Day 112
Xmas lunch today, looking forward to it, no urges at present and today I will not gamble.
Day 113
Feeling slightly worse for wear after Xmas lunch but happy in the knowledge that my fight continues and today I will not place a bet.
Well done on 113 days,
Keep going OAUs
Suzanne xxx
Day 114
Thanks Suzanne, appreciated.
Another weekend closer to Xmas and feeling pretty good at the moment. Normally at this time of year I am stressed thinking about how I am going to pay for Christmas, this year I am content that my finances have improved enough not to worry about things. The debt remains large but every day I refrain from gambling I am winning and slowly paying it back. Be strong everyone today I will not place a bet.
Thanks E,
Don't worry about the debt as long as it is going down even if it's slowly, it's not going up, and you are in control of the debt,
Feels quite good in a way that the debt is not going to spiral out of control, as long as we continue to make the right choices:))
Positive thinking I'd say lol.
Have a good Sunday.
Suzanne xxx
Day 115
Another quick weekend goes by without any gambling......... smashing. A step closer to the next target which is Xmas day and this year I can really celebrate remaining in control. Be strong everyone and today I will not place a bet.
Day 116
Another day flashes past, continuing at a steady pace and its beginning to feel a lot like Xmas!! No bets for me today.
Day 117
Another busy day at work with no time at all to even think about gambling. Happy happy days.
Inspirational stuff ... nice work on racking up those days, but more importantly finding living life without its impact is the biggest buzz.
Day 118
Finished work until after Xmas now, normally that would be a cue for some serious gambling but not this year!!! Time to get everything in place for a big family day which I am looking forward to celebrating, gamble free.
Day 119
17 weeks today although it seems like an eternity it is only a very small step in this recovery journey. Looking forward to my next target which is only a week away! I can then set myself a goal for a gamble free 2016. Keep strong folks and today I will not place a bet.
Day 120
Looking forward to another 'normal' weekend! No gambling today going to chill and cook a nice family dinner while getting ready for next week. If this is normal then I like it!!
Day 121
Another good gamble free day has passed, I can't believe how life is much less stressfull now. Looking forward to Xmas and the start of a new bet free year hopefully the first of many to come.
Day 122
Continuing the stroll towards my next target which is only a few days away. Today I will not place a bet.
Fantastic progress elemental & strolling is the way to tackle this! That's all it needs...Not placing a bet - ODAAT
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