YO wp, Wakey wakey......... Had read that you was going to take it a bit quiet on these diary's but as you can see from the previous dozen or so postings, your well and truely missed..........
Hope you had a superb 40 and can well and truely after a years abstinence wish you all the v.very best...........
Strength and honour pal and keeping fingers crossed you'll continue in being 1 top asset to this site........ 🙂
many thanks for the birthday/well wishes....i have had a very quiet week....i wont go into too much personal details about my birthday but lets just say it was extremely quiet and as this is a non gambling diary i have decided not to publicise what went on..regular readers however, maybe will have worked out what happened 😉 alls better now though, but in fact watching the programme take me out on saturday night (sad i know) i just happened to mention that the presenter even promotes gambling now, to which the reply was "it distresses me just talking about it" so ive still got a long long way to go there...i take my hat off to all you friends who get support from your loved ones....january is always a bad month for many but ive also had a few unexpected bills in the hundreds o pounds category to contend with so im basically maxed as far as payday loans go (i know this shouldnt be encouraged but hopefully pay them off within 3 months)..not the most ideal situation but needs must....sorry i havent been around much but events from the last few weeks have really disillusioned my appetite for posting of late....for what used to be a pleasure posting i have found it more and more of a chore posting from my phone...maybes its a case of "burnt oot diaryitis" lol...maybe that is a good sign....sorry for all the negativity,as you know this is a fantastic community for getting much needed help from the disease that is gambling and once again cant thank you enough....my heart goes out to s.a tonight, whos always been there for me where hes had a much tougher time of late but hopefully will pick himself up...day 400 up today for me...today i havent bet tomorrow i wont bet...must get myself a laptop,i will post to you all when i get near one,we can do this friends 🙂
Hey snap, SA really needs our support at the moment.
So glad that there are plenty of people to offer this support to him. Just had a rant on my diary about this whole gambling business.
But I'm calmer now....!
Have a good evening.
Glad you've posted mate:),hope all is well with work and the nipper:)
wp--you were right about Bamba--he looks a steal at the price.
Nice one about the italian restaurant--reminded me of when the barber told me he was not going to cut hair any longer--I said good I want mine shorter.
wp, thanks for the update, going pop over to GT diary now, quite interested to read this rant of his....
take care
hi wp,
great to see you back, sorry to read things are a bit tough at the moment.
I too can't mention anything about gambling to my family, as it immediately sets alarm bells ringing with them, and apart from the forum, i have no one else to talk to about how it affects me sometimes.
I am sure you will recover from your over-diaryitis- the forum wouldn't be the same without you.
Hi wp... thanks mate 🙂
I surprise myself at how quickly i am getting back on track. Your support is awesome as always.. S.A 🙂
Hi wp,
Lets keep going on this quest for a happier life mate, WE DESERVE IT as much as the next bloke/lass!
Take Care
Hi wp.
Hope alls well mate.
Sorry you have a few bills stacking up....i know how you feel there wp.When i have too many i pay what i can and the rest have to wait.Not a perfect way of doing things..but what i don't have they can't get.
Not going to let my family starve for a whole month.Try not to let it get you down though mate.
400 days gamble free is some achievement.You should be well proud of that.
Hope you have a great weekend.
many thanks dan,tommi,s.a,blues,viggo,getting there,seano and stumper 🙂 no gambling thoughts as yet this week....i must say that as much as reading other diaries helps my recovery one diary in particular caught my eye this week....whilst my friend s.a hits rock bottom another diary at the same time was trying out controlled gambling.....surely reading of how far this addiction can affect us should be a deterrent in itself....anyways its not a rant at gamcare as this is a resonsible gambling site ?? have a great bet free weekend my friends,today i wont bet,tomorrow i wont bet we can do this folks 🙂
Winning Post- Hello mate, long time no speak, so glad your still gamble free and staying positive. Hope the family is ok too.
Have a good weekend mate.
hi wp
i just wonted to say hi to you
i have raed your diary from time to time.
and you have give me strenth and resolve at times. i have not posted to often (makeing up for that now)becouse i did not feel in the right place. but have allways look at diarys thaks for your posts no my diary and thanks for all you have inspied in yours.
you are a good man keep strong and be safe
Hi wp
Keep up the good work and keep posting, everyday we get stronger and stay happier.
Who needs gambling? only those greedy bookmakers. Temptation is everywhere but we must simply rise above it and say what the f**k.
Hi wp.
Thanks for the post mate.
I agree with you about your sweet shop analogy. To be honest though i don't really look at the racing pages anymore. I just knew that one of my old 'friends' would be due a run this weekend. Not a chance of me having a bet though.
Cheers for your continued support it really does mean a lot.
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