Hi wp.
Really hope alls well with you mate.Brilliant on your recovery - over a year since your last gamble...now that is something to be proud of.And i know you Scots are proud!
You look after yourself and i hope your getting to spend some quality time with your kids as of late mate.
Hi wp.
Just on Quick to say thanks for your post.You always make me smile man!
As for me and the come back kid(daglish..lol) i never really was gone but i thought my family thought I was using too much of my/our time on here.How wrong could i be.My wife prefares me on here than facebook.Glad to be on here and so glad to have the the support of people like yourself.
Take care my friend.
Morning wp... I see your up and about and offering your wisdom. So thought i'd say good morning. Thats kinda it really lol.. have a good day mate.. S.A 🙂
thanks as always for the posts...managed to pinch a computer from work for an hour so thought would post to a few diaries...i must admit i have considered stepping down from these diaries, but them pesky urges are pecking at me full blast with the itll only be a fiver or what ifs ?? so for now i will be hanging around,as you know this is my only support,YAWN,i may not post as much but even just a quick browse reading should keep me on top of things...for the statto out there,this is post number 1483 on my diary and i have posted 237 times so ive a long way to go before i hit 1000 snorefest posts 😀 ....today i wont bet tomorrow i wont bet,onwards we go 😉
Hi wp,nice to see you back posting,i know you wont let those little urges get the better of you.
That's the spirit Winningpost. Don't let some pimpley adolescent put you off working your recovery. Personally, i'd prefer to have 100,000 posts than return to those days of gambling. The trick it (for me) is keeping it fresh because when I'd tired or bored or cheesed off, I get the urge to gamble. Trouble is it doesn't come with a blinking neon sign saying "i'm an urge". Posting on these boards is a comparatively miniscule price to pay.
Keep doing your stuff.
Hey wp,
It looks like my lazy approach to checking on the diaries and posting has at least meant I missed out on another argument, as many people mentioned as long as you're doing it the right way for yourself, then what does it matter to anyone else.
Plunging onwards into 2011 now, urges coming and going, but staying gamble-free definitely staying, with you as it is with me.
All the best mate,
Just got home from the police station after being charged with killing a bloke with some sandpaper---they let me off cos I only wanted to rough him up a bit.
Have a great week mate.
Hi winning post, Thanks for your message on my diary. Its so nice to log on and see messages of support. Im glad my coming on here and then dissappearing off to the world of gambling is helping you realise that you need to stick around here and work at recovery. It isnt easy and to be honest sometimes im already finding it a bit of a chore, but if its going to keep me gamble free its worth the effort. No gambling this year so far for me, feels great. Have a great day with no gambling. Bex
hi wp,
i seem to have missed a lot these past few weeks i've been unable to post !
i also see that you considered leaving the forum .......... - i am very pleased that you have decided to stay.
my personal thoughts ? - i can't stop gambling without the help of others - i've tried many times before, and always revert to my addiction - and i am always a little sad when some of the guys decide to quit the forum - i know it's not for me - i need help, and i am not ashamed to say it.
so belated new year greetings wp, hope you stick around for a long long time.
Hi wp,hope all is well for you today,........the big 40 for you tomorrow i think!!!,hope it's a special day. and you enjoy it with your kid:),and step-kid.
Hi wp.
Just like Seano i'm popping by to wish you a happy 40th birthday for tomorrow.
What is it they say about turning 40?
Well you got a headstart mate because for you your life began again when you jumped on the road to recovery aged 38 and 3/4's.
Have a great day wp. You deserve it.
Hi wp
Happy 40th birthday
Have a good one mate and keep doing what you do on the non-gambling front.. All your hard work is paying off and i'm chuffed to bits for you.
All the best
Happy birthday mate--not long now and you to can be an official grumpy old git like Seano and me. Have a great day.
Hi wp.
Happy 40th mate.As you know i just turned 40.....can't say i feel too much different..apart from the grey hair setting in,leg and back pain and memory loss...was going to say something else but can't remember...lol.
Have a great day mate...you deserve it.
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