or emotions. As you know I have a lot to be scared about but often ignore it or "let it go" as I call it... Sometimes I can't let it go, but I equally can't deal with it, so I moan about other things and can get quite hung up about it.
Just a thought... don't let things other people do get in the way of your recovery.... just look deep inside.
Sending lots of love an d(((((hugs)))))
God Bless
Sabine xx
There are a couple of diaries and posters on this forum that have caused me some mental difficulty too. I've had a moment of clarity recently and I'd like to share it with you, if that's OK.
I'm a compulsive gambler. No labels felt, no noose around my neck, just like a diabetic or an asthmatic I need to live by certain rules;
1) Stay away from gambling people and gambling environments
2) Keep the eye on the ball and keep doing what I am. GA and my diary. A small price to pay... like taking my inhaler (if I had one).
3) Enjoy life without gambling.
I have started ignoring certain diaries because I don't agree with the approach they are taking. That's OK, they are welcome to their view and their individual approach, and me for mine.
As Sabine says, stand back from it wp, don't let it get to you and get back to your basics.
Morning Post----How are things going mate?
NLTBGYD---You know it makes sense.
many thanks for the posts....i will catch up with you all in time....it seems these diaries have been got at this morning....i just hope those effected dont take it to heart....as you know ive never been into computers and this last week has seen me post less since starting on the diaries...i dont think this latest episode helps matters as i like to feel safe and secure in what i am involved with....thanks again today i wont bet tomorrow i wont bet,we can do this 😉
Hi Winningpost, good to see you posting. I'm sure it was just a one off poster who was feeling a bit angry with the world. No need for it whatsoever. I hope you and the bairns are well. Keep strong. Russ
Hi wp.
Don't let others on here get to you.
You have been with me all the way and given sooo much support to others on here.
You are secure mate, but sometimes your always going to get some jackass who wants to wind people up!
Like when your out for a pint....theres always one!
Don't stop posting because of that mate....you keep doing what your doing and you will be stronger as will others because of your imput on here.
All the best.
Hello Mate,i know your taking a "mini break" from posting,i think we all need to take a step back to continue to move forward at times:),......anyway,hope all is well, and your enjoying all the time your getting with P,i am certain she will be loving it!!!.
What on earth wp????
I read the same thread on OPG and did not read about anyone saying that feeling "recovered" meant being able to or indeed wanting to gamble again. A healthy debate is where people express ideas opinions or beliefs. There are always going to be differences because we are all different. That's life and I don't think we should get mad at people because they have a different outlook.
In answer to your question to me I don't post often now, as I don't think people would want to read a diary about my day to day life. There is no gambling in it, and I'm not feeling really tempted to gamble. I post when I feel like writing things down - my diary is primarily for myself as all our diaries are. I do read occasionally and post if I think I can help/encourage - or , as in my post on the subject raised by Rusty and Deeds if I feel strongly about something.
Do not understand why others opinions should anger you, but I stand by how I feel as it is how I feel and I can't alter that. I used to wish I could play poker responsibly.. but now I do not want to be playing poker at all. I am glad I won't have gambling in my life. I never actually used the word recovered. But I feel happy and free of gambling - call it what you will.
You take care
Lili x
for the record !!!! this got blown out of proportion when certain "newbies" thought they were recovered....other opinions DONT anger me.....reading through some diaries it is plain to see that the little gambling devil hasnt actually ruined their life yet like it has mine.....there is a massive difference between being angry with diaries and passionate enough to not want what happened to ME happen to other diaries....FFS !!! i thought we d all moved on from this..really gettin fed up wi this now...1st time ive felt like this since joining this site....take care ALL,have a gamble free weekend cause guess what today i wont bet,tomorrow i wont bet then we re onto another gamble free week . 🙂
Hi wp
Thanks for your post a late happy new year to you mate.
Dont let these diaries and postings annoy you, not worth it mate, i felt very similar last year. You offer a huge amount of support.advice to so many on here.
Enjoy your gamble free weekend!
take care, all the very best. ands
Hey, everyone is different and everyone has different opinions. I am not letting this debate get to me as only I know what my opinion on this matter is.
But hey, what is important is that some of us are having a good rant about this whole betting industry. Perhaps this is what some people need in order to help their recovery?!
Hope this does not keep you away, we need people like you on here!
Have a good weekend.
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